Great Roller Set DVD


New Member

I just watched my DVD Roller Set featuring Gennifer Miller. She does a great job. In addition, I just received my professional dryer. I really don't want to visit my salon, but my hair is really short. I will be retiring from my weekly hair salon visit in a few weeks. I love the fact she doesn't have to blow dry entire hair and flat iron in order to get a sleek look. I'm proud of her. I like to hear from members on their results. :)


Gennifer used to be a member here, Macherieamour (sp?). Lots of members loved her DVD and rollerset technique. If you search, there are lots of threads by her and about her and her techniques.
Yeah, this is a great dvd. It really helped me learn how to properly rollerset. I tried the youtube tutorials but I still wasn't getting the hang of it so I took a chance and purchased this from I was able to see exactly what I was doing wrong with my rollersets and fix it.
Yep. I would have thought I couldn't rollerset if it wasn't for this DVD. But, my results turn out great now!
Hi Ladies,
Can someone post a link to purchase this DVD? I can't seem to find it on amazon and I have a coupon...LOL
I have been interested in this for a while now but I was waiting for it to go on sale but it looks like the price went up.
Man, That roller set was a job. I was able to roll roll pull, but it couldn't keep the roller from falling off due to placing the clip incorrectly. It will definetely take some time to understand the concept. Hey, since I'll be doing my own hair, I'll have plently of practice. What do they say, "practice makes perfect." I surely need some patience to perfect this task. Happy Holidays...:)
I used to get the best results with the mesh roller with the pins and end papers. Now that I'm natural I will be trying that again some time in the future. The pins really help get the roots stretched out but ...good gracious, you can get a head ache too if you aren't careful and place those babies just right :lol:
This is how I learned back in March. I've been rollersetting ever since! :)

Macherie's DVD definitey works!
I used the mesh rollers many years ago and they too were difficult to get a smooth curl. You know, Ma, Practice, Practice, Practice. I will continue to practice, since I spent $169 on my hard hood dryer. I figure instead of paying $25 for a roller set by the time I've perfected the roller set, I should paid for this dryer. Let's Roll... :)
I have it; i watched it, but i've never put it to use. since i joined the rollersetting challenge i guess i have to dig it out and revisit it for some tips and pointers.