Great Compliment on my hair!


Well-Known Member
This morning I did a rollerset with pink rollers, finger combed my hair just a bit and *gasp* dressed like a woman! Yes there were hoots and whistles and honks all over the place. I went to Beauty Mart to go smell Africa's Best Lite Tea Tree Gro, and while browsing an old lady comes up to me and says "Excuse me, does this store carry Proclaim products?" I told her "No, ma'am. Proclaim is a brand sold exclusively by Sally's."

After she thanked me, I walked away and kept browsing, and she started following me. After I picked up a product and put it down, she would pick up the same product and started studying the label. I tried not to notice that she was following me and commenced to sniff the Tea Tree Gro when all of a sudden she asks "Can you get me that black wig on the top row?"
I looked at her really strange for a second, because I didn't understand why she was asking me, a 5ft tall woman, to get some wig from the top shelf. So I told her, "Ma'am, I'm sorry, but I don't work here. But I know that the manager right there can get it for you."

Can u believe that this lady said to me "Oh I am so sorry! I thought you worked here! You were studying the ingredients in the products and looked so knowledgeable about all this stuff. Your hair looks so long and pretty I thought you worked here. Really I am sorry. Can you please tell me what products you are using, I am willing to learn whatever you do."

Dang. I was thinkin that I ain't the guru of hair, but I told her that I use stuff from the drugstore like VO5 Extra Body Conditioner. She thought I was lying! We had a looooooongggg conversation about haircare and I pretty much told her stuff I learned from & LHCF. Did I mention that she wrote ALL this stuff down, including my regimen! She was willing to listen to everything, She was so kind!

Man I was about to cry. I never received a compliment about my hair before like that (cause for 1. I dress like a man, and 2. I rarely expose my hair). I just wanted to share my experience. Happy Growing Everybody!
See that settles it, the proof is in the puddin. Dont just talk about long healthy hair, show it. Thats great Anky and cause for celebration
I know that felt good to get such a compliment Anky, I think if you had worn your hair down and dressed like a guy you would have still gotten the hair admiration!
zDoesnt it feel great to get compliments? I havent received them in about a month since i cut my hair off, but im not upset about Congrats and it was really nice of you to give that advice!!!!!!!
Yeah that was really nice of her. That's the kind of stuff that makes us really feel good, it lets us know we are definitely doing something right.
I loved reading that!!! I am very proud of you. What a testament to LHCF!

PS: What do you mean by you normally dress like a man? And why the change today??? (am I nosey or what?)
Well, its the next day and I am going back to my man clothes, bun, satin scarf and baseball hat. I'm gonna do a co-wash with suave humectant to get rid of the curls.

I can't describe how I felt wearing my hair down,... I guess the word "powerful" is the word i need to use. And I had too much power that day. I don't think imma wear my hair like that for a while! Too much attention!