Great Big Thanks to the Ladies LHCF


Active Member
I just want to say thank you ladies :bighug:You all have inspired me so much that I did something today that I never thought I would. I spoke up for my hair. I went in for a touch up today after stretching for 10 weeks. The stylist asked me if i wanted to get my ends trimmed. I said no. She then proceeds to tell me that my ends are dead. Well, aren't all ends dead? In fact, isn't hair dead? I again told her no, maybe next time. While she is styling my hair she is still singing her song about dead ends. Not once did she say damaged or split.

Anyway, the moral of the story is in the past I would have given in. Because of you ladies and the knowledge I've gained on the boards I didn't. Had I given in I probably would be sporting a short bob.

Again, thank you ladies of LHCF :grin::grin::grin::grin:

I've been lurking long enough to know that this thread is no good with out pictures


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Good job!!!! It's a C-O-N-spiracy. They are trying to keep us bald-headed!!
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Good for you! I like reading stories with a happy ending.....Your hair is pretty and looks healthy to me! LOL @ the stylist singing her song and dance during the whole appt!

@dlewis - Your Avi is killing me....LOL...."finally covers breasts"....LOL
I'm so glad that you felt empowered and that you stood up for yourself. Congratulations on being in charge of your hair. It looks lovely.
Good that you didn't give in. A girl I just met, who used to be a stylist back home, told me I needed to cut my hair "in order for it to grow" and that I should go to her because she has "growing hands". I told her that's a myth and it was as if I had just insulted her mother. But she couldn't stop touching my hair that night lol :)
Thanks ladies! The one thing I learned from lurking is to follow my gut when it comes to my hair.

@Classychic1908, I'm currently deployed to Germany. The good thing is that I'm going back to the States next Thursday for good. However, I will be in the market for a new stylist. Wish me luck!
Your hair came out gorgeous! I bet she gave you the stank eye when you told her that all hair is dead!:lachen: No longer will you be a victim of a trim happy stylist. OFF TOPIC...Shame on DLewis for posting a food pic.:nono::lick:::rolleyes:
Good for you for not caving into the pressure, OP. Some stylist sure know how to make a person feel guilty. They get the *side-eye*...especially when their hair isn't on point.
Wooo Hoooo! Finally a story where someone stands up to these scissor-happy stylists! Good for you! And your ends look fine to me, she was just trying to cut off your progress.
Good job! How come the stylist couldn't just let it go after you told her the FIRST time that you didn't want a trim? But I am so glad you were stern on your word, though.
Good job!!!! It's a C-O-N-spiracy. They are trying to keep us bald-headed!!


Shonte, your hair looks healthy and your ends look great. I'm glad you didn't fall for it. Stylists never ask me if I want my ends cut cuz I never go to the salon LOL
Girl bye. Ain't nothin hardly wrong with your ends.
That's like the stylist who used to tell my mom that she had to get a trim whenever she got a touch-up. Errrr? What does your new growth have to do with your ends? Unless your ends are looking like a lego piece, I don't see why you would NEED a trim.
Your hair looks good! Way to go girl!