Greasy Hair Tips


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Greasy Hair

A little oil or grease in your hair is normal; in fact you need it to keep your
tresses in good condition. But too much can make your hair look dirty
and limp. If both your hair and scalp are greasy, make sure you are not
using a shampoo or conditioner that is too heavy for your hair. If only
your scalp is greasy, try using a shampoo for oily hair and a conditioner for dry hair for balance.

Other tips for controlling greasy hair include:

  • Cleaning your hair every other day. You may be tempted to wash your hair frequently, but the oil glands on your scalp are actually stimulated by massage so the more you wash your hair, the greasier your scalp becomes.
  • Using the flat of your fingers to shampoo your hair for a more gentle cleaning action.