GRE Friday, Please Pray for Me!


With Love & Silk
GRE Friday, Please Pray for Me! ***UPDATE!***

Hi Sisters,

I am taking the GRE this Friday. I have been studying for the last 3 months and studying like crazy for the last 2. Since we are to be specific in our prayers, here are my particular petitions and I ask you to pray these things for me also:

*peace leading up to the test--I pray to not be anxious or nervous, but relaxed in His peace

*peace during the test--it is timed and thus a pressurized situation. Also, please pray that I finish in the allotted time without having to rush to some answers.

*sharpness of mind--despite all studying, different things can affect our recall and performance, please pray that I am mentally alert and aware as I take the exam. Please pray that I do not make careless mistakes and that I would see how to get to solutions quickly, rather than stumbling to figure things out.

*Score--my personal preference is to score at least a total of 1300 with 600 on Math and 700 on verbal. I have come close to this in my practice, but have not hit it yet! I know He can do exceeding abundantly though!

Thanks :)
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I will definitely be praying for you, Sis. I pray that the Lord gives you that that peace that passes all understanding and that He will bring things back to your remembrance as you go through the test.

Agreeing with you for a successful outcome,

All of this and more I shall pray with and for you, Supergirl.

And to add, 'You are more than a Conqueror through Jesus' Christ who loves you.'

:love4: See, you are surrounded by His love and ours.
Proper preparation is the best plan and you are all over that!!! Keeping you and your success in my prayers!!! I KNOW you'll do well!!:cup:
I will be praying for you. Just took MCAT last May so I understand... God has not given us the spirit of fear, but the Lord has given us power, love and a SOUND MIND. You will do well.
Thank you so much everyone. :kiss:

Glossy, I have a master's in Elementary Education. I am now returning for a doctorate in Curriculum & Instruction. :) (I was not required to take the GRE prior to now, because I met other criteria for admission to the master's program)
All Praises Glory to Our Father God for This Testimony and thank you so much for your prayers Christian sisters! He truly does hear and answer with Love!

I scored 700 on the verbal portion and 670 on the quantitative for a whopping total of 1370!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo--Go God!
All Praises Glory to Our Father God for This Testimony and thank you so much for your prayers Christian sisters! He truly does hear and answer with Love!

I scored 700 on the verbal portion and 670 on the quantitative for a whopping total of 1370!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo--Go God!
Amen! :clap: Congratulations Supergirl and a Super Superior Girl you are! Child of God, highly favored of the Lord...

:bighug: :woot: :bighug: :woot: :bighug:
All Praises Glory to Our Father God for This Testimony and thank you so much for your prayers Christian sisters! He truly does hear and answer with Love!

I scored 700 on the verbal portion and 670 on the quantitative for a whopping total of 1370!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo--Go God!

1370 is a terrific score!!! Congrats! I knew you were gonna do well so I'm not surprised. But I am going to study for the GRE and take it in December. Could you tell me what you used to study?Did you take a GRE prep course? I would loooove to have your score.

Just wanted to say congratulations!
Wow, that's an impressive score!
To God be the glory; I know you are pleased!

Anyway, I would like to ask you what you used/how did you study in preparation for the GRE?
Did you use several books or a specific book?( I saw some at Border's)
Did you take an online prep course?
Did you take written or computerized practise tests?

How long did it take you to complete the actual test?

If it's the Lord's will, I will be going to grad school next fall to get my master's in social work.
I must submit my application packet including my GRE score by January 15th.

Any adivice you can share would be greatly appreciated.

And again, congratulations!

Be blessed,
Glossi and DK,

Here are all the details of my GRE prep.

I used the Barron's How to Prepare for The GRE guide. It was actually recommended to me by several LHCF ladies in an OT thread. Maybe do a search over there for GRE and see if you can find that thread--lots of good advice there. Anyway, I did not get the latest edition. I got the one right before it and I DID get the one with the CD-Rom. The CD-Rom is a useful tool. I started the Barron's book about 3 months before I planned to take the test. Barron's was my main source.

There is a free website called which was also recommended by ladies on this site. I signed up for, probably 3 years ago but was very half-hearted with it. Still, it is a good resource. When I got serious about taking the GRE, I did use the site more often but only as a supplement.

To begin, I took the Barron's diagnostic test.

I put myself on a study schedule with the Barron's book. I actually wrote my daily schedule on a paper calendar for all the days up to test day. Now of course, the schedule was not set in stone but served as a great guide to keep me in line. There is a 3,500 word list in the Barron's book--it is invaluable. The list is chunked into 50 lists. I took on the grueling task of studying all 50 lists. It was painful, but worth it. You will find that you probably already know 25-40% of the words. There will be some that you know that have other definitions that maybe you were not aware of. Then there will be those that you have the essence of the meaning already, but if someone asked you you would not be able to put the meaning into words. Either way, the list is really a great tool.

After each list is a little quiz that you take the next day to see how well you retained the info. I would usually study 1 list daily, occasionally 2. After every 5 lists I studied, I would go over those 5 to see which definitions I was solid on. Any that I had forgotten, I would make a flashcard for. There were some words that I would put a dot by because maybe I semi-recalled (not a real word!) them, but I didn't make a flash card. I studied my flashcards daily. When I knew that I knew that I knew a certain definition on a flash card, I'd set that card aside so as not to waste time on it any longer. I went back to the words I'd dotted about a week and a half before test day. If I had trouble with them, I made a card for them.

My usual regimen the first 1-2 months was to do a word list and one of the Barron's exercises each day. Depending on my mood, I would possibly double up on exercises or lists on a particular day. I would always take a day to study the "tactics" on a particular type of exercise before actually doing the practice exercises.

After about the first month of study, I began taking practice tests. I would take about 2 each week. By the time it was all over, I'd probably taken 10-12 practice tests. Only the first 2 that I took were untimed. After that, I started timing myself on all of them. There are 5 practice tests in the Barron's book and 1 on the CD-Rom. I also found a free test online at This test, if you ask me, is nothing like the real deal but still good practice. My score was very low on this test, but I got hipped to Kaplan's game real fast. "Take our test. We'll score you low and then you'll think you need to buy one of our products to help you."

Once I got to the Barron's Math, I realized that GRE Math was not straight forward Math. I was rusty. I've never considered myself to be good at Math and only had to take 3 hours of Math in college. The Barron's Math practice exercises are good and so are the "tactics"--definitely confidence boosters. There is also an extremely thorough Math review in the back of the Barron's book. However, being rusty I found that some of it was still confusing or over my head. I found out about a book called The Ultimate Math Refresher. I read about it on from some of the reviewers of the Barron's book. So, I ordered it about 2 weeks before the test. This book was great at simplifying things and reminding me of so many things I had been taught in high school Math, but had simply forgotten from lack of use. It took me a week to work through it. This book made me feel a whole lot better about the Math.

Writing--I feel that I am a pretty good writer. I thought the Barron's book provided suitable and ample information about tackling the writing portion of the GRE. Some of the amazon reviewers were not satisfied with it. I guess it depends on how much help someone really needs on that area. I don't like that the writing is timed. I didn't really like that any of the test was timed! Good thinking takes time if you ask me... no soapbox right now! I only practiced writing both essays 3 times before the actual test. The first time I did it untimed, the last 2 I timed myself.

About 6 weeks before the test, I downloaded the Powerprep software from the ETS website. ( ETS will send you the software for free when you register for your test, but they send it about 2 weeks before the test and I'd say you need it way before then. The Powerprep has 2 practice tests that will resemble the testing situation exactly as far as the interface you will see at the real test. There are some that say the Powerprep tests are easier than the real thing. My opinion is that it's pretty close. There are also many great practice exercises with the Powerprep software. I completed ALL of them. I took the 2 Powerprep practice tests within the last week and a half before the test.

Also, within the last week before the test, I bought the ETS GRE preparation book which has quite a few practice tests that were once actual GRE tests. Now, some are from the 80's, but I just wanted the practice, especially in the Math. I took 3-4 tests out of this book.

Within the last month before the test, it was not unusual for me to spend 4-6 hours a day working on GRE stuff. Two weeks before the test, even my exercise regimen that I've been faithful with since November came to a screeching halt! There was definitely a point within my prep where I knew I would make a "satisfactory" score, but there was something in me that wanted to strive for excellence just for the sake of excellence.

Oh and about 2 and a half weeks before the test, I found a GRE forum! It's It was helpful and lots of advice and lots of intimidating people who made 800 on the Math! They would say that the real test was harder than any practice material, but if you are at the 800 level then that makes sense. The GRE is computer adaptive meaning if you get a question right, your next one is going to be harder. So of course with those 800 people getting all the answers right, the computer was going to continue to spit out more challenging questions.

How long was the actual test? I was schedule for my test at 12pm. I'd say that I started right around 12 and left the testing facility right at 4pm. To start, there is a tutorial on the test which is really not necessary especially if you've used the powerprep software. The tutorial teaches you how to scroll, and use a mouse, and click the right answers... Like I said, unnecessary but a great opportunity to relax and get yourself together and let the nerves subside

I was given an experimental math section too. :( This is common at the real GRE, but SO unnerving. You don't know which section is experimental so you have to do your best on all of them. This was an extra 45 minutes! If you don't get an experimental section, then you won't be there for 4 hours like me. :)

I know this was detailed, but y'all know I'm verbose <-----GRE Word
I wanted this to be helpful and thorough.
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Thank you so much super girl. I bought an old edition of the Barrons book for practice and I study the word lists every day. I am carrying the words I dont know on an index card and looking through them when I am riding in the car or waiting for someone.It is true, many of the words I did know but some words like the word "ape" ment something else haha.

The math is going to be brutal but since I am giving myself plenty of time, I dont have to rush it. ANyway congrat again, all your work has paid off.
Thanks so much for the information;that's exactly what I needed to know.
Much appreciated!

Yours in Christ,
Many congratulations, Supergirl. I am late to this thread, but I am proud of your accomplishments and I know that the LCHF prayers helped to see you through.YOU GO GIRL!!!!!