Grand Finale part 2 (my last update for real this time!!) LOL


New Member

Tried to get it a little better than yesterday. Its somewhat better (heavier) but it still just aint how I want it. dont think I will be able to get it there either. it just aint gonna act right. I give up. found out there is 86 percent humidity here on the news this morning. so whats the point of all this anyway? I'm too through tryin LOL Plus my hair is drinking up everything I'm puttin in it , dang.

I'm gonna just make due with it till I'm through wearin this press

ok this is my last update for really real this time. I was just too tempted to TRY to get some better pictures for the final update for my album....ah well. didnt work quite like I hoped. such is life. I aint gonna be going through no more pressing for a while. I wish this one would have worked out better. *sigh*

last update this time or bust!! LOLOL

somebody stop me!!!! hehe
Girl, what are you talking 'bout......your was pretty yesterday and it is still pretty today. LOL Leave it 'lone girl, leave it 'lone!
Why does your first pic look like a HAWAII ad! The background plus Your hair is looking all lush and gorgeous like hawaiians… Looking Great!
LOLOL thank you girl, ladies that press know what I'm sayin. sometimes you get better presses. well this one wasnt one of the better ones girl. Sometimes Its just something you see and know and others might not, but I'm done for real this time, and leavin it alone.

I aint gonna press again for a long time to come either

Netta1 said:
Girl, what are you talking 'bout......your was pretty yesterday and it is still pretty today. LOL Leave it 'lone girl, leave it 'lone!
Gurl I wish I was in hawaii!! and dang I wish my hair did look like theirs LOL

my hair is more like oatmeal, done in an instant. LOL there is about 86 percent humidity out here right now...this press just aint gonna work this time

foxybronx said:
Why does your first pic look like a HAWAII ad! The background plus Your hair is looking all lush and gorgeous like hawaiians… Looking Great!
Irresistible said:

Tried to get it a little better than yesterday. Its somewhat better (heavier) but it still just aint how I want it. dont think I will be able to get it there either. it just aint gonna act right. I give up. found out there is 86 percent humidity here on the news this morning. so whats the point of all this anyway? I'm too through tryin LOL Plus my hair is drinking up everything I'm puttin in it , dang.

I'm gonna just make due with it till I'm through wearin this press

ok this is my last update for really real this time. I was just too tempted to TRY to get some better pictures for the final update for my album....ah well. didnt work quite like I hoped. such is life. I aint gonna be going through no more pressing for a while. I wish this one would have worked out better. *sigh*

last update this time or bust!! LOLOL

somebody stop me!!!! hehe
im bout to call the cops on you for indecent exposure!!! why you outside all nekkid?!?!?!? :lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
This is too funny! LOL Leave it alone gurl. It's beautiful! I don't know whatcha mean but it's gonna do what it's gonna do. You can't fight humidity without losing your sanity. It's gawgeous none the less. GAWGEOUS!

You've must have burned some calories with that arm of yours huh? The whole process described just tuckered me out! lol

Repeat after me...."stay away from the pressing comb..."
Thank you girl, yeah cause right after these pics I was back in full blown Diana Ross stage LOLOL

I was puttin alot of pressure on myself for these pics cause it was my finale to finish up my albums. I got over it now though. I think I wasnt happy with this press cause I always have that one "bomb" press to go by and compare all others to, that I got last year.

NO press has ever been that good. look at the curls in the pic in my siggy and then look at the new ones. they pale in comparison LOL

anyway I'm just glad its done now.

Mestiza said:
Humidity can be a real monster. Even in that, your hair is GORGEOUS!!! ;-D
Somethin others might not fully understand. I just know my hair and this press sucked to me. I was fightin the humidity within minutes of doing my hair. It just wasnt my best press. and I normally wouldnt even care, just had alot of pressure on me (put it on myself) due to it being my last update

now this album was my bestest press and probably why I wasnt happy with this one I just did

anway thank you girl. I'm just glad to be done with it all now

I did all that and still havent worn it down, cause of the humidity either. That sucks too. But It was me that didnt check the level of moisture in the air first *duh*

Yas said:
I agree with the previous poster...what are you talking about? Your hair looks great!
Thank you girl *smiles*

I'm actually happy with my hair in all stages. I was just hopin for a better final update album.

Oh well girl. Its as good as its gonna get. I just ended up comparing it to my best press and I think thats why I wasnt happy with it either, more for the pics than my hair itself.

SxFtMahgnyCurvs said:
In a bun, pressed, or big boufy and wild...your hair always looks good!
LOL I havent pressed in 7 months for this exact reason. its too dang tiring. but I needed a good trim (badly) and i wanted my last update to be a press. I'm retiring it all now though and so is the pressing comb. , Untill next trim is needed.

Thank you girl, really, this just wasnt the best press (I know ya'll aint gonna understand that fully) but with the humidity and all it was all a ****** to go through all that! LOL

Most of the pressure came from me wanting my last update to be a certain way cause otherwise girl, I wouldnt not one bit care. Anyway its done now and I"m over it
*sings praises*
Honi said:
This is too funny! LOL Leave it alone gurl. It's beautiful! I don't know whatcha mean but it's gonna do what it's gonna do. You can't fight humidity without losing your sanity. It's gawgeous none the less. GAWGEOUS!

You've must have burned some calories with that arm of yours huh? The whole process described just tuckered me out! lol

Repeat after me...."stay away from the pressing comb..."
LOL I didnt end up trimming it. I came to my senses and realized I was more just in "wig out" mode cause of it being my final update. That longer layer is still there. and aint goin nowhere LOL

Dolapo said:
and like it. and yeah , leave it be. and oh, no more trimming. georgous (sp) hair
Im done , I promise. I swear to God LOL

Most of the issue was humidity and the lazy job I did to boot, what ya'll saw in the pics lasted a few dang minutes , from then on it was full blown poof. For the most part, It really sucks to go through all that work to end up with just wearing it up anyway.

anyway i got done what I wanted. A good trim, My final update (which is why i felt all pressured for it to look a certain way) and a somewhat instructional album on pressing(ladies are always asking me about it) all in all, I'm just glad its over and I did get what I wanted done ....and really glad its over now!

DangerouslyShy said:
somebody needs to smack your hair if you go touching it again...

lol your hair looks great!!
With this being my final update and all

I just wanted to say to all you ladies. Thank you for all the love and support you all have shown me over these past two years! I had some great times here, sharing with you all and helping others any way I could, when I could. and am thankfull for all I have learned. I will not be doing any more updates at all for a long time to come. and do plan on totally limiting all my time on the net, hair groups, hair boards, looking at hair pics, fotki, all of it. I gotta break this dang obsession LOL and focus my energies on other things, Its time!!!. I really really wanted my final update to be a certain way , It didnt quite turn out how I hoped. *sigh* But I'm ok with that now. At first it was stressin me but I'm done with all that now. Now, I just hope my album continues to help/bless others while I'm away, and my album can continue on for a long time to come without me, and others enjoy it cause I sure put alot into it at times. I wish you all many blessings ladies!!!!!

*kiss on the cheek* to all of you. happy hair growing and learning to you all!!! *group hug*

Peace 2 u all

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LOL @single tear

I'm feeling like shedding many cause it has been a real journey and experience for me and I actually really bonded with many, doing all i did meant alot to me actually. I know some will be glad to stop seeing my hair LOL. But some actually wont, and will actually miss my updates (yeah can you believe that one? LOL)and some new ladies that might come along later and need help just might happen upon my album and actually be inspired by it or or find something within it that might help them. thats more important to me , than anybody who got sick of my hair LOL. I'm thankfull for all I put into my albums.......

But yes its an end of an Era. a whole journey that I endeavored upon is now ending


Shatani said:
its the end of an era! *single tear*

bye, iris!!!! :D
Irresistible said:
With this being my final update and all

I just wanted to say to all you ladies. Thank you for all the love and support you all have shown me over these past two years! I had some great times here, sharing with you all and helping others any way I could, when I could. and am thankfull for all I have learned. I will not be doing any more updates at all for a long time to come. and do plan on totally limiting all my time on the net, hair groups, hair boards, looking at hair pics, fotki, all of it. I gotta break this dang obsession LOL and focus my energies on other things, Its time!!!. I really really wanted my final update to be a certain way , It didnt quite turn out how I hoped. *sigh* But I'm ok with that now. At first it was stressin me but I'm done with all that now. Now, I just hope my album continues to help/bless others while I'm away, and my album can continue on for a long time to come without me, and others enjoy it cause I sure put alot into it at times. I wish you all many blessings ladies!!!!!

*kiss on the cheek* to all of you. happy hair growing and learning to you all!!! *group hug*

Peace 2 u all


You will be greatly missed....:cry3:
Irresistible said:
With this being my final update and all

I just wanted to say to all you ladies. Thank you for all the love and support you all have shown me over these past two years! I had some great times here, sharing with you all and helping others any way I could, when I could. and am thankfull for all I have learned. I will not be doing any more updates at all for a long time to come. and do plan on totally limiting all my time on the net, hair groups, hair boards, looking at hair pics, fotki, all of it. I gotta break this dang obsession LOL and focus my energies on other things, Its time!!!. I really really wanted my final update to be a certain way , It didnt quite turn out how I hoped. *sigh* But I'm ok with that now. At first it was stressin me but I'm done with all that now. Now, I just hope my album continues to help/bless others while I'm away, and my album can continue on for a long time to come without me, and others enjoy it cause I sure put alot into it at times. I wish you all many blessings ladies!!!!!

*kiss on the cheek* to all of you. happy hair growing and learning to you all!!! *group hug*

Peace 2 u all


LAWD HAM MERCY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**holds onto Iris's leg**

Where you going? Don't go please we neeeeeeeeeeed you.
Irresistible said:
LOL @single tear

I'm feeling like shedding many cause it has been a real journey and experience for me and I actually really bonded with many, doing all i did meant alot to me actually. I know some will be glad to stop seeing my hair LOL. But some actually wont, and will actually miss my updates (yeah can you believe that one? LOL)and some new ladies that might come along later and need help just might happen upon my album and actually be inspired by it or or find something within it that might help them. thats more important to me , than anybody who got sick of my hair LOL. I'm thankfull for all I put into my albums.......

But yes its an end of an Era. a whole journey that I endeavored upon is now ending


aww!! Those updates were wonderful. Your album is fantastic and inspirational. Your hair is beautiful You'll be missed. I'm going to see if you really can stay away..its
LOLOL Girl, awww I gotta break this hair obsession somehow girl. the madness of taking pics, visting fotki albums for hours, running my group,being on here (lhcf), man you can really get lost in it all. I need to focus on other things now girl. I will still be checkin in though, slow withdrawl I guess? LOL

dang girl, i love the girls hair in your siggy, omg I wish my hair looked like that wow

LondonDiva said:
LAWD HAM MERCY NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**holds onto Iris's leg**

Where you going? Don't go please we neeeeeeeeeeed you.
Aww thank you girl

whew girl, I know its gonna be hard, I gotta see if i can do it too???!!! LOL

Pray for me ya'll

why isnt there some kinda 12 step program or somethin? LOL

sylver2 said:
aww!! Those updates were wonderful. Your album is fantastic and inspirational. Your hair is beautiful You'll be missed. I'm going to see if you really can stay away..its
Irresistible said:
LOL @single tear

...I know some will be glad to stop seeing my hair LOL. But some actually wont, and will actually miss my updates (yeah can you believe that one? LOL)...

Yep, me
:cry: :cry: :( :wallbash: :cry: :crying3: :notworthy :cry2: :computer: :ill:
awww Peachtree, hugs girl. maybe I will sneak in an update here and there still? , once I recover my camera from the trees I threw it in off my balcony to stop me from this madness LOLOL

I'm still gonna be checkin on you though girl!!!

I just pray I can make it through the withdrawls lmao

Peachtree said:
Yep, me
:cry: :cry: :( :wallbash: :cry: :crying3: :notworthy :cry2: :computer: :ill: