
New Member
Today my grandma and my cousin ask me why I wash my hair so much I told them I wash my hair once a week and they said why do you wash your hair like that white girl and I could not say nothing and they said you just got your hair relaxed last Sunday they think you only suppose to wash your hair when you get a relaxer so then they said that washing your hair so much makes your relaxer go away to quick and they always so quick to ask me how did I get my hair to grow to the length it is and how did I get it healthier then what it was
It's funny how people won't see the answer when it's right in front of their face. And even when you spell it out it's still not believable. Keep doin' ya thang girl ;).
Oh boy can I relate. I get asked that too. Why do I wash my hair so much. I just laugh when people associate washing often to acting white. No, I want to take care of my hair. Point Blank. You just have to laugh sometimes at people and roll on. Do you healthy hair thing lady!!
I swear when I first started, people would ask me that ALL THE TIME! And now, the haters are.....

-----Silenced------ :lachen:

Its funny how the same people that actually argued with me in the beginning about my new found hair care routine are the same one's that are doing the baggie method and protective styling like its nobody's business!! That cracks me up!:lachen:
Like water off of your back.
Soon, they will see where you are and where they STILL are; and they'll have nothing to say.
A girl in my dorm used to wash her hair every 3 or 4 MONTHS. Nasty....I also know a girl who shampoos her hair everyday. People validate the crazy things they want to do so they won't feel crazy for doing it. Just keep doing wha tyou know works for your hair and don't even entertain their conversation on the subject next time.