Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding- pics


New Member
i posted a week or so ago about losing massive amounts of hair, well ladies i've found out what it was. When i stopped eating beef/poultry/pork and dairy 3 months ago, i never adjusted my diet to make up for the lack of protein i would be experiencing from these sources ie: i should have started eating more beans, nuts etc. And to top it off i've been working out like crazy which means i need even MORE protein than the amount i've been depriving myself of. Well come to find out when your body is deprived of protein, it puts your hair in resting phase and starts shedding (normally about 2-3 months after the body starts to have the defiency) which is the exact time this started happening to me. I'm just relieved to know what it is now so i can stop being paranoid about what in the hell is wrong with my hair. Also that it's completely reversable just by changing my diet. I still eat fish so i added one can of tuna(32g protein) to my diet every day so i can just get the bulk of the protein i need daily out the way (50g) then i can get the other 18 grams from other food souces. Also B-6 seems to prevent shedding, no one knows why yet but doctors often reccommend it to patients with dietary based shedding. Along with eating my protein now and taking my 100 mg of B-6 daily i should get this shedding under control soon. -- i've added a few new pics to my album for march
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

im glad you found the source of your problem but have you thought about having protein shakes instead of the tuna cause im pretty sure sooner or later you'll get pretty tired of the taste of it. you can get 40g worth from 4 desert spoons. good luck
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

Glad you solved the problem jainy...try adding tofu to your tastes like whatever you cook it with...
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

jainygirl that's wonderful you figured out the root of your problem and posted it here, so that we can learn from your experience.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

Along with the protein, You may have had a small iron deficiency too. Im glad that you figured it out.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

Glad you got to the bottom of it too. On what do you base your total protein intake needs?
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

i learned in my nutriton class if you cut meat out of your diet you can substitute the protein by eating legumes and grains together. such as rice and beans or peanut butter and bread. this is what vegans do b/c protein is essential and you cant do without it.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

I glad that you got to the root of your shedding. Thanks for sharing the info too.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

I like the new pics. And good advice in this thread. Be careful of mercury poisoning from eating tuna so often.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

soulchild said:
I like the new pics. And good advice in this thread. Be careful of mercury poisoning from eating tuna so often.

[/ QUOTE ]

thanks and i will
i may only do the tuna twice a week for lunch then do a vegan chili a couple of days since that has alot of beans in it. also i do LOVE me some peanut butter
but i'm trying SO hard to stay away from it because i just cant eat that stuff in moderation
i crave peanut butter the way most women crave chocolate but i think i'll allow myself a peanut butter banana sandwich every once in a while now.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

Your new pics are so beautiful Jainygirl with great progress! I too crave peanut butter and I eat it every single day! I'm about to get me some more today. The organic peanut butter (nothing added, just ground up organic peanuts) is supposed to be the best and it's so good for us. My favorite is the Once and Again brand that health food stores have. I've learned even the peanut oils in it are good for us also and will not add weight. It's great for our hearts.
Re: Got to the Root of my massive hair shedding

jainygirl,your hair still looks nice and healthy. your ends look great too. glad you're paying attention to your diet.