Got my weave Done today!!


New Member
I got it done today. It comes to my sholders, and it looks great. I hope my hair will grow in it. My hair was so short, that the lady had to use extensions to cornrow my hair. And then my hair looks full. Problem is that if I spray something sparaling on my hair. It won't reach my real hair, only the fake. Should I put alot of the product on my hair then?
Congratulations on your new hairstyle, I bet the weave looks beautiful. I'm sure someone will answer your questions soon.
You need to spray each individual cornrow underneath the track really good with something that's moisturizing. That's really important because I damaged my ends by not keeping it properly moist under the weave. I thought I was by oiling it but evidently, it wasn't enough moisture. Now my ends are just getting back healthy.

Do a search for the "what's in your spray bottle" thread. There are some great ideas there. Some of the ladies like to use S-Curl for moisture. It's up to you.

I sometimes use Sulfer 8 on my scalp when it itches alot.
My cornrows are a little damp right now under my weave cause I just sprayed it with a water/glycerin/rosemary oil/aloe vera/conditioner combo that I created.

I do this twice a day.
Its too bad that you can't get one of those cans with a straw like the ones that come on a can of WD-40 - so that you could ease the straw under and into the cornrow and focus the spray there....
Hey nessa girl i had my weave done a month ago and the lady weaved it so close my scalp was non-existant so i couldnt oil it or anything i did a little bit b4 it got weaved though. I left my hair alone for a month and it grown out. I felt my hair underneath and my hair was OILY i don't know where that came from though, i think it was th natura oi my scalp produced and the fact that it was proteced from air so it wouldn' dry out?, just a guess i don't know if this helps but i hope it does in some strange way...
Hey gurl,

Whoa, so your natural sebum, mosturized your hair? My hair is very dry so it needs to be mosturize. Okay I will mosturize each cornrow. THank you all.
I think it depends on if you have a relaxer or not. My hair is relaxed so it dries out faster. When it was natural and I wore braids or a weave, it did not dry out at all. My hair grew really well without me having to add much oil or moisture to it. With it being relaxed, I have to work harder at keeping it from drying out.
Congratulations Nessa!

No, don't put alot of products on it. Just perhaps a touch of oil and spritz if needed for holding in some areas.
Its too bad that you can't get one of those cans with a straw like the ones that come on a can of WD-40 - so that you could ease the straw under and into the cornrow and focus the spray there....

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I think pink oil makes an oil sheen like that with the straw but I've never tried it
I will just apply olive oil, or canola, or vegetable oil to my scalp. I don't have scurl, I need to buy that and all.