
Hair product junkie reloaded!
I got it in the mail today....eeew...that thing DOES small like bacon! Bacon gone horribly wrong...bleh....I cannot imagine walking aroudn smelling like this.. I will start using it and develope a regimen that i can fellow given my busy schedule...but I do forsee a LOT of washing...bleh...I am bout to pass out with this open bottle next to me.....eeeew. Happy growing!
I got mine about 3 weeks ago and today is the first time I have had the nerve to put the stinky stuff in my head. I have a plastic cap on now and when I go to sleep I am going to put a scarf over it and PIN a towel to my pillow cuz I don't want the odor to seep into my pillow. I am trying to keep it on all night.....if the smell allows me to. First thing in the morning...I am shapooing this out. I plan on doing it twice a week...I can't do it everyday...even tho it's loaded with peppermint oil, lemongrass, and tea tree oil. Ugh!
Yes the smell is wretched, but the stuff does work as it evidenced by all the MTG posts. I put mine into another bottle with a apllicator nozzle. I fill it 75% with MTG. Then I add a lil castor oil or jojoba oil. I then ass rosemary, peppermint and lemograss essential oils to it. These oils are very pungent and do a geat job of cutting the smell of MTG. I love the lemongrass. It's got a wonderful smell. Also put it on and night and by morning the smell fades. HHG
I used MTG for the first time the other night. I went to work the following morning and I did not have time to wash it out (I didn't use a lot). A few people in my office said "Who is cooking?" Then one co-worker said "Mmmmm...I smell bacon. I'm hungry." :lachen:
preshuz said:
I used MTG for the first time the other night. I went to work the following morning and I did not have time to wash it out (I didn't use a lot). A few people in my office said "Who is cooking?" Then one co-worker said "Mmmmm...I smell bacon. I'm hungry." :lachen:


So, y'all put it on over night and wash it out in the morning and still get the same great results?

Do you apply it to freshly washed (shampoo or co), just dampened, or dry hair?
preshuz said:
I used MTG for the first time the other night. I went to work the following morning and I did not have time to wash it out (I didn't use a lot). A few people in my office said "Who is cooking?" Then one co-worker said "Mmmmm...I smell bacon. I'm hungry." :lachen: why is my husband looking at me funny b/c I am ROTF, LMAO!!!!!!! :lachen: That's funny!!! I just ordered mine yesterday, so I can imagine what the mister is going to say....
Maybe he'll stop coming to BED!!!!!!!
my boyfriend is totally grossed out by my pillow. But he understands not to lie on it , the smell soaks through and gets into the pillow so I change my case every 3 days ...lots of laundry ... the towel onthe pillow is a good idea ui added pure lavender essential oil to it on Friday and one coworker actually said it smelled nice. My skin has stopped breaking out my back usually breaks out with all the hair products it is actually clearing up, my hair is really soft and shiny and I think I have some growth cause the front of my head is gray once again ... I dyed it two weeks ago. So It is a keeper fer sure !!!!
preshuz said:
I used MTG for the first time the other night. I went to work the following morning and I did not have time to wash it out (I didn't use a lot). A few people in my office said "Who is cooking?" Then one co-worker said "Mmmmm...I smell bacon. I'm hungry." :lachen:

:lol: :lol:

I have noticed that it does not smell as strong when I put it on freshly washed damp (but not dripping wet) hair.