GOT MY FIRST LACE FRONT TODAY, lace front wearers come in and advise me


Active Member
I went in the Asian BSS to get a regular wig and ended up with a synthetic lace front. I hadn't really been reading up on them but I let them install it for me. I thought the glue was to go on your skin. She put the glue on the first inch of my hair around the edges and used a blow dryer. :sad: After putting the wig on, she blow dried again. Is that the way it is usually applied? Also does anyone know what I should do with my LF at night so it won't be a tangled mess in the morning? I was told my wig will stay put for 2-3 weeks.
first tip: don't go to them to have your unit applied anymore. the glue should go in front of your hairline, not in it.
I'm pretty sure that that application won't last 2-3 weeks, but even if it does, you'll want to take it off before that.
Try to use very few products, especially since its a synthetic unit.
Since they applied the unit in your hairline, make sure you take extra time when you decide to take it down.
Read up as much as possible on lacefronts before you take it off...try to do that as soon as possible.
Omg No No No That is so not cool! :(
I wear them all the time and take it home and do it yourself.
What I do is a little different then most because I am trying to preserve my real hair and it is my priority.
But first I use a spandex cap because it is soft like satin and will prevent breakage then I use a beige colored wig cap to cover that and secure it with bobby pins. I then use a cheap powder foundation on the cap and the lace on the inside of the wig. I cut a piece of wide curved wig tape in half and apply it just under the rim. then apply your wig.
*Cut the seam off the wig cap if it shows and use more pins
*You can use those nylon footies and cut them into strips if you see them at the dollar store and just bobby pin like a head band across the spandex cap.
*Use a make up sponge and water a little beyond the root to remove any excess powder once your wig is applied.
*If you want to wear your wig for a long period don't cut the tape use a layering effect apply the tape so half hits your skin and the other the spandex then apply the wig cap on top of the tape only covering the spandex and top half of the tape. Then apply the wig. use bobby pins and tie it down tight for and hour or so.
* I use bobby pins instead of tape most days, unless its a very special day or I have a date.
*Trim your lace well it will blend better.
HTH Good Luck
Be careful when taking that off it you need tips let me know and please take your time when removing it you may even want to let some oil or remover sit on the glue overnight because goodness knows what she put on your head.
:sleeping: I've been sleep. Just got up. OMG!!! That's my initial reaction to your responses. What have I done? Well, thank you ladies for your advise. I just got it installed yesterday, are you saying I should take it off ASAP or can I wait a week? :perplexed
Mezzo- you don't have to apply it at all. My avi picture is a synthetic lace wig and when I wear it I take it off as soon as I walk in the door- just like any old regular wig.

One the wig feels secure with out any adhesives, I just put a couple of bobby pins and I am good to go.

I have more pics in my fotki- if you need examples

Adhesives are not neccesary at all with lace wigs.
But how do you pin them down? And where do you place the pins or clips? I don't want ANY of my hair out, because I'm not trying to straighten it just yet...
I use pins right at the hair line and I wear a cap because you can put the pins into the cap and protect your hair more also it makes it look more real the part disappears if you put it over black hair.
Don't remove your wig yet if you don't feel like it. Just be careful when brushing and ponying because most of the weight of the wig is attached to the front hair line. If you feel its pulling or it feels tight then you may want to remove it.
My DH asked me where my mind was this morning while I was getting dressed. I was in despair at the possibility of ripping out my edges when I remove my wig. It's more devestating to know that I didn't even have to use glue. Do you think it will be better to remove the wig when the glue starts getting looser?
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Aww sweetie- when you know better you do better. That is the beauty of the hair boards, we're always learning.....

Htown- You don't have to leave out any of your hair if you don't want to. Find a few strategic spots on the wig and you just secure the wig to your hair with a bobby pin. That's all. Or, like Rosie said you can wear a wig cap and pin the wig to the wig cap
Wait till the wig loosens to take it off. If you feel it pulling you can just loosen it a little bit by spraying some sort of silicone spray on the area over the glue. I use Kera Care personally not because its great but because I never use it and I figured out one day glue hates cones. I have no idea why. But it will loosen the glue a little and doesn't make the glue run. I'm really very careful so if I where you I would take a long time to remove it. Put some silicone spray on it today and keep wearing it, then use and eyedropper or something to get the remover right on the glue before bed. I would wear a headband the next day and then reapply the remover again at night. The next day I would soak it in remover and try to wiggle it around. It all depends on what glue she used and its strength. Just be patience and work slowly.