Got a full relaxer... but the HUMIDITY!!!


Active Member
I got my hair fully relaxed the Thursday before last after having my hair in braids or pressed/flatironed for the past couple of years. When straightening my hair I'd notice that my ends would not get completely straight and I was always trimming away knots that had formed at the ends.

Well when I got the relaxer, my ends were still curly (though not as curly/ nappy as my natural texture) while the rest was fairly straight. The stylist told me that she did everything correctly. I forgot the exact wording but that's basically what she meant. And she said my ends are rough. So she gave me a trim and blew my hair dry and curled my hair. Since then my ends have frizzed up when I've gone out in the humidity.

Well when I washed my hair this past Friday I saw that the ends that was still a fair amount of curly hair left at the ends. I plan on just letting this grow out while I gradually trim them off. My hair is in layers and the longest layer is a bit past my chin.

I guess my question is, how do I keep my ends straight with all this humidty? Also, could my ends have been so damaged that they couldn't be straightened? How would you proceed?
I feel your pain. I got my first perm because I wanted my hair to stay straight in the rain and with humid weather. Well 10 years later it still doesn't!! If I go outside when it is humid or raining my hair will droop and then frizz. My stylist told me it's because I have fine hair and no amount of relaxing will control it. It's easy to straighten and easy to frizz. If it is only your ends frizzing consider yourself lucky and maybe it will correct itself overtime like you suggested.
That's what I figure I'll have to do. I just wish I could understand exactly what's up with my ends.
Actually Caress - sometimes when hair is virgin is resists the relaxer some as far as I know. I don't recommend re-relaxing
but I know several people who have had the stronger portions of their hair remain curly/kinky after a relaxer...

Caress you relaxed!
What tipped the scale for you?
I just figured that if I'm going to be pressing my hair most of the time and I'm always worrying about reversion, why not just get a relaxer which is less stressful for me.

Anyway I'm definitely not geting the ends re-relaxed. I'm just not so certain about why they are still curly. Even when I pressed my hair I was having trouble getting them straigght and their were always knots and tangles. I wonder if that was a sign of damage.

How long were you natural? How are you wearing your hair now that it is relaxed? I am thinking about relaxing.
l was natural with pressed hair (this time)for over 2 years. Now that my hair is relaxed I've been wearing the ends bumped under or in a bun or ponytail. It's only been 2 weeks so we'll see.