Gorgeous Men inside and out!


New Member
Have any of you ever known a guy who is drop dead gorgeous and yet he seems to be unaware or I guess I should say he is aware but uncomfortable with the amount of attention he gets from women. A good friend of mine is totally and I do mean totally handsome. He is tall, great build and personality, and handsome as can be. Gorgeous turquoise blue eyes. Well I met him through my job and we have hit it off pretty good. We keep it basic. Don’t cross lines. I think he is attractive and I know he finds me attractive. But whenever I tease him about women trying to catch his attention or flirting with him, he seems embarrassed. I mean this man has women stopping him on the street just to give him their phone number. Believe I know. I was with him one of those times. I asked one of them if she was crazy. She looked at me and said “are you his wife?” I guess she didn’t think a guy like him would be with a black woman (honey, please). I was so pissed off at the way she asked me the question I told her, “Damn right!” Michael at that point just grabbed my hand and said “come on honey” (he was joking of course). I asked him if he ever got tired of all the attention he seems to attract. He then turned to me and said “I don’t pay any attention to them. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. How can I take them seriously.” At that point, my respect for him went up about three more notches.
Yes! I know plenty of gorgeous men outside, but not so much inward. All except one... A. He is sooooo incredibly attractive and everytime i talk to him he gets even more beautiful to me. He has the sweetest desposition and the kindest heart. He is never cruel, angry, always protective and respectful of women.In fact, the first time i saw him, he was in the gym working out and i said to myself, " that will be my husband or i will NEVER marry". I ran back to my roomies to tell them about the world's most beautiful man. That same day, he shows up at our DORM! I nearly died... i just stared at him for a good five minutes b4 i let him in the room. We have been really cool ever since... but alas, he has a girl. She's alright-looking.. but right now she is acting funky. I wish i could tell him how i feel but... i don't think he is going to say yes. He has no real reason too... he is TOO good for me. (yes! I said it! I'll admit it... he is just tooo good-looking for me).
Edie said:
Have any of you ever known a guy who is drop dead gorgeous and yet he seems to be unaware or I guess I should say he is aware but uncomfortable with the amount of attention he gets from women. A good friend of mine is totally and I do mean totally handsome. He is tall, great build and personality, and handsome as can be. Gorgeous turquoise blue eyes. Well I met him through my job and we have hit it off pretty good. We keep it basic. Don’t cross lines. I think he is attractive and I know he finds me attractive. But whenever I tease him about women trying to catch his attention or flirting with him, he seems embarrassed. I mean this man has women stopping him on the street just to give him their phone number. Believe I know. I was with him one of those times. I asked one of them if she was crazy. She looked at me and said “are you his wife?” I guess she didn’t think a guy like him would be with a black woman (honey, please). I was so pissed off at the way she asked me the question I told her, “Damn right!” Michael at that point just grabbed my hand and said “come on honey” (he was joking of course). I asked him if he ever got tired of all the attention he seems to attract. He then turned to me and said “I don’t pay any attention to them. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. How can I take them seriously.” At that point, my respect for him went up about three more notches.

Is he single? Are you single? Cuz ummm honey...from what you described to me (especially the parts in bold) I'd say he probably COULD have a crush on you! :D :D

I know in the past that guys will try to downplay the amount of attention from women that they get especially if the woman they REALLY like is in their midst. They won't try to harp on the attention like: "See how many girls like me??"
Also, the fact that he just went with your little "game" and said "come on honey" gave me the impression that he wouldnt' necessarily mind being romantically linked with you.

Plus, the fact that he said that the attention from female strangers is odd for him because it doesn't mean anything since he doesn't "know them" tells me that he would prefer the attention from a woman that DID know him (ie...YOU!). LOL*

Just a thought....I could be dead wrong though. ;)
Well I know that he finds me attractive. You know what I mean. When we first talked, I could tell he was attracted to me as I was to him. But let's face it, any healthy male and any healthy female will appreciate the attributes of the opposite sex. I am married, but he is single. He knows I don't fool around. But to tell you the truth, if I wasn't married, I don't think I would have any difficulty talking him into anything (if you know what I mean). But alas, he is ten years younger than me (he is 37) and I am squeamish about age when it comes to the woman being older. He says I look younger than he is. People often say I look a lot younger than I am. But I don't know. I enjoy our friendship and wouldn't want to jeopardize it. Girl why did you have to say that. Now I am wondering....... what if?
NOPE. ALL the gorgeous men I know are gorgeous ONLY on the outside and those are the ones that I'm attracted too :( .

THe thing of it is, most of them are insecure as hell. I can read it well now. The ones i know try to put up a front like they are confident etc. but they are unsure of themselves.

Looks has NOTHING to do w/ self confidence, I'll tell you that!
Edie said:
Well I know that he finds me attractive. You know what I mean. When we first talked, I could tell he was attracted to me as I was to him. But let's face it, any healthy male and any healthy female will appreciate the attributes of the opposite sex. I am married, but he is single. He knows I don't fool around. But to tell you the truth, if I wasn't married, I don't think I would have any difficulty talking him into anything (if you know what I mean). But alas, he is ten years younger than me (he is 37) and I am squeamish about age when it comes to the woman being older. He says I look younger than he is. People often say I look a lot younger than I am. But I don't know. I enjoy our friendship and wouldn't want to jeopardize it. Girl why did you have to say that. Now I am wondering....... what if?

Hahah! Oooops! I didn't know you were married! Aaaahhh...oh well. If you were single, then I'd definitely bet that he likes you. But since you're married, like you said, he probably doesn't want to jeapardize your relationship with your husband. So he's just a friend.

OH, and btw....guys couldn't care LESS about age! Younger, older...they really don't care. A 10 year difference w/a guy being younger isn't a big deal to me at all as long as you're both mature adults. Especially if the guy is 37!! :lol: But I know what you mean.
My ex. Eventhough things didn't work out with him mostly b/c of the age difference, he's older than I am, but he was just awesome. Very attractive, dark flawless skin, brown eyes, great teeth and smile, and a fabulous body. And he was always good to me. Honestly, he was a sweet guy and when he wanted to be he was funny. Wait why did we break up? (oh man, I'm about to make a phone call:phone: j/k) Anywho, he would always get attention from women especially white women. it was funny b/c everytime we would pass by a black woman, or man it would be nothing but respect, but some of those white girls were reckless. lol.(not trying to make any judgements about the race just my experience) But we all enjoy having someone we know other people would want too, right?;)
I knew one guy in high school who was forever being stalked by a gaggle of females, poor thing. He just wanted to be left alone!
Yes, I knew two BEAUTIFUL men like that. I mean FIONE!!! They both were totally oblivious to how gorgeous they were. Unfortunately, as time went on, they became aware, and their inner @$$hole emerged. But it was quite a few years later, when "dark" became the "in" thing. Too bad :ohwell:

All of the externally gorgeous men I know are hideous inside and all of the internally gorgeous men are not so cute in the sunlight. I have yet to meet a man with both qualities. I have a couple of above average friends but not gorgeous inside and out.

All of the externally gorgeous men I know are hideous inside and all of the internally gorgeous men are not so cute in the sunlight. I have yet to meet a man with both qualities. I have a couple of above average friends but not gorgeous inside and out.

Look like gargoyles, don't they? :lol:
Have any of you ever known a guy who is drop dead gorgeous and yet he seems to be unaware or I guess I should say he is aware but uncomfortable with the amount of attention he gets from women. A good friend of mine is totally and I do mean totally handsome. He is tall, great build and personality, and handsome as can be. Gorgeous turquoise blue eyes. Well I met him through my job and we have hit it off pretty good. We keep it basic. Don’t cross lines. I think he is attractive and I know he finds me attractive. But whenever I tease him about women trying to catch his attention or flirting with him, he seems embarrassed. I mean this man has women stopping him on the street just to give him their phone number. Believe I know. I was with him one of those times. I asked one of them if she was crazy. She looked at me and said “are you his wife?” I guess she didn’t think a guy like him would be with a black woman (honey, please). I was so pissed off at the way she asked me the question I told her, “Damn right!” Michael at that point just grabbed my hand and said “come on honey” (he was joking of course). I asked him if he ever got tired of all the attention he seems to attract. He then turned to me and said “I don’t pay any attention to them. I don’t know them and they don’t know me. How can I take them seriously.” At that point, my respect for him went up about three more notches.

please post his picture
I have a friend of a friend who is like that. He's a good looking gay guy and I've seen guys stumble over themselves just to speak to him but he is totally and I mean totally oblivious. It doesn't hurt that he has a killer english accent and a great body.
I have a friend of a friend who is like that. He's a good looking gay guy and I've seen guys stumble over themselves just to speak to him but he is totally and I mean totally oblivious. It doesn't hurt that he has a killer english accent and a great body.

Please, tell me your not talking about Samwell??????????? :lachen:

I'm Kidding.