Goodness of Jesus! Let's Talk About Him and All He's Done for Us


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Oh if I could just tell it all. The goodness of this one man who saved my soul which was and is still full of sin. And yet He keeps on loving me and blessing me each day.

When I was alone and no one to hear my cries, Jesus was there to love and comfort me. He kept me alive and I'm living to tell it. Tell it all.

My children are alive and they love Him too. As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Can't nobody tell me that Jesus doesn't exist and that He's not whom He says He is.

"Who do men say that I am?" If only more men knew.

To all who read this thread, Please come in and share your Jesus praises for all to see. Long or short, share it all. I'm coming back with more. :yep:
He's brought me from a mighty long way! When I think of my life before salvation and my life now, I am so mad that I didn't choose Him sooner.

I shudder to think how I would make it without His moment by moment grace, mercy, compassion, love, patience, and blessings.

He has blessed me beyond measure. Like Psalm 84 says," Better is one day in Your courts than thousands elsewhere."
Now you want me to write a book dontcha Ms Shimmer?:lol: He changed me in so many ways. He saved my life and more importantly saved me from doing time in the clink. It's been a long hard road since 1988 but I made it only through his grace and mercy. I finally realize what time it truly is and have stepped back in complete sheer amazement. I am allowing him to do his will and put him first.
He is in the driver seat and now I've taken the passenger seat. The ride is much lighter, easier and relaxing now.

I am in love with this man only:)
Amen Fire and Rapunzel! I got caught up in a bad way this weekend with the Mega mess and the media and Ted Haggard.

I'm tired of crying about what the devil has done. I need to focus on the goodness of Jesus instead. As you said, Rapunzel, "just one day in His courts..." Hey just one blessing of His knocks out all of the evil that happens in this life.

As you said "Fire" you could write a book about His goodness and now He is in the Driver's seat of our lives and we are the passengers. You're not lying one bit about this at all. Even when I'm enjoying my 'daily' walks for exercise, He's right there beside me and in front of me leading the way and then He's always protecting me from behind.

Oh somebody, just praise Him. Nothing can separate us from the love of God. And nothing can stop the realness of Him. For it is He in whom we put our trust and He has never let us down and He never will.

Oh Praise Him! Bless His Holy name and just praise Him. Jesus is our mighty Lord and Savior over all. Glory, glory, glory to His wonderful name.
How can I tell of the GOODNESS OF JESUS in my life? I don't have the right or adequate words to speak it! I can't really explain it! But I KNOW where He took me from, the level of darkness my spirit and mind was enveloped in, and if not for HIS SAVING GRACE, I would be locked up in some mental institution or 6 feet under. PRAISE GOD that HE had mercy on us all and decided to send HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to save a lost, unworthy sinner like me! The penalties for my sin is certain death, but JESUS paid the price and died in my place to give me a salvation I could NEVER earn on my own!

OH! HOW GREAT JESUS IS!!! My soul sings of HIS GOODNESS!! :clap:

I'm always in awe of people who refuse to get the point, but The Word says that The LORD CHOOSES those whom HE wills to be saved. And with that understanding under my belt, I now understand why some scoff and mock the truth of JESUS. They are NOT chosen! At least not yet. Out of that great multitude who continue to scorn JESUS, a great many of them will be saved, so PRAISE GOD for them. They too will one day have a positve testimony of where GOD brought them from! Praise HIM!!


Those who are lost or confused, where are you and what are you fighting with? What has you down? What causes you to cry uncontrollably at night? Is it drugs? Sexual sin? A troubled marriage? The wrong relationship with someone? Money matters? Wayward children? Depression?

Turn it over to JESUS! HE can heal all the hurts, and bring you a peace you can't even imagine. In the midst of the storm, HE WILL give you rest, so that hell can howl all around you, but you will be protected in HIS LOVING ARMS!!!

Please, if you've tried everything else, why not try JESUS? You've nothing left to lose.

Thank-you, Shimmie for starting this thread! If I had to start giving specific examples, this thread would be thousands of pages long just with my posts alone! :lol: I kid you not! HE'S been that good to me!! :D
Jesus is my everything. Despite all that I am going through, Jesus remains constant.

I am so grateful to Him for dying on the cross for my sins. I know that my prayers, through Jesus, availeth much and I have strong confidence in Him that everything is going to be okay.
pebbles said:
How can I tell of the GOODNESS OF JESUS in my life? I don't have the right or adequate words to speak it! I can't really explain it! But I KNOW where He took me from, the level of darkness my spirit and mind was enveloped in, and if not for HIS SAVING GRACE, I would be locked up in some mental institution or 6 feet under. PRAISE GOD that HE had mercy on us all and decided to send HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON to save a lost, unworthy sinner like me! The penalties for my sin is certain death, but JESUS paid the price and died in my place to give me a salvation I could NEVER earn on my own!

OH! HOW GREAT JESUS IS!!! My soul sings of HIS GOODNESS!! :clap:

I'm always in awe of people who refuse to get the point, but The Word says that The LORD CHOOSES those whom HE wills to be saved. And with that understanding under my belt, I now understand why some scoff and mock the truth of JESUS. They are NOT chosen! At least not yet. Out of that great multitude who continue to scorn JESUS, a great many of them will be saved, so PRAISE GOD for them. They too will one day have a positve testimony of where GOD brought them from! Praise HIM!!


Those who are lost or confused, where are you and what are you fighting with? What has you down? What causes you to cry uncontrollably at night? Is it drugs? Sexual sin? A troubled marriage? The wrong relationship with someone? Money matters? Wayward children? Depression?

Turn it over to JESUS! HE can heal all the hurts, and bring you a peace you can't even imagine. In the midst of the storm, HE WILL give you rest, so that hell can howl all around you, but you will be protected in HIS LOVING ARMS!!!

Please, if you've tried everything else, why not try JESUS? You've nothing left to lose.

Thank-you, Shimmie for starting this thread! If I had to start giving specific examples, this thread would be thousands of pages long just with my posts alone! :lol: I kid you not! HE'S been that good to me!! :D
Pebs, I had to start this thread. I was too focused on the devil and his mess. Only Jesus deserves that much of my attention and so much more.

I love this Man called Jesus. You see, years ago when I needed a home, I didn't have a dime to my name, let alone the credit references that would allow me to obtain where I wanted to live.

All it took was a prayer. Jesus by-passed everything and everyone and I was accepted with the first months rent payment of my apartnemt, 'free.'

You see the neighborhood was 'restricted' (no further comments needed). They didn't even 'allow' public transportation in the evenings or on the weekends. You either drove, called a taxi or walked. But I'd had it with the inner city and wanted better. God did it for me.

Do I praise Him for my home? No? I praise Him for more. Much, much more. His name is Jesus! That alone is worth all the praise.
Jesus has answered my prayers time and time again. Whenever I ask for clarity or understanding, he sends a word or a person into my life to confirm my faith! He has given me answers and opportunities in regard to my son and his possible learning disability/health problems. He's provided for my family in more ways than one.

He's given me peace and unspeakable joy during this trying year when I lost both my grandmothers.

While at Communion Services yesterday, as they were bringing the wine and bread to us, I thought about how the next time Jesus drinks from the vine, it will be with us, in His Father's Kingdom, the New Jerusalem.

What's so good about that?

I'll be there!!! You'll be there!!! All of us who are in the "He that believes and is baptised" crowd will be there...

And it's only because of Jesus Christ and what He has done and is doing that will allow us to escape the second death and live with Him forever.

Jesus has protected from continuing on a path the was surely going to be detrimental to mine and my childrens lives. I am a different person than I was 8 months ago . And it is amazing. Although I am currently going through a bit of a rough patch spiritually I have been brought so far though and it is getting better everyday.God has really turned me around and Im going in his direction now. I am soooo grateful for all I've been through.