Good News: She's Paying attention to my Haircare


Well-Known Member
The "She" is my niece. On new years eve I decided to take the day to pamper my hair before going out that night. While sitting on the couch watching House and deep conditioning my hair, my niece comes up to me. She's 5.

Niece: Whatchu doooin? Why are you wearing that? (talking about the shower cap)

Me: Because I'm deep conditioning my hair.

Niece: Ohhh... ok. (runs away)

*The next day while leaving for breakfast. As I get in the car...*

Niece: Hi auntie Sarah, your hair looks really pretty.

Me: Thanks Mimi... you look pretty everyday. :grin:

She's paying attention! She's also asking about different appliances and what they're used for (ie. my hair dryer). Right now I have a sow-in and transitioning... I can't wait for her to notice my progress when I bc so I can get her hooked! I'm so excited! I've always wanted a niece for this very reason. :blush: Don't tell.

Are there any girls younger than you who question what you're doing with your hair? i just think it's the cutest thing. :o
My cousin's daughter's hair was a mess when I saw her. My cousin is mixed and her youngest daughter is black and has very thick coarse hair. My cousin put a relaxer in her daughter's hair and now, 1 year later, all her hair is gone...she has a TWA. Her oldest daugher who is my age can't help either because she has hair similar to her mom.

The very next day I went to the BSS and got her a full set of products and wrote out a regimen for her. She is 13 so I think she is old enough to learn to take care of her hair on her own. If she doesn't follow what I say then that's on her. I got everything she needs, even a silk sleeping cap.
Now the oldest daughter wants skin care tips and my cousin said I am the go to beauty person :laugh:
Your niece sounds adorable. Keep exposing her to healthy hair care practices, so she will grow up to love and know how to care for her hair. My DD, 12 asked me if she could start doing her own hair this school year. I agreed but told her if she did not take care of it I would be doing it for her. So far she has been doing a good job keeping it moisturized during the week and wearing a scarf to bed and protecting her ends when she wears a low ponytail. She also reads product ingredients so that when I blow dry or flat iron it for her she does not use the water based moisturizers.
Cute story! My daughters try to mimic what I do to their hair on their doll heads. They pretty much as questions about any and everything anyways.
My 4 year old is very aware of what I do to my hair, and even moreso what I do to hers. Her dad gets her ready for bed every night, so mostly she uses her knowledge of her hair regimen as an excuse to delay her bedtime lol. She'll say stuff like, "Daddy, mommy hasn't co-washed my hair yet" or "Daddy, you didn't tie my bonnet tight enough...I'll go ask Mommy to do it" lol. Healthy hair care seems to be second nature to her, which is great.

What ISN'T great is when she announces to her preschool teachers and director that "My mommy wears a wig to make her hair grow." I DIED!! LOL

Maybe it's possible to teach them a little too much lol....
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^^ I haven't explained my sow-in to her, I'm afraid that exact thing might happen! Lol If I had the money to buy my niece all the things she needs for her hair, I'd definitely do it. Right now all I can afford is olive oil. Also, everyone in my family is relaxed, it would be great for her to see her options.
I have 4 daughters (and one son :lol:) and the oldest one is 5. She always asks what conditioner I'm using in her hair and keeps herself familiar with the products and tools that I use on all of us.. She makes it a point to compliment me on my hair and frequently says positive things about her hair and her 3 year old sister's hair. It's really cute watching them learn and I'm really looking forward to teaching them about healthy hair care practices.
My 4 year old is very aware of what I do to my hair, and even moreso what I do to hers. Her dad gets her ready for bed every night, so mostly she uses her knowledge of her hair regimen as an excuse to delay her bedtime lol. She'll say stuff like, "Daddy, mommy hasn't co-washed my hair yet" or "Daddy, you didn't tie my bonnet tight enough...I'll go ask Mommy to do it" lol. Healthy hair care seems to be second nature to her, which is great.

What ISN'T great is when she announces to her preschool teachers and director that "My mommy wears a wig to make her hair grow." I DIED!! LOL

Maybe it's possible to teach them a little too much lol....

Cutest post ever! :grin: :giggle: