Good News About "The Science of Black Hair" book

They should make an ebook version. I would be happy to buy then...But at least I can preview now...

You can request the Kindle version on Amazon's website.

Also, you don't have to have a Kindle in order to read Kindle ebooks. You can read Kindle ebooks from your computer by downloading the Kindle reading application.
You can request the Kindle version on Amazon's website.

Also, you don't have to have a Kindle in order to read Kindle ebooks. You can read Kindle ebooks from your computer by downloading the Kindle reading application.

Yup! I requested. I read most of my books on my iPad using ibooks or kindle app
Thanks for the tip, I can finally see for myself what the contents are (and what the fuss is about). Off to Amazon right now to check it out!
I requested the kindle version on amazon a while ago. Requesting it again here in case the author sees this thread.
They should make an ebook version. I would be happy to buy then...But at least I can preview now...

I've been buying e-books for awhile now (Kindle mostly) but after hearing so many good things about this book, I just took a chance and ordered it from Amazon and lemme tell you, I'm glad that I did!

After reading it from cover to cover, I have to say that this book is by far the only book that I consider to be the bible for AA hair!!! It's that good! So much so that I'll be referring to it a lot - way too many times to want to fire up my iPad everytime I want to read it! Not to mention that even though I have a few ebooks, I'm still a little hesitant about what happens to ebooks if say - my iPad breaks or Amazon, Nook or Kobo or whoever has some sort of server failure and I can't redownload my books back without paying a price. :nono: At least if I have it in hardcopy and something like that happens, I'll know that I still have this book in my hands! :yep:

The only reason why I would want it in ebook form is to keep it from walking away from me because once someone else picks it up, they'll want to take it home with " a promise to bring it back". Uhmmmm nooooo:rolleyes:, because I'll never see that book again.... and even though I'll probably send this off to people as Christmas gifts, the only way I'll be giving my copy away is if I am passing it down to my daughter.

Come to think of it, she just needs to get her own copy! :lol:

Still I'm glad they allow you to take a peek at it. I hope you all enjoy it like I did!
They should make an ebook version. I would be happy to buy then...But at least I can preview now...

I requested the kindle version on amazon a while ago. Requesting it again here in case the author sees this thread.

Audrey Davis Sivosathy is actually "Sistaslick" and she's a member of this forum so chances are really high that she will see it. I don't know what it takes to make an ebook but I'm sure that with so many people requestin it, it will be on its way soon!
Amazon is now letting people preview the book.

Before, there was no way to preview Audrey's book before purchasing. But Amazon just changed that.

Hey guys!
Thanks vtoodler :wave:
Yes, we activated "Search Inside" for the standard edition so that you guys could take a looksie. :yep: I don't think a day went by without a request for the TOC. :lol: Anyway, you can see my longwindedness there firsthand for yourselves. :lachen:

Unfortunately, the "Tell the Publisher You want it on Kindle" button has been broken for quite some time on Amazon, so most authors and publishers are never notified when people click it :spinning:- but we heard you guys loud and clear on Facebook when it first came out! We weren't sure if there'd be much demand in that format initially- but of course, y'all don't play.:lol: So it's coming hopefully in the next few weeks. It takes awhile to convert because the book layout is sorta complex. (ie double column text, pictures and tables). :yep: E-format is easiest for novels and books where the text can "flow" freely.

Thanks everyone for your support, comments and questions. Good and bad, it has all helped us make the book better going forward! The book is also available at quite a few libraries, so feel free to check it out there too.:wave:
They should make an ebook version. I would be happy to buy then...But at least I can preview now...

You can request the Kindle version on Amazon's website.

Also, you don't have to have a Kindle in order to read Kindle ebooks. You can read Kindle ebooks from your computer by downloading the Kindle reading application.

Waiting on the Kindle version!

I requested the Kindle version literally as soon as the book was published. Audrey says it will be available in December and because of the figures, color and diagrams it is a surprisingly involved process. So hold on ladies...its coming!!!
Hey guys!
Thanks vtoodler :wave:
Yes, we activated "Search Inside" for the standard edition so that you guys could take a looksie. :yep: I don't think a day went by without a request for the TOC. :lol: Anyway, you can see my longwindedness there firsthand for yourselves. :lachen:

Unfortunately, the "Tell the Publisher You want it on Kindle" button has been broken for quite some time on Amazon, so most authors and publishers are never notified when people click it :spinning:- but we heard you guys loud and clear on Facebook when it first came out! We weren't sure if there'd be much demand in that format initially- but of course, y'all don't play.:lol: So it's coming hopefully in the next few weeks. It takes awhile to convert because the book layout is sorta complex. (ie double column text, pictures and tables). :yep: E-format is easiest for novels and books where the text can "flow" freely.

Thanks everyone for your support, comments and questions. Good and bad, it has all helped us make the book better going forward! The book is also available at quite a few libraries, so feel free to check it out there too.:wave:

Sistaslick - sorry girl, posted my response before I saw yours! *patiently waiting* :rolleyes: