Good news 4 those who love apples


New Member
If you have been taking pills for folic acid for hair and your overall health you don't have to if you are eating apples everyday. As far as monthly expenditure is concerned I dont know if it will cost less to eat an apple or take the pill but pills are soooo boring. Why not just eat a whole apple? I love green apples and walnuts with yogurt. If your mcdonalds still has that walnut salad with the apples in it. It is GREAT for your overall health and for your hair. Plus you'll get the good fats and oils from the up and enjoy! I have been eating apples for 4 months str8 now and my hair has never been healthier...

Folic acid is needed for DNA synthesis. DNA allows cells to replicate normally.

HTH :cool:
Thanks for the info!! I definately can't eat apples daily but I can incorporate them into my diet. I love the fruit salad at McDonalds too! I need to start getting them again, instead of the apple pie.;)
Thats great to hear because i love the fruit and walnut salad!!!! I started getting this over a month ago, almost everyday. I said to myself, 'i need to go to the store and buy some apples cause i am spending $3 on this and another $5 on the asian salad!' (So good) So i went to the store got my green apple, a bag of walnuts, a tub of fat free van yogurt and small containers to take it to work. I already had my apple slicer(get at walmart for a couple of bucks) and its so much cheaper! $10 of supplies to last up to two weeks. I also have my version of the asian salad. Bag of boneless skinless chicken breast, spinach lettuce, a bag of almonds, prepackaged tangerine slices(canned food aisle),a bag of snow peas(produce), and the Newmans Sesame Ginger low fat salad dressing! I love it and fix it a day in advance sometimes. Sometimes i have dreams about the salads!!!!(lol)
i love the fruit and walnut salads BUT i cant afford that everyday. I just get a bag of already sliced green apples at walmart..they are like $3 a bag and they last me 3 days so about a dollar a figure $30 a month is just about the same amount you'll pay for folic acid pills plus the other nutirition values that apples carry, like vit. C and calcium and protein and good carbs.. beats pills anyday!!!!:)