Good Morning America: Diet and Your Hair


New Member
Good Morning America ran a segment today on "diet and your hair". Their tips are pretty good. Do you follow these for healther hair or have any other tips to add? I've been working to improve my diet overall, so it's nice to know that some of these things are also helpful to my hair.

Tips from Good Morning America today:

Damaging to hair
-- Caffeinated beverates
-- low protein diet
-- vitamin/mineral deficiences
-- refined sugars
-- lack of sleep and too much stress

Helpful to hair
-- Stay hydrated (1/4 of the weight of hair is water)
-- choose whole, natural fresh foods

For strong hair
-- Protein
-- B12
-- Iron
-- Silica

For shiny hair
-- Omega 3 encourages regrowth and prevents hair loss
-- Vitamin E helps scalp circulation
-- Vitamin C helps maintain scalp health
-- eat salmon, sardines, tuna, coconut oil and berries

For dry hair
-- iodine and zinc help prevent dry hair
I was actually just watching this too, but wasn't paying close attention. Thanks for posting this information.
thanks for sharing. The television in the gym did not have the subtitle feature turned :wallbash: and I was unable to read what they were saying. Thanks again for posting this.
Thanks. I suffer from lack of sleep. I just can't get to bed on time. The doctors are right when they say lack of sleep is bad for your body. I can actually FEEL and SEE The effects of not getting enough sleep.
Thanks. I suffer from lack of sleep. I just can't get to bed on time. The doctors are right when they say lack of sleep is bad for your body. I can actually FEEL and SEE The effects of not getting enough sleep.

I remembe my old hairdresser warning me about my sleeping habits and how they can affect my hair. I didn't believe her but now I do.

I am trying to eat properly now. I believe this is the main reason, I'm not at the length I want.
I remembe my old hairdresser warning me about my sleeping habits and how they can affect my hair. I didn't believe her but now I do.

I am trying to eat properly now. I believe this is the main reason, I'm not at the length I want.

I think that lack of sleep and water/hydration are my two biggest problems.