Good Moisturizer


Active Member
I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and came across this conditioner. I tried it the other day and my hair was soooo soft. It had alot of slip. I really like it. I just wanted to share a good find.:grin:


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I went to Sally's Beauty Supply and came across this conditioner. I tried it the other day and my hair was soooo soft. It had alot of slip. I really like it. I just wanted to share a good find.:grin:

WHat are the ingredients, please???:yep:
Unfortunately, I am at work and I don't have the container, but you can go online to Sally's Beauty supply and see the ingreidents(sp) I think.

I used it as a deep conditioner and I loved how my hair felt once I finished. My hair alot of slip with it. I am going to use it again this saturday as a DC and actually try roller setting my hair afterwards to see what it does then. I will let you know.