Good Men and Women Do Exist!


Well-Known Member
One of things satan does so masterfully is convince those who desire to find True Love that they will never find a suitable mate. He brings them to a spiritually, mentally and emotionally crippling point in their life where they believe that no good men exist and all of the virtuous women have been taken.

Once a person buys into those noxious lies, they will be handcuffed into hopelessness and shackled into depression.

In I Kings 19, through a chain of traumatic events, satan had ingeniously tricked Elijah into believing that he was the sole righteous man left on the earth. Elijah was so distraught over his perceived dilemma that he opted to commit suicide rather than be the only Believer amongst the heathen.
What Elijah perceived and what was factual were two different things. Elijah was sidetracked because he was misled by the voice of the enemy, (See Psalm 55:3). The Lord wiped away Elijah’s melancholy when He showed him five thousand men who had not bowed their knees to Baal.

Be absolutely clear on this next point…

The devil is working overtime to convince you that all virtuous women are taken and no good men exist. Don’t buy into those lies.
There are multitudes of men and women who have not bowed their knees to satan! Men and women who have not turned their flesh over to sin. Men who don’t have destructive personality traits and women who aren’t harboring harmful emotional baggage. Good Men and Women Do Exist!
GOOD WORD! I really needed to read that. As I am in beginning of Year 5 of TOTAL singleness and celebacy. Thank you for sharing!
Amen and Amen again this was so needed. Thank you for this blessing today. I am so encouraged. Not yet looking but its so good to know that yes of course there is hope still left in this world.
This is just what i need right now ! here i am now thinking why God took away the only man that have ever really loved me just the way i am .
One of things satan does so masterfully is convince those who desire to find True Love that they will never find a suitable mate. He brings them to a spiritually, mentally and emotionally crippling point in their life where they believe that no good men exist and all of the virtuous women have been taken.

Once a person buys into those noxious lies, they will be handcuffed into hopelessness and shackled into depression.

In I Kings 19, through a chain of traumatic events, satan had ingeniously tricked Elijah into believing that he was the sole righteous man left on the earth. Elijah was so distraught over his perceived dilemma that he opted to commit suicide rather than be the only Believer amongst the heathen.
What Elijah perceived and what was factual were two different things. Elijah was sidetracked because he was misled by the voice of the enemy, (See Psalm 55:3). The Lord wiped away Elijah’s melancholy when He showed him five thousand men who had not bowed their knees to Baal.

Be absolutely clear on this next point…

The devil is working overtime to convince you that all virtuous women are taken and no good men exist. Don’t buy into those lies.
There are multitudes of men and women who have not bowed their knees to satan! Men and women who have not turned their flesh over to sin. Men who don’t have destructive personality traits and women who aren’t harboring harmful emotional baggage. Good Men and Women Do Exist!

I totally agree that the enemy does try to do this. I was under this disillusion this past Friday until I saw with my own eyes that there are decent Christian black men in my city. I was very shocked to say the least. most surprising was that I didn't really see any women in my age group.
Omg I soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo needed that! I've been soo depressed lately of being 20 without ever having a Boyfriend..and kind of being mad at God in a way because Ive been praying for years. I dont mean to toot my own horn but I am a beautiful girl. I dunno I guess I have to keep praying
Thank you so much for posting this! I think the devil does try to put us believers in bondage with this mentality. God is a all knowing God and wants the BEST for His people. So, if the BEST is for you to have a mate, why wouldn't He make it happen! I feel very encouraged for all of us single believers. Thanks again!