Good haircare practices are universal. Check out this video


New Member
Hi All,

I came across this video of a Caucasian Brit lady talking about hair care practices that we've all become accustomed to here on LHCF. I have heard too many Black women complain about 'why are we the only race having to to put in work to get a beautiful head of hair?' However, this video confirms what I'm sure most of us know by now: Good haircare practices are universal and your race does not matter. [video=youtube;aXBnu8Uqt0o][/video].

The video is a bit long but she touches on some common themes we discuss here. Of course, due to the texture of her hair, there are some things that may not be applicable to everyone.
That's why you will see many people say "hair is hair"

While our hair may need more moisture and more babying, and has a different curl pattern and strand shape... it's not as if it's something from an alien planet in some far away galaxy. It's human hair.
They have as many if not more hair challenges than we do. I have white friends who are balding in the middle because they are over dying their hair. They hide it by pushing the middle up. My friend in CA just drove 3 hours to get a DevaCut and Color and she is trying to figure out how to get volume and curl to her flat hair. And now when I go out I realize that no matter what type hair women have, most of the hair really doesn't look that good or healthy. I've lived and worked with women with various types of hair and they do some crazy stuff to their hair.

LCHF has me stalking everybody's hair now.
She considers her hair thick?
Really? :perplexed

But, yeah...if you want nice hair, you can't abuse it.
Loved her accent.
I was browsing another hair care forum where white women were talking about their hair care practices. And they really shocked me when they discussed 2nd or 3rd or more day hair (and then might fib about it to their friends who might not understand not shampooing every day...giggle) or when they talked about oiling their hair (OILING!...wha?). Protective styling and co-washing, etc

But it really taught me that some hair care techniques are really universal. So I was really glad to learn some of their "secrets"
Many techniques seen on lhcf and other AA focused hair boards have their origins on white chat boards and websites. That's why the ideas are familiar.

To me hair is hair. I get tips from people of all races and it's always good to have a varied perspective on things.