Good Hair Vitamins


New Member
<font color="blue"> </font> Good morning, everyone! I was just wondering if any of you take hair vitamins, and if you do which hair vitamins do you take? Have you seen good results from taking the vitamins?

I used to take the Avon hair was pretty good...but it was $9.99 and I wanted to use something cheaper.

I'm getting excellent results with B Complex...Cod Liver Oil... and Selenium. Not only is my hair growing are my fingernails.

The other Vitamins that I am taking are

Vitamin E
Multi vitamin/mineral
I'm taking a little bit of everything.

-MSM (2000 mg)- Excellent results! Changed hair texture to extend my relaxers
-Evening Primrose Oil- Excellent results! No PMS! Gives beautiful skin tone
Flaxseed Oil- the same as EPO
-Biotin- good for hair also
-Ultra Nourish Hair (GNC)- Excellent for hair as well
-L-cycstine- just started taking it. to early to say
-vitamin C- to go along w/ L-cycstine
hope this was any help to you.
I'm taking 2000 mg of MSM [Optimsm to be exact], 2000 g of Biotin, and 1 Centrum Multi-vitamin...I think I am seeing good results with these. I was taking a "hair" vitamin but I found out that it wasn't any good. I also have taken up to 2000 mg of Fish Oil daily...but I ran out and hadn't purchased anymore.
I'm taking: Nature`s Sunshine Super supplemental
Twinlab Pantothenic Acid (b5)100 mg
Flora MSM 400 mg
Solgar Biotin 5 mg
Nycoplus C vitamin 5 mg