Good Diet = Good Hair?


Active Member
Just curious what kind of diet you ladies are on? I don't mean Weight Watchers or Atkins but what you put in your body in general. When I have conversations with women with beautiful hair (yes, I practically interview people) they always mention a very healthy diet of fish, rice, etc. I have noticed in the past that when I avoid sugar and caffeine I get some pretty good growth but beyond that I'm pretty clueless.

What kinds of foods do you ladies eat and do you think it contributes to the thickness, health, and/or length of your hair?
LOTS of water, proteins, good fats and i avoid sugar and starchy stuff....thats when my hair looks its best!
I eat a vegetarian diet as a way of life and drink lots of water. I am not vegan, which for me means I include eggs. I strongly believe my diet attributes to my entire health which includes my hair.
I enjoy a wide variety of vegetables, sea vegetables, certain whole grains like brown rice, nuts, seeds, tofu and eggs. My favorite "milk" is almond milk and almond cheese. My fats are good ones like olive oil and flaxseed oil. :yep:
ive stopped measuring my hair but know i get about an inch a month, vitamin free, eating whole grain ( brown rice, wheatberries, quinoa, millet, red rice), leafy greens (kale, collards, spinach), cooked dry beans (black eyed, split peas, black beans), drinking water, dousing food in olive oil and coconut oil, and eating homemade granola (with flax seed in it.) When i can afford it, i try to eat salmon, catfish, kingfish or at least sardines a few times a week. I also ear chicken and turkey burgers. I try to eat organic but am flexible.

my hair has gotten thinner, but i beleive that style-related.
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Lorraine said:
Just curious what kind of diet you ladies are on? I don't mean Weight Watchers or Atkins but what you put in your body in general. When I have conversations with women with beautiful hair (yes, I practically interview people) they always mention a very healthy diet of fish, rice, etc. I have noticed in the past that when I avoid sugar and caffeine I get some pretty good growth but beyond that I'm pretty clueless.

What kinds of foods do you ladies eat and do you think it contributes to the thickness, health, and/or length of your hair?
protein, fresh veggies, fresh fruit and LOTS of water
Avoid sugar
Eat protein, fresh vegetables & fruits
Consume water (no sodas, flavored drinks, etc.)
Poohbear said:
Avoid sugar
Eat protein, fresh vegetables & fruits
Consume water (no sodas, flavored drinks, etc.)

I agree. Lots of sugar can really show its toll on your hair and body. Water is great for your hair and skin. It really helps keep your blood circulating and delivering nutrients.
lots of water, fish, chicken, meat, nuts, fruits, vegetables, eggs, grains, beans, yougurt, green tea. pretty much everything but no sodas or high sugar foods. I eat six times a day on average as well.
Oh no! All you ladies have wonderful diets! I have to work on mine. :ohwell: I rarely eat breakfast (i get by on Starbucks coffee) and I don't drink enough water. I don't even take any vitamins. :ohwell: Perhaps a nice guilt trip from you all should send me on my way. :lol:
I'm not on a diet, cuz Lord knows I need to gain some weight. :lol: I drink at least two glasses of V8 Splash a day, at least 2 liters of water, avoid soft drinks, no caffeine, and I eat lots of protein like oysters, salmon, tuna and many other kinds of fish), boiled egg whites (no has lots of cholesterol), and I love red meat in general! Ya'll might as well say that I eat just about everything, except lots of junk food. I love Thai, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Mexican food, get my drift. My boyfriend always complains that I eat a lot of "foreign stuff..." He's a country boy...need I say more? :p

The main things for me to make a long story short are protein, vitamins (lots of veggies and V8 Splash), and water. My hair seems to be doing a lot better since I started paying more attention to my diet and supplements. I do have to watch my sodium intake...hypertension runs in my family, especially with the women like my mom, grandma, and aunties. I eat nuts, yogurt, fruit, lots of pasta, oatmeal, seaweed, squid/calamari etc. I really do eat a very wide variety of things...the ladies at work (many of them Korean or Filipino) have gotten me on calamari and seaweed. :lol:
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Before joining the board I took Ultra Hair vitamins and had good results and after the hair board I developed my hair regimen and could not understand why my hair did not grow as fast.
I was not aware that caffeine and alcohol inhibits absorption of of some of my vits like Biotin,B5 etc.
I was drinking like 3 to 4 cups of coffee a day.
Since eliminating caffiene,eating salads,V8 juice,protein shakes, drinking water and exercising my hair went on a growth spurt.
I know you said no commercial diets, but...

I hear the Perricone Prescription Diet works wonders for the skin which, IMO, would do wonders for the hair. It's high in protein, low in fat. Has all the essential fatty acids and Alpha Lypoic Acids and blah, blah, blah's. I would do it (done it before) but it's a little expensive. I wish they had a cheaper version.

Salmon (Alot of Salmon)
Steamed Veggies
No potatoes
No pasta
No bananas (too much sugar)
No grapes
Whole Grain Breads (not enriched)
Kinda blah but you feel great once you do it plus your skin looks awesome :yep:
Due you roller set your hair every night? And when you tie it up at night do you bend over with hair fallen to front then tie it up from there? Just curious since I will be experiment with roller set in the future. :look:
Isis said:
I eat a vegetarian diet as a way of life and drink lots of water. I am not vegan, which for me means I include eggs. I strongly believe my diet attributes to my entire health which includes my hair.
I enjoy a wide variety of vegetables, sea vegetables, certain whole grains like brown rice, nuts, seeds, tofu and eggs. My favorite "milk" is almond milk and almond cheese. My fats are good ones like olive oil and flaxseed oil. :yep:
I avoid doughnuts, or any type fo pastry....not becasue of health reason but I just don't like them. I don't drink soda or caffienated drinks. However I should be drinking more water.
Up until the last two weeks my eating habits were baaaad!!!

For the last two weeks I have re-examined my eating habits (yes I know its bad that only my HAIR caused me to think about changing my eating habits - I want bra-stap so badly!)

Anyway I am now trying to eat:

Oily fish at least twice a week (tuna, sardines, mackrel)
Breakfast EVERY morning (wholegrain cereals)
Carrot Juice (the carrots are STILL sitting in a bag waiting to be peeled)
Fresh fruit and vegetables EVERY day
Fruit Juice
More Eggs
Protein Shakes

I am trying to cut down on:

Caffenie in my tea (I love me some English tea) - so I have now switched to decaffinated
Cut down on sugar (cakes, biscuits, icecream etc)
Stopped smoking!

Hmmn maybe we should start a healthy eating for healthy hair challenge...??? :scratchch
star said:
Due you roller set your hair every night? And when you tie it up at night do you bend over with hair fallen to front then tie it up from there? Just curious since I will be experiment with roller set in the future. :look:

No, I only rollerset my wet hair when I wash and condition it and then airdry. I haven't tried bending over to tie my hair up at night.
Im not on any special diet but i avoid caffeine and sugar. I never drink soda or coffee. i only drink water and fruit and vegetable juices and decaffinated herbal teas, soy/rice/hazelnut or almond milk instead of cow milk.
What i do eat are lots of whole grains breads, brown rice, fish(all types although i love salmon), chicken, fruits, nuts and veggies. I eat red meat occasionally, but im hoping to give it up for good. I eat those soy based meat substitutes occasionally also. I drink a glass of V8 daily and I try to drink half my body weight in water daily. Probably the worst thing about my diet is that i tend to skip breakfast sometimes and sometimes i'll slack off on my water intake but im working on that.
I think Good Diet + Good hair habits = Keeping length.

I really need to work on my diet. I also dont believe in taking vitamins if you are not eating and not eating right. You need actual food and water to benefit your skin and hair.

There are topical things we can do to give our skin and hair a better appearance, but when it comes from inside the results are longer lasting.

That is my goal.
I don't have a particular diet but I try to eat a well balanced diet in general and I take vitamins.
Mornings when I'm on the go I usually have cereal and protein shake or cereal and a banana, something like that. On weekends or when I have time to make breakfast my favorite is 3 whole (2 eggs is never enough) scrambled eggs usually with some cheddar cheese, bacon, and some blueberry eggo waffles. Sometimes I'll substitute waffles for grits. As you can see I love to indulge myself :lol: .

Dinners are usually a meat(chicken, beef, or salmon) with a vegetable side and potatoes or basmati rice(my favorite!).

Lunch is usually whatever is convenient. Often I feel more in healthy mode so I'll get a chicken salad. Other times I'll go for that greasy burger and fries. It depends.

All in all I eat a lot of proteins, love my veggies and fruits, and am a huge fan of dairy! Milk, cheese, and ice cream, Oh my!
Isis said:
I eat a vegetarian diet as a way of life and drink lots of water. I am not vegan, which for me means I include eggs. I strongly believe my diet attributes to my entire health which includes my hair.
I enjoy a wide variety of vegetables, sea vegetables, certain whole grains like brown rice, nuts, seeds, tofu and eggs. My favorite "milk" is almond milk and almond cheese. My fats are good ones like olive oil and flaxseed oil. :yep:

Another Vegetarian here!!:wave: I have supplemented my diet with legumes to help make up for the protein that is found in meat.
pookeylou said:
I think Good Diet + Good hair habits = Keeping length.

I really need to work on my diet. I also dont believe in taking vitamins if you are not eating and not eating right. You need actual food and water to benefit your skin and hair.

There are topical things we can do to give our skin and hair a better appearance, but when it comes from inside the results are longer lasting.

That is my goal.

No offense, but there is no way any human being can eat enough food in 1 day to get all the nutrients one needs on a daily basis, which is why most people take vitamins/supplements. Not to mention, nutrients in supplements like Evening Primrose Oil and Flaxseed Oil are not found in food at all...
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I'm on a sound semi-veg diet (seafood only, no red meat, no chicken) but I haven't really noticed any difference in my hair growth compared to when my diet was worse.