Good Churches in MD/NoVA/DC


Active Member

I am Catholic and my fiance is Baptist. We decided to marry in a Catholic church (I love that man). Anyway, it's been more difficult than I thought. I was not raised out here and therefore have been church hopping for the past year. Now I've been told by Catholic churches that I have to call my local parish, get registered, then if I want to marry in a Catholic church elsewhere (we want to hold the ceremony and reception closer to DC) I have to get a letter from my local church saying it's okay. Furthermore, I just remembered that I was never confirmed for some reason or another and I need to be confirmed before I can get married. Most Catholic churches only offer confirmation classes once a year (Jan thru April) :eek:and we want to get married this Nov or next March.

Well, my fiance and I had a great talk and he assures me we can work it out and find a church, any church since I'm having awful luck with Catholic ones in my area. I'm less convinced.
We've decided to branch out and look at churches of all denominations
in Maryland (he lives in Montgomery County), DC, and Northern VA area.

Can you local ladies recommend good churches that are open to welcoming and marrying newcomers? We need a 'home' and not just for the wedding, either.

Thank you in advance. :kiss:
I attend Zion Church in Largo... my church is pretty open and welcoming we are non-demoninational and our members come from all over (I know a lady that drives from Delaware every sunday for church)

Our church is based on the four C's of ministry and worship... Clear & Practical Message, Casual Dress, Contemporary Music, Compact “70-Minute” Service.... and I can say that honestly in the past 2 years that I've been there I've learned way more then what I learned through other places and Christian schooling. Because our focus is to seek the non-saved we don't have a members vs others things we are actually broken up into members, regular attenders and visitors. We have four services7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. and 12 noon... my friend got married by the pastor at my church and she's a regular attender not member, the requirement was just going through pre-marital sessions with one of the senior pastors

HTH :)
I grew up Catholic and I went to St. Gabriel's Church in N.W. DC. I got married at Ried Temple AME church. At the time, it was in Lanham, MD but they recently moved to Glen Dale, MD. This is my church home. However, Reid Temple AME requires that you take their 12 week marriage course in order to get married at the church.