Gold N Hot Conditioning Heat Cap???


New Member
Does anyone have this? I just bought one yesterday and was just I have to use the little beige looking liner cap that comes with it or can I use a plastic cap? :confused: I used it last night (with the liner cap) and I really liked it, but I don't care for the conditioner dripping down my neck. That's why I was wondering if it can be used with a plastic cap. It didn't seem like it got too hot to the point of melting it, but I just wanted to get some of your opinions.

I have that cap. I lost the liner long ago and I've just being using a regular plastic cap. I haven't had any problems.
I have that cap also. I didnt use the liner the first time, just a regular ol plastic cap and it metled. Thank goodness it did no damage to my hair.

ETA: I put on a plastic cap first then I put the liner on top and then place the coditioning cap on. HTH
SexySin985 said:
I have that cap also. I didnt use the liner the first time, just a regular ol plastic cap and it metled. Thank goodness it did no damage to my hair.

ETA: I put on a plastic cap first then I put the liner on top and then place the coditioning cap on. HTH

Whoa! Thank God this hasn't happened to me! Now I don't know what to do...I have no idea where that liner is. Maybe I can use one of those opaque shower caps that are thicker than the regualr plastic caps?
I have that. I never use the cap that it comes with. This may sound really ghetto but I use a plastic bag (the kind you get from the grocery store). Every time I go to the store I save them and use them for my hair. They work the best because it lets NO moisture out (which my hair loves) and they are free lol. To secure it I twist it in the front and tuck it under the cap. No dripping, no mess. HTH
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I've had my heat cap for about 5 years...never did use the liner, it was a pain.
Just use a regular plastic cap, the cap won't get hot enough to melt it. Enjoy!
I have that exact heating cap and I don't know if I have ever had the plastic liner that comes with it. I have always used a plastic cap and I have used it on the highest setting and it never melted or even came close to melting. I also use it for about 45 minutes each time.
I have this heat cap and I use both a plastic cap and the liner....I love it because it's mobile/much more convenient than my regular hooded dryer....I can get my hair deep conditioned while sitting at my computer on LHCF. It's a keeper for me.
SexySin985 said:
I have that cap also. I didnt use the liner the first time, just a regular ol plastic cap and it metled. Thank goodness it did no damage to my hair.

ETA: I put on a plastic cap first then I put the liner on top and then place the coditioning cap on. HTH

I have it, too, and I don't use the plastic liner. SS985: Anything hot enough to melt plastic is hot enough to melt your hair! Maybe there is something wrong with the heating element in yours? It shouldn't be that hot. Be careful.

MizaniMami said:
I have that. I never use the cap that it comes with. This may sound really ghetto but I use a plastic bag (the kind you get from the grocery store). Every time I go to the store I save them and use them for my hair. They work the best because it lets NO moisture out (which my hair loves) and they are free lol. To secure it I twist it in the front and tuck it under the cap. No dripping, no mess. HTH

CTFU!!!! That is too funny!!! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:
Sade7 said:
I have that exact heating cap and I don't know if I have ever had the plastic liner that comes with it. I have always used a plastic cap and I have used it on the highest setting and it never melted or even came close to melting. I also use it for about 45 minutes each time.

Now see...I called my girlfriend (who also is a member) last night (cause we bought them the same day) and I told her I had been using it with my replenishing pak while watching American Idol. She said that the instructions said not to use it more than 30 minutes at a time. I skimmed right past the instructions and just slapped it on my head because I was so excited to try it out. So you didn't have any problems leaving it on that long? :confused:
lol, one day i ran out of caps and decided to try a bag. girl the best thing ever! it truly works good. you should try it ;)
Wow, maybe there was/is something wrong with mines. It wasn't like a big hole or anything. It was a penny sized hole at the crown of my head. When I took the conditioning cap off, I felt this lil bump where I guess the heating/warming plate was and its right where I got the lil hole. I also had it on high and I kept it one for 1 hour..... maybe I had it on too long:ohwell:
I just got one of these from a thrift store for 6 dollars. Does anyone still use this? I plan to use this to help me DC because I haven't DC'd in forever cause I am too lazy and it's too much work with the hooded dryer. I do let my condish sit on my hair for awhile with a cap but I love the way my hair feels from heat condtioning.

I am so excited lol and probably no one even uses this anymore. Thanks for the info though I will be sure not to use it more than 30 minutes. I think leaving it on for an hour IS probably what caused your cap to melt.
I have been using this for years now. I am considering getting a dryer instead though, because I'm not sure if the heat in my cap is distributing properly anymore. I use a plastic cap with it as well, and I haven't used that liner since day one.
Thanks for the responses. I am using mines right now and it feels pretty warm all over. I think I may like my dryer better but the convience of this here cap thing.
I have that. I never use the cap that it comes with. This may sound really ghetto but I use a plastic bag (the kind you get from the grocery store)

:yep: Yup, I do exactly the same!:yep:

But I have this cap and I never use the liner that came with it. I need to purchase another one, this does not get as hot as I'd like it to.