Going to a very humid climate with 3c/4a relaxed hair..Help!!


New Member
I'll be flying down to miami for 5 long days (mid may)of hair puffing humidity :ohwell:.I have 3c/4a relaxed hair hair that is almost waist length and prone to getting dry and puffy in humid climates.I usually rock a pony tail when I'm down there, but I really want to wear it out when I go clubbing.I will be washing it a day before so I will need a product that doesn't give alot of build up and I can achieve straight shiny hair(swingy/unpuffy) for 5 days?

First applye MOP Leave-in from Ulta first then apply Beyond the Zone Noodle Head at Sally's. You should be good!
Are you opposed to waves? Just curious because that would be the easy button answer especially if you're going clubbing.... you going to the beach too?

I suggest any serum you've used in the past for good results. NYC gets humid in the summer too. What do u normally use up here? Should be good enough for Miami too.
I'm at the beach now and WAS rocking a cute braid out. After a walk the waves hit me with the deuces and was a puffy mess. I need to find a way to make it last. I really dont wanna have to re braid every night.
Why not just bun it? You don't have to worry a lick about your hair. Personally, if you are going to be on the beach, all other styles will revert anyway. If you hate buns, try an elegant french braid.:yep:
I would keep it braided with serum during the day and then rock smooth, shiny braid out waves at night.