Going natural temporarily...


Well-Known Member
is that a dumb idea? I have been wearing braids for the past 6 months and I am thinking of chopping off all the relaxed hair and continue wearing braids for another few months and once my hair has grown a bit I would go back to relaxers. I just had so many mishaps of underprocessing, overprocessing and breakage with relaxers that I wanted to get a fresh start on virgin hair. Should I go this route or just gradually trim off the damaged ends. I feel like I completely lost control over my hair. I realize years ago when I was more dedicated to vitamins and hair growth oils my hair had no issues but now nothing seems to work.
IMO, if you know u are gonna go back to relaxers soon, there is no point in chopping. I say, do mini chops as you stretch and grow it out.
I think it's a great idea, especially if you've got sections that are under and over processed ... you'd need to cut them off eventually right? May as well do it now if you're willing to and just start afresh.
I think its a good idea. I did the same thing.

You might even like being natural for all you know, and at least you'll get 100% fresh healthy hair out the deal.
One thing you have to keep in mind is that the same thing such as under processing and over processing is going to happen in the future also. There's no way around it. With that said I agree with what Kurlee said. Do mini chops instead.
Braided styles are easier to do with hair that is UNeven so I would wait until after the relaxer to do a blunt cut or major trim.

Be sure to keep your hair moisturized while in the braids.
I did that and it worked well for me. I had some serious breakage and was cutting it all to one length. Well when I think about it I actually did cut a little at a time but I wasn't relaxing it while I did that because I was hiding it under weaves under extensions. What's the point in perming hidden hair? Especially if you are going to touch up than immediately go into braids - that's too stressful to the hair.
That is what I did. I had major breakage with my relaxer so I decided to go natural. I'm natural now and loving it, but I will most likely go back to relaxers once I reach APL or BSL.