Going Natural..Any Help???


New Member
Hi ladies,

Well I am new to the site and have been browsing for a while. I have found great information but it is still alot to take in. This is my second time transitioning the first time I lasted about 5 months but became very frustrated and decided to relax again. This was mostly my fault as I didn't do any research and was unsure of exactly what to do with my hair. I have been relaxing since I was nine (now i am 27) and have seen my hair go from full and bouncy to just being limp when relaxed. I am tired of relaxers and want to get my hair back to it's full potential, healthy first and long second. My last relaxer was a month ago, I know very recent but I am trying to do things right this time.

Could anyone share what products they used when they first started transitioning? Right now I am using Pantene Relaxed and Natural Shampoo, UBH conditioner and Infusium Leave In. I currently baught Kinky Curly Transitioners Tonic and Spiral Spritz. I have also been washing my hair and doing twistouts when done just to get use to the style, which is cute right now but may change when the hair grows out more. I plan to transition at least for a year.

Sorry for the long post but just want to make sure I am going in the right direction.:grin:
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This is a good thread. Please answer ladies...I need the same kind of help too. I am currently 5 months post and I need HELP with keeping the NG moisturized. The tangles are really discouraging...how do I continue until I transition???
Hi there, congrats on going natural you won't regret it. When I was transitioning I liked S Curl Activator, African Pride instant oil moisturizer to keep my new growth moisturised. Also, to help keep it strong I would sometimes deep condition with nexxus keraphix
There are tons of natural videos and regimens on You Tube. It has helped me a lot! I'm sorry I couldn't be more help.
I did the same...my 2nd time was the charm though. I got up to the 4th month and relaxed my 1st time transitioning. My 2nd time was much easier, because i actually used braids, sewin weaves, and wigs thru out my entire transition. I didnt wear my natural hair until around the 9 or 10 month. And I still went back and put it back in a weave.

Cowashing helped alot for me. I cant really suggest a particular products...

Oh BTW i found out my hair loves moisturizing shampoos and conditioners...so i kind of played off of that to make my hair soft and easy to maintain while transitioning.
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Just wanted to say welcome!

Also, there's a transitioner's support thread that should be really helpful. You should be able to find it through the search function.
Welcome to the forum!! :)

There isn't a certain set of products to use during a transition. But I personally kept using the products I had already been using while relaxed (Profectiv) b/c they still worked for my newgrowth coming in. I also remember that I was also using a few products by Motions at that time (I think I was still using up a big bottle of their shampoo from when I was relaxed). But I also found that I really, really like Organic Root Stimulator (ORS) Olive Oil Shampoo (I still use it). It removes calcium buildup from the hair, which was great for me b/c the water in the dorms was very hard. The biggest thing I've learned when it comes to products is: if ain't broke don't fix it. I use products from my relaxed days (I also love, love, love Porosity Control Shampoo and Conditioner and have used it for almost a decade--and it's meant to be used to prepare the hair for chemical treatments like relaxers. But I find that it helps to seal my hair's cuticles and I often use it when I feel that my hair has been dry and misbehaving). I use a variety of different shampoos, conditioners and products b/c sometimes my hair needs different things and I can give it what it needs accordingly. I've also fallen in LOVE with Dove Intense Moisture Conditioner (it's thick, creamy and moisturizes well).

But I totally feel on needing specific ideas and tips during your transition. I failed the first time I tried to transition (before I found LHCF). Like you I got about 5 months into the process, didn't know what to do with my hair so I relaxed it again.

One thing that helped me during my second transition was learning how to camouflage and blend the relaxed and natural parts of my hair. I found that wearing braidouts and straw curls were helpful. For my straw curls I actually used perm rods (from Walmart) they were small and helped me to see how I would look with curls all over my head (like I might if I were already natural).

Good luck to all the transitioning ladies (make use of the search feature on this site--such a wealth of knowledge there). And if anyone is curious to hear more about my hair journey or what I do to my hair they can visit this page of my fotki: http://members.fotki.com/semora/about/ And curlynikki's blog site is very nice and helpful.
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I'd say you're doing well. Just treat you're hair as if it's already natural. Try to incorporate more natural products into your routine. Research the benefits of oils, butters, and conditioners. Make sure to deep condition. I'm not crazy about Infusium. As the ladies here say "Treat the hair like fine silk." Detangle gently to minimize breakage at the demarcation level. Now when you hit a certain mark your hair may start to give you trouble- tangling and breakage may increase. That's when you come back to the board for support. Check out other natural hair fotkis and other natural sites. You may want to use braids or even weaves during your transition but for me I wanted every opportunity to work with my own hair.

Welcome and happy transition!!

BTW third time was the charm for me.
Thank you Naturalle for the advice and sharing. This is my third time transitioning and after joining this forum I've learn so much. I usually BC to go natural punk out and relax but I'm looking forward to transitioning slowly and keeping length with the support and advice from everyone.
Hi and welcome! I transitioned for about six months with mostly twist outs and buns as my styles. I'd planned to go a year, but didn't really do my research as I should've and did the BC early. There are plenty of great tips and sites out there that can help you with your journey. Do the research, search forums, ask questions. I would also stalk some fotkis to see how other people transitioned to get a good idea. Good luck!
Hi Ladies,


I haven't been on in a few days, had to catch up on a few things after the holidays. I am sure you all know how it goes. I wanted to thank all of you for your comments and suggestions. I also have definetely been listening and for now I have been doing twistouts (which are really cute for the time being) and on the days when it doesn't look so fresh anymore I just pin it up. I will be coming back with more questions I am sure but for now I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you. I will also post pictures as soon as I get it together, lol. :)