Going back to the perm

Loves Harmony

Well-Known Member
Im thinking about perming my hair. I was wondering what would be a great perm to used and what procedures should i follow before and after
are you relaxing your texlaxed hair right? i would talk to still a lady on info about going texlaxed to straight. i hope everything works out
:shocked: Why baby dee???

Are you leaning more towards lye or no lye?
Im thinking about relaxing my hair>>>> I havent made up my mind yet. My husband doesnt want me to relax it. Well i did texturize my hair about 6 weeks ago but it reverted i say a week after the text...
Hey baby Dee

The night before my touch up, I put a light protein on the length of my hair that is already relaxed. Then I head to bed. In the morning before I head off to the salon, I lightly grease my scale to protect it from the chemical relaxer. I then mix one of cheap conditioner with SAA then put it on the length of the already relax hair. This helps me to prevent over processing of already relax hair. Hope this helps.
I don't have any tips, just wondering why you're thinking about relaxing (I'm a natural by the way and have been contemplating relaxing off and on myself). Best of luck with your decision!