God's words and Man's words in the Bible


Well-Known Member
I've been reading the Bible a lot lately because I have chosen to get back on my spiritual journey. Lately Ive been feeling like life just doesnt seem complete without God in the beginning and end of every decision. When I trust him before I do certain things, there is a confidence and everything feels ok. I've also been lining up passages in the Bible that speak to certain situations and I am thoroughly enjoying this process. It's like I found a gold mine or something. Lately I've been saying to myself. "God is concerned with EVERY AREA of my life because I can find something in the Bible that speaks to EVERY AREA."
HOWEVER, sometimes when I am listening to say, Creflo (one of my favorites), he will point out a passage that speaks to us, but it would be something that someone else may have said, not God. So my question is

If someone is speaking to someone else in the Bible, is it still God's word? Does it still apply to us?

Im still learning and figured someone here could give me a helpful answer.

Here, for example
3John 1:2
Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health just as your sould prospers.
John said this to Gaius.

This morning Creflo Dollar read this as if it applied to us. I took it as Jesus spoke this to us, until I read it for myself and saw that it was meant from John to Gaius.

I was somewhat disappointed in that moment.

Keep in mind that I am still learning.
Good morning and good question.

I am confused a little about my pastors last sermon and bible reference.

I was reading Luke 5:14 this morning
Jesus ordered him "Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them".

I was trying to relate this to standing in the gap for others that are not willing to do certain work:confused: :confused: Maybe I'm reading wrong or the wrong verse. :(
firecracker said:
Good morning and good question.

I am confused a little about my pastors last sermon and bible reference.

I was reading Luke 5:14 this morning
Jesus ordered him "Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them".

I was trying to relate this to standing in the gap for others that are not willing to do certain work:confused: :confused: Maybe I'm reading wrong or the wrong verse. :(

Girl Im even more cofused now :lol:.
Oh come on, does anyone have an opinion on this? I was really looking forward to some of your answers. Many of you are so intellegent.... Even if you dont really know, I still wanna know what you think.
I've always been taught that the word of God has ONE meaning, but many applications. God's word will fit into our lives for afterall, our lives are of Him and by Him. You are already experiencing this for you shared as follows...

Lately I've been saying to myself. "God is concerned with EVERY AREA of my life because I can find something in the Bible that speaks to EVERY AREA."
Now, let me (Shimmie) clarify, I know nothing. None of us do. But I have known the Word of God to prove itsself to me time and again. Here's part of one from my personal experience. (You know I have several :lol:)

When my son was on drugs, I had no other recourse than God and His word to sustain me every...single...moment of everyday. God's word was all that I had. He never failed me. He showed me much in His word and it would literally appear to leap off of the pages at me. For it was God's answers addressing that situation.

One which gave me strength was the story of Nehemiah, who was commanded by God to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Of course he had much opposition, but he refused to come down from off the wall.

In like manner, I refused to come off of the wall of re-building my son's life. I had much opposition and little support, but I stayed on the wall and God prevailed and delivered my son.

God comforted me with Isaiah 27 that He was keeping my son and for me to let my son make peace with Him and that he (my son) would make peace with Him (God) and my son did just that.

God tells us to rightly discern the truth, His word. There will always be many interpretations and applications. Our walk with God while corporate is still a separate and personal one. For we have to learn how to believe and trust God on our own. For there is always an 'hour' in our lives when no one else but God is there to get us through.

Raise your hand if you've been there...no body but you and God.

Here's my hands... :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave:
firecracker said:
Good morning and good question.

I am confused a little about my pastors last sermon and bible reference.

I was reading Luke 5:14 this morning
Jesus ordered him "Don't tell anyone, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer the sacrifices that Moses commanded for your cleansing, as a testimony to them".

I was trying to relate this to standing in the gap for others that are not willing to do certain work:confused: :confused: Maybe I'm reading wrong or the wrong verse. :(

This story speaks of a Leperous man who had healed by Jesus. Prior to that, no one with Lepercy (sp?) had been healed in such a manner. There was a healing period during which they were cast away from the camp or living community until they were 'clean' of the disease.

In order to return, they had to go to a Priest to have their healing inspected and proclaimed 'clean.' An offering of sacrifice was given to the Priest and the person was then able to return 'home' among his people.

Now had the Leper shared that Jesus was the one who has touched and healed him it would have 'upset' the entire 'process' as there was a strict and ridgid process that had to be followed and had the Leper not obeyed Jesus, he would not have been declared 'clean' according to rule.

Make sense? Of course not. :lol: Even my fingers are confused from typing this. I think I even chipped a finger nail. :yep: But can you see how blessed we are to have such an uncomplicated salvation in our day and time?

I'm sure others have more to add to this complicated but so needed thread. Cause I have some questions too... :lol:

Such as: Why were men allowed to have more than one wife back then?

It ain't happening now, cause I'm not having it...No sir'reee. :nono:

Love you, "Fire" :kiss:
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HoneyLemonDrop said:
I've been reading the Bible a lot lately because I have chosen to get back on my spiritual journey. Lately Ive been feeling like life just doesnt seem complete without God in the beginning and end of every decision. When I trust him before I do certain things, there is a confidence and everything feels ok. I've also been lining up passages in the Bible that speak to certain situations and I am thoroughly enjoying this process. It's like I found a gold mine or something. Lately I've been saying to myself. "God is concerned with EVERY AREA of my life because I can find something in the Bible that speaks to EVERY AREA."
HOWEVER, sometimes when I am listening to say, Creflo (one of my favorites), he will point out a passage that speaks to us, but it would be something that someone else may have said, not God. So my question is

If someone is speaking to someone else in the Bible, is it still God's word? Does it still apply to us?

Im still learning and figured someone here could give me a helpful answer.

Here, for example

John said this to Gaius.

This morning Creflo Dollar read this as if it applied to us. I took it as Jesus spoke this to us, until I read it for myself and saw that it was meant from John to Gaius.

I was somewhat disappointed in that moment.

Keep in mind that I am still learning.

Hi honeylemondrop!

In 1 Timothy 3:16, 17 it says: All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for isntruction in righteousness:That the man (or woman) of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

So in short, Yes, the whole Bible applies to you personally, though it may be one human maybe talking to another.

God inspired all of the Bible... now don't take this literally and go commit adultery like David did with Bathsheba in the Bible. Bad things do occur in the Bible that were not smart for people to do, we are to learn from things like that.

Even Jesus quoted David from Psalms (That means the Son of God quoted a human!) For instance in Psalm 22:1 David writes: My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?

And Jesus quotes David in Matthew 27:46

That showed Jesus knew his Bible like the back of His hand.;)

Another verse to consider is John 1:1. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Then in verse 14 it says: And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us... (That means the Word is Jesus!)

I hope this is helping you out. When Paul starts out many of the books He wrote with "Grace and peace to you all" that means to you to Honey Lemon Drop. This is because all Scripture is inspired and the Word of God is God himself manifesting himself to you.
HoneyLemonDrop, I want to first applaude you for your desire to really understand God's word and know it for yourself, and not just go by someone else says!!!!:clapping:
I don't know if you have one, but a Concordance is great for getting the real meaning of things that are discussed in the Bible. In the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic, their language was different than ours, and in translation, sometimes the real/exact meaning/context of a word/phrase is "lost". Most Pastors, when preparring for a message, will use their Concordance, and it will let them know what the translation for a word/phrase was, and tying that into the context of the scripture, allows for a different interpretation that what you may read and gather without doing that. At the same token, as mentioned in previous posts, there are many applications for each scripture. The Holy Spirit may lay one interpretation on one minister's heart for the audience that he/she is teaching to, because that is what those individuals need to hear, and lay another interpretation on another minister's heart for someone else to receive. That why is is really important that we "Forsake not the fellowship of the bretheren" (sp?) because we learn from one another, because God gives us what we need at an appointed time to deal with what we are going through.
Hope this helps!
Be Blessed
Shimmie and fivefoursweetie, thank you so much.

Fivefoursweetie, I love the way you broke it down. I understand it better and appreciate you for this. Thanks.

Shimmie I see what you are saying as well. If Im correct, you are saying that you used words that applied to someone else in the Bible for your own personal strength as if it also applied to you and it worked. right?
Man..my reply got deleted..i hit the space bar and everything went away..here I go again.

So I believe that everything in the bible can help us in some fashion or form. For example..when God told Abraham that he would have a child..and Abraham was already 75 years old..But at 100 Abraham had a child.

This tells me that God can do the impossible..that naturally this should not have occurred..but my God can do the super natural. So say I am in a situation..that humanly isn't impossible..like the odds are against me..I'll never get into such a such school..I am not qualified for this promotion..I don't have the money to buy the house..the radiation killed all my eggs..I will never have kids...that my God..can go beyond those wordly limitations..and do the supernatural and grant me those things.

I know this because he did the supernatural for Abraham. So the story didn't necessarily apply for me..if I am old in age..and that God will give me a child..but I learned about God's nature from the story..and I am able to apply it to my life.

However, the key in this story is that God spoke a word to Abraham and that thing became so..so God will let you know if He desires certain things for you..and we are to just believe in the word ...by faith that those things will come to pass.

Now in the quote..that John said to Gaius...I see John making a request to God for Gaius..now if it's God will that thing will come to pass. But, since we believe that the bible is God inspired..or written by God..than I can take a leap and say..yea I believe that God wanted that for Gaius..or atleast the thing that comes out of this..is we should pray for prosperity for our brothers and sisters...speak blessings upon them and encourage them..at all times.

Now we know that when we pray..we don't want our desires to happen if they arent' God's desires..that's why we say..In Jesus Name we pray...meaning in accordance to your will Lord we pray.

I hope I wasn't confusing.
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God speaks in many ways and sometimes when man speaks for God to us the revelation does not come to later. You get the information but then it is up to the Holy Spirit God within us to reveal to us the understanding. There are some scriptures I understood and heard over and over again but it wasn't until a certain thing happen did it have full meaning. For me I take everything to God if I am uncertain and just relax in His arms because I know He wants me to know the truth more than anyone. And, yes if God is speaking to someone else in the Bible we can put our selves in that place if it is applicable. There are some circumstances we all can relate to in the Bible in some way or another. It does not mean it has exactly fit you but it can relate or help you through a circumstance.
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HoneyLemonDrop said:
Shimmie and fivefoursweetie, thank you so much.

Fivefoursweetie, I love the way you broke it down. I understand it better and appreciate you for this. Thanks.

Shimmie I see what you are saying as well.

If Im correct, you are saying that you used words that applied to someone else in the Bible for your own personal strength as if it also applied to you and it worked. right?[/quote]

What happens is that God leads us to what we need at that time to encourage us. The story of Nehemiah was a parallel to what I was going through. God gave me a promise and there was much oppostion to doubt and to not continue to pray for my son. I literally standing for his life. I was laughed at, ridiculed and intimidated throughout the entire experience.

When reading Nehemiah, it was such a comparison to my situation. God lead me to read that scripture (among many, many others :yep:) because He was using it to speak to me. It was His way of letting me know that He was with me and aware of the entire situation. He knew that the story would speak to my heart and reassure me and bless you. God as my Father was sending me a 'personal' letter, a personal call, a message, for me to fear not, for my cry was heard and that He had it all in His hands and working it out.

It never fails HoneyLemonDrop. God will always speak to us with His word. We learn from examples in the Bible what consequences certain behaviors bring about. We learn the blessings of obedience. God's word is literally His personal love letter and instruction of life to us. It IS our bread of life. We eat and drink God's word and sleep and awake with it in our hearts. You see, our ways are futile in comparison. We can take our way but so far. But God's way and His word never fails.

I love these following scriptures:

"Thy word O' God is forever settled in Heaven"

"Heaven and Earth may pass away, but My word shall remain forever."
star said:
God speaks in many ways and sometimes when man speaks for God to us the revelation does not come to later. You get the information but then it is up to the Holy Spirit God within us to reveal to us the understanding. There are some scriptures I understood and heard over and over again but it wasn't until a certain thing happen did it have full meaning. For me I take everything to God if I am uncertain and just relax in Him arms because I know He was me to know the truth more than anyone. And, yes if God is speaking to someone else in the Bible we can put our selves in that place if it is applicable. There are some circumstances we all can relate to in the Bible in some way or another. It does not mean it has exactly fit you but it can relate or help you through a circumstance.

I know exactly what you mean (in the bolded). Thanks for sharing. Im so glad I posted this question. You ladies are awesome.
Shimmie said:
HoneyLemonDrop said:
Shimmie and fivefoursweetie, thank you so much.

Fivefoursweetie, I love the way you broke it down. I understand it better and appreciate you for this. Thanks.

Shimmie I see what you are saying as well.

If Im correct, you are saying that you used words that applied to someone else in the Bible for your own personal strength as if it also applied to you and it worked. right?[/quote]

What happens is that God leads us to what we need at that time to encourage us. The story of Nehemiah was a parallel to what I was going through. God gave me a promise and there was much oppostion to doubt and to not continue to pray for my son. I literally standing for his life. I was laughed at, ridiculed and intimidated throughout the entire experience.

When reading Nehemiah, it was such a comparison to my situation. God lead me to read that scripture (among many, many others :yep:) because He was using it to speak to me. It was His way of letting me know that He was with me and aware of the entire situation. He knew that the story would speak to my heart and reassure me and bless you. God as my Father was sending me a 'personal' letter, a personal call, a message, for me to fear not, for my cry was heard and that He had it all in His hands and working it out.

It never fails HoneyLemonDrop. God will always speak to us with His word. We learn from examples in the Bible what consequences certain behaviors bring about. We learn the blessings of obedience. God's word is literally His personal love letter and instruction of life to us. It IS our bread of life. We eat and drink God's word and sleep and awake with it in our hearts. You see, our ways are futile in comparison. We can take our way but so far. But God's way and His word never fails.

I love these following scriptures:

"Thy word O' God is forever settled in Heaven"

"Heaven and Earth may pass away, but My word shall remain forever."

This story of Nehimiah sounds interesting. I must read it. Thanks again Shimmie.