God's confirmation

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Ladies -

I have a few significant changes on the horizon - things I am nervous about because I am not one to actively seek change in my life. I fear change - even if it's change for the better. BUT, I was worrying about Situation 1 the other evening but then I went to bed and when I woke up, an answer was clearly placed into my mind and heart. I am now pursuing that course.

Also, I was just ruminating about Situation 2 (a situation where God has already made His will plain) when I decided to look at today's Daily Bread on Facebook - something I almost never do. And here's what it says:

Letting God Choose

We may have secret longings too deep to utter to others—perhaps a desire for marriage, or a work or ministry we’d like to perform, or a special place to serve. We must put each desire in God’s hands and pray, “Lord, You must choose for me. I will not choose for myself.”
Genesis 13:10-11 tells us that Lot made his own choice about a desire he had. He “lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere . . . like the garden of the Lord . . . . Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan.”
The plain of Jordan, with its rich soil and copious water supply, looked best to Lot. But the land was polluted with wickedness (v.13). Pastor Ray Stedman wrote that “Lot, presuming to run his own life, ‘chose for himself,’ and, deceived by what he saw, stumbled blindly into heartache and judgment. Abram, on the other hand, was content to let God choose for him. . . . Abram saw it in its true light.” Lot chose for himself and lost everything—his family, his fortune, his favor with man.
It is always the best course for us to let God choose and to follow His direction, knowing as we do that all our heavenly Father’s choices are prompted by infinite wisdom and love. — David H. Roper

Can I get an :amen:


What are some instances where God has confirmed things for you in your life?
Ladies -

Genesis 13:10-11 tells us that Lot made his own choice about a desire he had. He “lifted his eyes and saw all the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere . . . like the garden of the Lord . . . . Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan.”
The plain of Jordan, with its rich soil and copious water supply, looked best to Lot. But the land was polluted with wickedness (v.13).

Glib, I read your blog and I'm sorry about what you're going through. And I know what you're saying about things sometimes being absolutely in God's hands. Most times, we act on faith and knowledge plus directed effort etc. But sometimes, we're in a corner and it's absolutely His decision. To others, it might appear that we think miracles will drop from heaven into a lazy lap. Not always! One can even find oneself striving like normal and all doors are closed, repeatedly. Per the bolded, bingo!!! If God reveals something, I'm going to try and strive to stick with that because for all the well-meaning folks, they don't see all there is on the other side. It could be polluted.

I have such a situation right now. It's tough. I've been in another that I won't divulge, it was definitely worse. But I only wish to stress that what He specifically told me, I honored and obeyed, albeit the crazy appearance to outsiders. Everyone thought I was nuts, selfish, stupid, unworthy and all other manner of unrighteous (can I say folks judged me without knowing diddly squat?) etc. But I did what He told me and little by little, the blessings poured and I was vindicated. I'm not talking materially only, but completeness. It shut their mouths, except for the gossipers, because those won't usually change their particular brand of evil. You're right about this. Sometimes, it is just what it is, an impasse, because there is something exacting and specific that has to be orchestrated directly through His hand, not from delegation.

What a timely post, yours and Mondo.
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Glib, I read your blog and I'm sorry about what you're going through. And I know what you're saying about things sometimes being absolutely in God's hands. Most times, we act on faith and knowledge plus directed effort etc. But sometimes, we're in a corner and it's absolutely His decision. To others, it might appear that we think miracles will drop from heaven into a lazy lap. Not always! One can even find oneself striving like normal and all doors are closed, repeatedly. Per the bolded, bingo!!! If God reveals something, I'm going to try and strive to stick with that because for all the well-meaning folks, they don't see all there is on the other side. It could be polluted.

I have such a situation right now. It's tough. I've been in another that I won't divulge, it was definitely worse. But I only wish to stress that what He specifically told me, I honored and obeyed, albeit the crazy appearance to outsiders. Everyone thought I was nuts, selfish, stupid, unworthy and all other manner of unrighteous (can I say folks judged me without knowing diddly squat?) etc. But I did what He told me and little by little, the blessings poured and I was vindicated. I'm not talking materially only, but completeness. It shut their mouths, except for the gossipers, because those won't usually change their particular brand of evil. You're right about this. Sometimes, it is just what it is, an impasse, because there is something exacting and specific that has to be orchestrated directly through His hand, not from delegation.

What a timely post, yours and Mondo.

I had to bold the bolded. Been in each of those situations. So true indeed.
What are some instances where God has confirmed things for you in your life?

I need to subscribe to your blog, btw. So out of the loop.

It's funny because I'm in Genesis right now and just read about Lot the other day. Hearing it retold in this manner revealed something new.

As for God's confirmation, I am learning that when we truly open our ears and our eyes, His confirmation is clear. Sometimes we may have to wait a bit, but when we pay attention it is clear.

One recent confirmation came when I was most diligent about seeking and hearing Him. It was a direction to where he wanted me to move (city-wise). The confirmation came in a song I listened to for the first time, then on a plane, and finally from the mouths of my parents. Before each one, I had prayed to Him to confirm. My heart initially wasn't directed to that place, but as the city's name continued to pop up, it was clear that I should go there. Moreover, things in my life began to line up in direction to that city. And perfectly. I have no clue what this new place holds for me, but I am comforted in knowing that He's leading.