God's Best and Shades of Gray


Well-Known Member
Can God's best be found in shades of gray?... Or is it only in the black, white, and the letters in red?

Are shades of gray what he wants for his fearfully and wonderfully made?

Or is gray a cop out... a shield when we want to avoid truly discerning or clarifying what is the truth in the matter.... or maybe it's when we are TOO impatient to wait for HIS plan to come into fruition. Are shades of gray safe? Not the worst but not the BEST.

Does God allow his children to "split hairs" on what is right and what is not?
No, He gave us a standard.

God wants our lives to have FULLNESS and ABUNDANCE!
If I had to assign a color to those two words GRAY would not be fitting!

Gray seems to be a color equivalent to LUKEWARM, the phrase equivalent to "NOT GOD, BUT GOOD ENOUGH" and the word equivalent to SETTLE!!!

I have settled and held tightly to various shades of gray over the years. Mostly out of fear... fear that gray was all I could get.... fear that the bright color would soon grow dull and lifeless....or that anything other than shades of gray, were for others and not myself.

Gray and its shades are not good enough anymore. They aren't bright enough; they aren't right enough....

Nope, I'll wait patiently for the BLACK, WHITE, and the letters in RED.

Lately I've been in a season of not being able to express myself well or well in my opinion; please forgive.

If I do make sense............ what say you on God's best and shades of gray?

My apologies to all who are partial to gray and it's various shades

Going through a trying time and getting this out helped a couple of days ago

Don't settle for anything less thatn HIS best.

Love this! "Shades of gray" sounds a lot like "lukewarm living" to me too, lol...and I, for one, don't want to be spewed from His mouth. This walk is a lot simpler than some folks seem to want it to be. The God I serve is not the author of confusion...