God working in my life and I don't know what to do.

I first want everyone to know how inspirational I think all of you are. I need some guidance or maybe insight. I have been praying and working on developing a stronger relationship with God for a little while now. Parts of my conversations with Him have been about where I am in my life and where I desire to be as far as finding a husband, and the people I associate with. I have prayed for his will to be done and me to let go of my own and specifically asked that he remove those people and situations in my life that are not of his will. Here lately I feel like people and so-called friends are drifting away from my life. I know that this is really for the best but I find myself lonely and mourning the companionship of some of my friends. It feels like he is clearing the way but I just don't know whats ahead. I can't explain it but I feel like he is preparing my life for something great and in honesty it's a little scary. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?

You may not like the outcome of somethings. It will get a little scary. Just Trust in the Lord, and keep the Faith at all times, no matter what happens.
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Yes, for me it was called the Seperation and Wilderness Experience for me. I just let God and Allow God to Move, Breathe and reign Surpeme in my life =)!
I agree with the others. Let God do what He is doing. Yes it feels lonely now but I absolutely assure you He will replace those people with others that are more in line and in step with Him. He will completely surround you with people full of love, joy, peace. You'll be much more satisfied. Just watch how God will work in your life in this area and you will come out on the other side of this season in amazement. In the meantime, take this alone time and submerge yourself in Him and His word. Continue to develop your relationship with Him. Can't wait to hear your testimony. Be Blessed.
I went through a very similar situation and I promise you….if you let go and let God do HIS work everything will turn out just fine. Things will be better than fine. You will be more blessed than you could have ever hoped for or imagined. God removed just about everyone from my life. The people I thought were my friends, the people I thought I couldn’t live without…He removed them. Oddly enough, almost all of them moved out of state. I was going through a rough patch with my parents, so they rarely called and when they did call our conversations were brief. For several months the only person who called me was my prayer partner. During those months all I did was go to class, go to my internship and pray with my prayer partner. I had no one. It was during this time that God helped me to learn to rely on HIM and only HIM. I was on a tight budget and to this day I don’t know how I was able to pay all my bills and eat and put gas in my car, but every single day I had everything that I needed. I remember going to the grocery store and buying food to last me for a week for $12 and some change….that was nothing but God. I remember going to Bible Study with the gas light on in my car and praying that I would make it back home….that was nothing but God. I learned so much about myself and the people around me. The people I thought were my friends were not my friends. The people I thought I couldn’t live without…I made it just fine without them. The people who questioned my sanity for believing and trusting the things that God spoke to me during those times, soon realized that I was not out of touch with reality. I also learned that what I went through wasn’t so much for me, but for other people. The blessings that have come my way all come from God and anyone who knows my situation and knows what I went through knows that.
I went through a very similar situation and I promise you….if you let go and let God do HIS work everything will turn out just fine. Things will be better than fine. You will be more blessed than you could have ever hoped for or imagined. God removed just about everyone from my life. The people I thought were my friends, the people I thought I couldn’t live without…He removed them. Oddly enough, almost all of them moved out of state. I was going through a rough patch with my parents, so they rarely called and when they did call our conversations were brief. For several months the only person who called me was my prayer partner. During those months all I did was go to class, go to my internship and pray with my prayer partner. I had no one. It was during this time that God helped me to learn to rely on HIM and only HIM. I was on a tight budget and to this day I don’t know how I was able to pay all my bills and eat and put gas in my car, but every single day I had everything that I needed. I remember going to the grocery store and buying food to last me for a week for $12 and some change….that was nothing but God. I remember going to Bible Study with the gas light on in my car and praying that I would make it back home….that was nothing but God. I learned so much about myself and the people around me. The people I thought were my friends were not my friends. The people I thought I couldn’t live without…I made it just fine without them. The people who questioned my sanity for believing and trusting the things that God spoke to me during those times, soon realized that I was not out of touch with reality. I also learned that what I went through wasn’t so much for me, but for other people. The blessings that have come my way all come from God and anyone who knows my situation and knows what I went through knows that.

Reading this blessed me-thank you!
Ladies thank you so much for your words of inspiration. I have always felt Him with me even as a little girl. I would always be the one dragging my family to church! I think this is His way of getting my attention and pulling me closer too Him. Strange thing is as "uncomfortable" as this period of my life is I feel a sense of peace and anticipation for what He is doing in my life. He has brought me through some unbelievable situations. Usually during times like this I would turn to people for comfort but I find myself talking to Him about it. Thank you ladies, as always you are a blessing!
Too sleepy right now, but I really excited about and want to read this whole thread, so I'll be back tomorrow to finish it.
I really need this thread right now.. feel disoriented..
someone I care about has backed away after we'd been so close...he's in Texas now...but it feels like one person after the other has exited and all I can do is bless them and let them go and trust God
I work mainly at home..and love it..but sometimes I just hear echoes on how I must have helped them to push me away..in my quiet office and then I cannot get neccesary work done
Last night was SO unbelievably hard.... it doesnt matter who else comes along and people always do..somebody I am just getting to know called me last night and I was so distracted with the exitng person in Texas..I was barely present..was a hard night and this morning
I have never rolled with the punches...or anything
inflow... outflow..it's still abrupt... it..still hurts..I don't handle change well..at all
good or bad... It's rarely manageable..rght away..takes m esuch time
crying the cleansing tears today
....trusting God..HE HAS NEVER LET ME DOWN EVEN WHEN I do not understand
or don't want to understand..but I can feel the pain manifesting
as not eating not working not cleaning the house not writng
not goin ot the gym
just letting the circumstances be the ruler

The Lord giveth
The Lord taketh away
Blessed be the name of the Lord

I'm going to take a half hour to pray ask forgiveness
and have breakfast and make myself commit to a morning of
work..including writing and everything on the above to do list..
commit it to God..
that's where faith is...having the feelings and going on
stronger in Jesus Strength knowing HiS strength works best in my weakness
and God already has it all worked out together for the highest good
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I first want everyone to know how inspirational I think all of you are. I need some guidance or maybe insight. I have been praying and working on developing a stronger relationship with God for a little while now. Parts of my conversations with Him have been about where I am in my life and where I desire to be as far as finding a husband, and the people I associate with. I have prayed for his will to be done and me to let go of my own and specifically asked that he remove those people and situations in my life that are not of his will. Here lately I feel like people and so-called friends are drifting away from my life. I know that this is really for the best but I find myself lonely and mourning the companionship of some of my friends. It feels like he is clearing the way but I just don't know whats ahead. I can't explain it but I feel like he is preparing my life for something great and in honesty it's a little scary. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?

I have gone through exactly what you described. For me, the lonliness is kicking in...not so much for my friends but for companionship. He has started my preparation but I feel like things have kind of halted...
mourning the companionship of some of my friends. It feels like he is clearing the way but I just don't know whats ahead. I can't explain it but I feel like he is preparing my life for something great and in honesty it's a little scary. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience?

me too ..mourning them..him...

it is so painfully startling but I am in divine trust and submissions..I went to pray ..took a lay down for a moment.. dozed briefly and was shocked that I woke up absolutely terrrfied
...It's been awhile since that feeling seized me on waking.. usually it's one of love and peace
gratitude and anticipation

Found this to be timely ...maybe helpful for those of us living in questions or in the hallway

Equipped To Reach Our Destiny

23 October 2008
Genesis 32:25, 28 'When the man saw that he could not overpower [Jacob], he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man …'

When God is about to bring us into a new level of influence, he often seems first to weaken us - in the very areas where we used to feel we were strongest! (Or, he allows circumstances that seem to weaken us.) Jacob loved control; now he faced off against someone he could not control. Sometimes, God removes our reliance on what we think are our strengths, because these things will never bring us to fill our zone of influence. He has only one goal: seeing us equipped to reach our incredible destiny in his grace.
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