God Winks


Well-Known Member
My cousin doesn't believe in coincidence, in fact, she calls things that seemingly align "out of nowhere" God winks. The little signs that God gives us to let us know he loves us and everything will be o.k.

Yesterday evening I felt very down about a certain situation, and then I came across a youtube video that mentioned the very situation I was thinking about. The speaker spoke about prayer and praise as a means of sanctifying our environment etc. I needed the reminder, so when I got home I prayed and started praising God.

As I praised, "out of nowhere" I was led to read James 1. I did. A few minutes later, my sister called me to see if I was o.k. then said to me you know "you should read James 1." Ladies I was appalled and felt so comforted at the same time. What a confirmation! My sister had no idea I had just read James 1 and recommended the same verse. God is awesome.

So share your God winks :)
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I don't believe in coincidence either. I believe everything happens for a reason.

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Oh I love this... "God Winks".

I have so many loving 'Winks' from God. One of the latest and biggest occurred last Friday. There was a political issue that I did not want to go through. Early Friday morning as I sat at my desk, there it was, the local news alert was in my email stating that the vote on this issue was going to take place on Friday. I didn't want this to occur. :nono:

After a very busy morning, I finally sat at my desk to eat lunch and again was the email alert from that morning about the issue being voted upon. I sat there and just prayed, "Lord, please don't let this go through". No sooner than I prayed that simple but heartfelt prayer, another email came through from the local news stating that the vote had been declined.

This was an ultimate 'WOW' :wow: I mean, I was just sitting there with the original message in front of me from that morning and the moment I prayed, the confirming message came right before my eyes (and my heart).

It was no different than having God sitting right there next to me and giving me the answer to my prayers.

This morning, God gave me further confirmation that this issue was not and will never go through. :yep:

God winked. Surely He winked. That was NO coincidence.

Praise His Wonderful Loving Heart and Name. :Rose:
That's amazing! God is so great.

It does seem to happen to me round the clock when I'm especially down about something or honestly, times when I'm running hard in the opposite direction from The Lord.
Wonderful thread! I've been having some problems at work and I even started a thread about it. So a few weeks ago I checked the mails we get from our boss to see at what time I had to start and it said 13h30, but luckily I always wake up three hours before I have to be at work (I like to snooze, pray, take my time to shower,...etc). Anyway, I checked my personal planner at 12h00 just to make sure and it said that I had to start at 12h30! I got at work on time and avoided the drama that would've ensued had I been late! God is truly amazing! The reason why I had to start an hour earlier is because of the class that I'm taking this semester (on mondays)...it's a long story, let's just say The Lord came through for me. I'll be keeping a close eye to this thread!
Not too long ago I ordered shoes on Ebay and at the same time I was looking for a pair of shoes I couldn't find at H&M (even started a thread about it). It was taking a while for the shoes at Ebay to arrive and as for the shoes at H&M, I asked our very own member FlowerHair to order them for me in Sweden (and she did!)...guess what? Both shoes arrived today at my doorstep! The Lord is amazing! Just when I was starting to think that the shoes I ordered on Ebay would never arrive...