God is trying to tell you something..........


Well-Known Member
I've always been an independant person, and very satisfied with being single. When i was young I never wanted a husband or children. But over the past month, I have had this strong urge to get married. I've been trying to ignore it and talk myself into surpressing it, but lately it has been pretty bad. I mean so bad I have been constantly daydreaming about being married and having a husband. All the time.

Is the Lord trying to tell me something? Or is this just a feeling that will pass with time?
Glamourous said:
I've always been an independant person, and very satisfied with being single. When i was young I never wanted a husband or children. But over the past month, I have had this strong urge to get married. I've been trying to ignore it and talk myself into surpressing it, but lately it has been pretty bad. I mean so bad I have been constantly daydreaming about being married and having a husband. All the time.

Is the Lord trying to tell me something? Or is this just a feeling that will pass with time?

I think so. It's ironic, b/c I think the Lord is telling me the exact same thing. I was just like you, never wanting to get married, and I still say it, but I feel like God is really trying to move me to change my mind. I'm still in my 20's but He's been putting certain feelings on my heart, to be more connected.

The last few years, I had kind of gone into isolation b/c I was in law school and superbusy. But God has put certain "pebbles in my path":lol: lately to remind me that I'm not an island, and that I do need men.

A few months ago, I ended up with 3 flat tires over a two week period. Each time I called Triple A (AAA), and of course a man came and changed it. But how often does stuff like that happen, unless God is trying to tell you something. I've always had a great relationship with my dad, and guy friends, but lately it's like He wants me to want more.

So, maybe He's trying to prepare you to be a wife, which isn't bad. It doesn't mean you'll be married tomorrow, it just may mean that it's His will for your life.:)
Glamourous said:
Thanks cocoberry :) If only I could stop daydreaming now....
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :grin: :grin: :lachen: :lachen:

Ha, you just made me think of this song from one of those childhood stories...

"Someday my prince will come..."