God is Starting to Answer Prayers!


New Member
Well, some of ya'll know wabout the financial srtuggles we have been having and trying to get money for hubby's board exam and getting his car to work. Well, my father in law is visiting this week and do you know that he paid for hubbs exam $625) and got the car fixed(over $400) and we never asked? Plus he bought a bunch of clothes for the kids. Isn't God great? Thank you Lord for your many wonderful blessings!

We still have financial and other issues to overcome, but I have faith that we will.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and continue to keep us in your prayers. Next biggie is for hubby to do what Bubbln did and blow up the board exams. By faith it will be done! Please pray to hat end for us! Thank you!
Praise God!!! He's on time! :yep:

good2uuuu said:
Well, some of ya'll know wabout the financial srtuggles we have been having and trying to get money for hubby's board exam and getting his car to work. Well, my father in law is visiting this week and do you know that he paid for hubbs exam $625) and got the car fixed(over $400) and we never asked? Plus he bought a bunch of clothes for the kids. Isn't God great? Thank you Lord for your many wonderful blessings!

We still have financial and other issues to overcome, but I have faith that we will.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and continue to keep us in your prayers. Next biggie is for hubby to do what Bubbln did and blow up the board exams. By faith it will be done! Please pray to hat end for us! Thank you!
This is awesome woman of God keep what you are doing up. Dont stop. God is in the blessing business. :)

good2uuuu said:
Well, some of ya'll know wabout the financial srtuggles we have been having and trying to get money for hubby's board exam and getting his car to work. Well, my father in law is visiting this week and do you know that he paid for hubbs exam $625) and got the car fixed(over $400) and we never asked? Plus he bought a bunch of clothes for the kids. Isn't God great? Thank you Lord for your many wonderful blessings!

We still have financial and other issues to overcome, but I have faith that we will.

Thanks to all of you who have prayed for us and continue to keep us in your prayers. Next biggie is for hubby to do what Bubbln did and blow up the board exams. By faith it will be done! Please pray to hat end for us! Thank you!
Oh I was going to pm you to see how you were doing. That's great news I'm happy for you, & of course I'm still praying for ya!