God is sooo good!


Loc'd up and loving it!
I just had to come in here and share this. My mother was in a very bad car accident last night. The car is completely totalled; when I got to the scene I threw up because I thought she was probably disfigured.. or worse. No one would tell us anything. After following the ambulence to the hospital and waiting nervously in the waiting room they told me that she barely has a scratch!! She has a few bruises on her leg but there wasn't even any blood shed. Isn't God good???

Please pray for her healing! She is complaining of back and pelvis pains, and she can't stand up or walk but she is still alive and able to talk to us. I give all thanks and praise to God for keeping her! God blocked it!! :yahoo:
Its always good to see messages like this, it melts those doubts away and keeps us holding on. If your mom can talk then tell her to brag on how good he was. That'll get those bruises healed faster than anything!
I just had to come in here and share this. My mother was in a very bad car accident last night. The car is completely totalled; when I got to the scene I threw up because I thought she was probably disfigured.. or worse. No one would tell us anything. After following the ambulence to the hospital and waiting nervously in the waiting room they told me that she barely has a scratch!! She has a few bruises on her leg but there wasn't even any blood shed. Isn't God good???

Please pray for her healing! She is complaining of back and pelvis pains, and she can't stand up or walk but she is still alive and able to talk to us. I give all thanks and praise to God for keeping her! God blocked it!! :yahoo:
Praise the name of the Lord! :bighug: