God Is Really Exposing These False Prophets..

My only thing is, why not ask God if he is a true prophet or not? I will admit in the past I have thought some men and women of God were not prophets and launched an all out assault against them on the internet only to find out upon hearing from God much later that they were true men and women of God. This was in my early walk with God but I feel horrible now and wish I would've just asked God instead of misunderstanding something they've said and jumping to conclusions. @LucieLoo12
First off: who is watching a psychic to even know that her predictions are similar to Brian Carn? Who took it upon themselves to make the comparison? And for what reason?

There is so much that is wrong here.
My only thing is, why not ask God if he is a true prophet or not? I will admit in the past I have thought some men and women of God were not prophets and launched an all out assault against them on the internet only to find out upon hearing from God much later that they were true men and women of God. This was in my early walk with God but I feel horrible now and wish I would've just asked God instead of misunderstanding something they've said and jumping to conclusions. @LucieLoo12

What makes you think I haven't asked of God? :look:

I'm not one to jump to conclusions about people at all. But I have followed Mr. Carn for a while. And by followed I mean watched his sermons on YouTube and watched his periscope and something about his just never sat right. I would always be convicted about him. A true prophet from God speaks the word of God and delivers souls. This man sells his prophecies. :confused: twists scripture and calls Benny Hinn his spiritual father. The Bible says you should know the tree by the fruit it bears. I'm not damning his soul to hell because he can still repent and make it right. But he is definitely in error...
First off: who is watching a psychic to even know that her predictions are similar to Brian Carn? Who took it upon themselves to make the comparison? And for what reason?

There is so much that is wrong here.

Not sure how the video was made but it don't take away what the video is showing. God allows things to happen.....

And it was to show where he getting his messages from
What makes you think I haven't asked of God? :look:

I'm not one to jump to conclusions about people at all. But I have followed Mr. Carn for a while. And by followed I mean watched his sermons on YouTube and watched his periscope and something about his just never sat right. I would always be convicted about him. A true prophet from God speaks the word of God and delivers souls. This man sells his prophecies. :confused: twists scripture and calls Benny Hinn his spiritual father. The Bible says you should know the tree by the fruit it bears. I'm not damning his soul to hell because he can still repent and make it right. But he is definitely in error...
I didn't watch the video, OP. A few weeks ago, the pastor at my church announced he would speaking. I'd never heard of him, so I watched a bit of one youtube video of him speaking at a church. That was all I needed to see to decide I would not be at church the Sunday he came to my church. No thanks, like you, something didn't sit right with me,
I didn't watch the video, OP. A few weeks ago, the pastor at my church announced he would speaking. I'd never heard of him, so I watched a bit of one youtube video of him speaking at a church. That was all I needed to see to decide I would not be at church the Sunday he came to my church. No thanks, like you, something didn't sit right with me,

Prophet Brian Carn was ministering way, way before this video and has demonstrated that he is a prophet without having to tap a line or watch YouTube. He's never had to force something he said to come to pass. @alexstin, I think it was selfless of you and big for your church that you sat out because when he comes, you want people who are genuine and won't hinder the work there. It says in the Bible that Jesus couldn't perform miracles because of the unbelief of the people in his own hometown. So, it's better to stay away if you don't like someone or against someone. I respect that. That's boldness.
What makes you think I haven't asked of God? :look:

I'm not one to jump to conclusions about people at all. But I have followed Mr. Carn for a while. And by followed I mean watched his sermons on YouTube and watched his periscope and something about his just never sat right. I would always be convicted about him. A true prophet from God speaks the word of God and delivers souls. This man sells his prophecies. :confused: twists scripture and calls Benny Hinn his spiritual father. The Bible says you should know the tree by the fruit it bears. I'm not damning his soul to hell because he can still repent and make it right. But he is definitely in error...

I'm not saying you didn't. I'm talking about people in general.

I have come to conclusions in the past in error. So, now for me in certain matters, I have to hear from God and not just base it off a certain feeling or misunderstand something they may have said because I've done this in the past. Ill say that there are quite a few things about God and how he truly is that have surprised me because as humans, we often think in legalistic view points or misinterpret some aspects of God based on scripture alone.

For me now, being able to actually hear the voice of God has been extremely valuable. I'm not one of those people that see a billboard and always say, "God was speaking to me through the billboard." Granted, God can speak in different ways but when it comes to certain topics, I need to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying.
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I just watched the entire video while I had some time and this viewing is very sad. In both predictions, they were both 'off' in the same areas. This is sure evidence that this isn't the Spirit of God speaking through either of them.

God does not miss... not even by a consonant nor a vowel, let alone His entire Word which shall always prove itself... Always.

We 'ALL' must pray and stay in the presence of God, always asking the Holy Spirit to prevail and to allow Him to lead and guide us into 'ALL' Truth at all times.

To God and only God, be all the glory. In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Prophet Brian Carn was ministering way, way before this video and has demonstrated that he is a prophet without having to tap a line or watch YouTube. He's never had to force something he said to come to pass. @alexstin, I think it was selfless of you and big for your church that you sat out because when he comes, you want people who are genuine and won't hinder the work there. It says in the Bible that Jesus couldn't perform miracles because of the unbelief of the people in his own hometown. So, it's better to stay away if you don't like someone or against someone. I respect that. That's boldness.

This doesn't stop Brian Carn from being in error. He has proven this by repeating the same erroneous errors that the psychic made. Could he not have 'checked' her message by going before God rather than repeat it? God does not lie and He does not change.

Regardless of Brian's past, there is now a 'fly in the buttermilk' and it should not be consumed nor served into anyone's spirit, let alone their soul.