God is funny....


Well-Known Member
God is funny - I don't expect any responses, but I had to post this.

I had three serious life-changing thoughts. Mind you, I kept these thoughts to myself and didn't share it with anyone - heck I didn't even write it in my journal.

The first thought was: Do I really want children? I was leaning towards NO, because I'm 35, I haven't had a date since my last bf about 6/7 years ago. Plus, I feel myself getting comfortable and content about being single and free. My energy level isn't the same, etc etc etc.

I was on the phone listening to my friend talk about her lack of relationship, etc. Then out of the blue, she said, MM, God just shown me your sons. :perplexed She continued to tell me, that I'm going to have twins and she described them. :perplexed I was outdone.

My SECOND thought a week later was: Do I REALLY want to get married??? I hate the thought of dating and I don't want to go through a long and complicated process to get the husband. Been there done that and I feel it should be easy and quick for me. Plus, the type of guy I like, I only seen in entertainment. NEVER EVER in real life.

Well, me and THIS SAME FRIEND, was at the mall. I was in lala land and she said MM, look up. OMGosh! Why was the type of guy I'm attracted to....just walk in front of me!!! :lick: I mean - height, hair color, built and character (from what I can discern), EVERYTHING!!! :perplexed:ohwell::spinning:

Oh and THIS SAME FRIEND, told me the other day, she saw me with this banging body (I'm trying to lose weight) in a dream. I was questioning if I should continue to lose weight or just be my size and happy.

I'm not entirely sure what God is trying to tell me.

So yeah, God answers even those silent of questions and thoughts.

Do you have any "God is Funny" moments?
My moment is isn't funny but sorta. I left one job at one workforce center and went to work in a corporate position. Got canned 2 months in and now am back at another workforce center working. It seemed the thing I tried to run from came right back. Got the job with one interview and such. I guess this was God's polite way of saying I placed you were I wanted you.

You will be a great mother and wife MarriageMaterial. I think at times or at least with me I say I don't want this or that not because I don't desire them but because I think I won't obtain them thus by saying I don't want them I soften the blow of they don't come into fruition.