Funny, I have set back to reflect and I have given my life over to God. I surrender everything.
I think God hates me.
I have prayed, fasted, stopped willfully sinning, and God refuses to speak to me or hear my prayers. I keep a prayer journal and in all of my prayers not one has been answered. It seem like the more I pray the worst everything gets. When I do pray for a thing or situation I get the opposite of what I'm praying for. Why does GOD hate me so but everyone else He love? I feel abandoned by GOD. In His word He said that He would never leave me nor forsaken me but that just what He has done.
Moonglow.... Precious Daughter of God...
This is one of those times when I wish I could 'voice' this message to you and not just type it.
Little Child of Light...Among all of the stars in the Heavens, you shine the most in the heart of God. God does indeed love you and He loves you with an everlasting love which will never ever die nor cease to exist just for you.
Within His heart, you live...deep, deep inside. are loved.
Don't go by the prayers which have yet to be answered. Instead, look a the Cross which has your name written within the Blood of Jesus which was shed upon it. Look at the love which outlines the very form of your being. Long before you were even conceived, God knew your name, and He prepared each and ever day of your life to be spent with Hiim, loving you all the way.
If I could tell you the 'stories' of my 'moments' when I felt God did not hear me or speak to me, yet He was speaking, He heard, He loved me all along.
In the Bible you will read many, many stories of those felt or it seemed that God was not there. Especially, Jesus. In His totured moments endured upon the Cross, Jesus cried out... "My God! Why hast thou forsaken me?"
You see, even He, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, had moments of feeling unloved, separated, forsaken by God.
Moon Glow... do you know that there is a beautiful song, named as such?
It's a song about love.
Moonglowdiva... you are a 'Love Song' from the heart of God Your Father in Heaven above.... filled with love.
Remember this always... Always, God Loves YOU! He always did.
He always will. Forever and ever.
"Father God... thank you for loving this precious child of yours. And indeed she is yours and no one can ever take that or your love away from her. In Jesus' name, Amen and Amen.