God Has Spoken...


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Don't Tell God How Big Your Storm is:


Tell the Storm How Big Your God is !

God has spoken and His Word Shall Not Return Unto Him Void...

Then said the LORD unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it............ Jeremiah 1:12
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Amen...Amen...and Amen!!!!

I really needed God today and as expected... "He shut down that storm!!!"

I'm glad that Father God shut it down for you. He always does... for His Baby girls whom He so dearly loves. You are right there in His heart. Always. :love3:
Great thread. I just listened to a sermon about praising God in the midst of the storm. He certainly is bigger. Someone used to tell me a long time ago to look at personal problems as "small thing (problem) to a giant (god)"
Great thread. I just listened to a sermon about praising God in the midst of the storm. He certainly is bigger. Someone used to tell me a long time ago to look at personal problems as "small thing (problem) to a giant (god)"

Amen... :yep: no Goliath ever existed that was mightier than God. Even King David as a young boy was able to slay the giants in his life, by God's Mighty Hand.
Great thread. I just listened to a sermon about praising God in the midst of the storm. He certainly is bigger. Someone used to tell me a long time ago to look at personal problems as "small thing (problem) to a giant (god)"

I learned this recently. My whole perspective has changed regarding my life problems.