God has revealed somthing to me the other day


New Member
hi how are you I havent talked to some of you in a while. But I thought I should share something with you regarding the Word of the Living God.

God recently revealed to me somethings about the media (music, TV and movies). In my humaniess I didnt understand what the big deal about all of it was. But these modern forms of media are being used by the devil in order to control people's minds. I was so scared that I even stopped listening to songs (wheather they had cussing or not) that do not glorify the Living God. I see that there are christians who can justify this by saying "well there isnt any cussing in it." But what I saying is that if it doesnt glorify God then I dont think anyone should see, or hear it.

There are many of us who are allowing unfamilar spirits into our homes and minds. In my humaness, like I said before, I couldnt understand. But thank God, God has given me discernment concerning these things.

I'm not telling anyone what to do, but in the long run, you want you mind to remain on God's Living Word at ALL TIMES. These a demons who will infiltrate your subconsicous and lead you away from what God has planned for your life.

These are the last days and evil is everywhere, just be careful of what you allow into your hearts and minds. Rememer the greatest commandment. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength."

Keep the the word on your hearts

thank you
Amen - I agree with this post in it's entirety.

The spirit of comprimise has certainly entered the church. I took my girlscout troup skating on "gospel night" last week and heard a song that I KNEW was not gospel. I asked my sister "that sounds like Usher"... make love in this club.

I skated over to the speakers to see what was going on... I heard the words clearly...

"I want to praise god in this club". What in the world is going on???

I am not perfect in this area by no means, however guarding the gates of my home for my children's sake is a top priority.

Thanks for this post.
Amen - I agree with this post in it's entirety.

The spirit of comprimise has certainly entered the church. I took my girlscout troup skating on "gospel night" last week and heard a song that I KNEW was not gospel. I asked my sister "that sounds like Usher"... make love in this club.

I skated over to the speakers to see what was going on... I heard the words clearly...

"I want to praise god in this club". What in the world is going on???

I am not perfect in this area by no means, however guarding the gates of my home for my children's sake is a top priority.

Thanks for this post.

Preach!!! The church is trying to conform to the world. The world should be conforming to the church! I turned on my radio and thought I was on a hip hop station and it was the gospel station.:wallbash: When the church mixes into the world the kids don't know what to accept or deny because everything starts to look alike.
I went to a praise and worship ceremony and the singer was singing a song and stated "I made this song to the Marques Houston song "naked"." I had to leave from the ceremony :nono:because she wrote a song to God using a song that talks about fornication. Then I heard she said later in the song, "if someone ask you to get naked, tell them we need to pray."
I pray the church sees we don't need to use the worlds things. God is the creator; we don't need to copy. I stopped listening to hip hop and ungodly stuff alot since last year around this time. After hearing the truth about hip hop from G Craig Lewis:yep: I had to change. It was hard but now I have more time to hear God.
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