God Has Blessed Me w/the Job He Led Me to!


New Member
Ummmm, yes our God is good. God told me exactly who to send my cover letter and resume to and I did. He gave me the desire to work at my church and now I am working at a non-profit org which was started by my pastor.

Now, some may say it isn't God but it is because in this economy with people losing jobs everyday - how many people can just send in their cover letter, resume and brief details of their plan of action for the organization and get the job. Look, I didn't even interview and I got the job. I got the job without an interview. They just told me the lady wants to take me on her team. She never met me before but she wants to take me on her team.

There was no job posting nor were they looking for anyone but God is able to do exceedingly above what we ask or think according to the power that worketh in us. And yeah, after praying my affections for that man have decreased tremendously. TREMENDOUSLY. Healing is possible and I believe just like I believed God would do what He said when HE said I would get this job.

I stayed faithful and didn't falter and look what he's done. Glory to God, He is true to His Word and The Word goes out and accomplished that which it is intended to and doesn't return unto Him void. So, if He's given you a revelation or a Word, don't let go or lose faith no matter how the circumstances look. Hold on and know that God is God and He is able. You do your part and God will do the rest.:yep:
WOW...so timely...synergistically timely
congats on the job

and you haven't even heard the really good part. The firm that is contracted out to do the work goes up for contract again this or next week, meanin my salary will have to be taken into consideration.

Thanks so much. I've been believing for so long that I don't even know if I am shock because when I heard the news, I didn't even shout or anything. I was happy but I have just been expecting so long and already claiming it so it was like, "Yeah, this is my job.":grin: But when it really hits me, I just start shouting.:grin::lachen:
Double congrats Chicacanella! And I sure do believe that you
were led... situations like this makes you know that God had to
have played a huge part in things working out the way the did.

Romans 8:28
That's beautiful Chica :) If you don't mind sharing, how did God speak to you? Through prayer or a feeling in your spirit? or some other way?

I stayed faithful and didn't falter and look what he's done. Glory to God, He is true to His Word and The Word goes out and accomplished that which it is intended to and doesn't return unto Him void. So, if He's given you a revelation or a Word, don't let go or lose faith no matter how the circumstances look. Hold on and know that God is God and He is able. You do your part and God will do the rest.:yep:

Thanks for sharing. I trully believe everything you said in the quote. God is blessing folks with opportunities during this difficult time.
That's beautiful Chica :) If you don't mind sharing, how did God speak to you? Through prayer or a feeling in your spirit? or some other way?

Well, as you all know I had started seeking God more towards November through worshipping, praying, just sincerely trying to get closer to Him. So, The Holy Spirit usually speaks to me through dreams, some are more profound than others and leave me shaking. Well, I had just recently had a dream inspired by The Holy Spirit and I've been able to know when it is Him or not because even when I wasn't seeking like I am now, He has always spoken to me through dreams. So, after these dreams I can hear and feel Him really clearly so since He is still there with profoundness, I just ask Him certain questions and He answers them.

So, I don't know what made me ask but I said, "God, I want to work for the church." Now, I had always wanted to work in pr for them but I never really would think that I could do it as a job. I never knew God could do stuff like this cause' as I said, I wasn't where I am now in early 2008. I didn't know God could do stuff like this or I thought it wasn't for me. You know, those type of blessings are for other people. But I guess as I was growing closer, God put faith in me to ask Him and I did but I know it was because I was growing closer and He just put the desire in my heart to ask. So, I said, "Who should I send my resume to?" Then He gave me a name.

Well, it took me some time to get my resume together but The Holy Spirit sat me down (figuratively) and told me to write the cover letter and I revised my resume a bit. He led me to go in my room and shut the door and shut the door and then as I was writing, there was something I wanted to say. So, I was impressed to pick up the bible and I did and as I opened it, I was immediately led to a scripture that was at the heart of what I wanted to say. I don't think I even turned any pages, but the words just lept off the page into my heart and I was like, "Oh my God, you are soooo good."

Then some a few weeks passed by and it was a couple of days before the new year began and The Holy Spirit woke me up and was like, "You need to send you resume off before the new year starts." So, I'm like, "Okay, I need to do this." I had like three days meaning that day, I went and changed the cover letter date, got an envelope and was, "I have to send this through the main post office so it will be there soon." I was rushing and stuff because what actually happened was He was impressing upon me days before to send it off but I really wasn't paying any attention because it wasn't as strong as when I woke up. :look: Lesson learned: When you feel God telling you to do something and know you need to do something, don't put it off until later because He is just trying to prevent you from having to run around and get it done later. It was hard because people don't understand when God speaks to you about something because they haven't heard Him for themself so all you have is God's Word and your faith in Him in His word. No matter how crazy it might sound. I had my mom telling me, "There's no one even at the office, everyone is out for the holiday break." See, right here you have someone discouraging you cause' you don't want to tell them the fulll reason you have to get it out because people look at you like you are crazy sometimes so again, it requires faith in the midst of people who think you are wasting your time. It can be your best friend that's why you can't reveal what God has told you sometimes because He has revealed it to you and plus some people's faith may not be as strong as your faith.
So, I was believing I would start somewhere in February but God came again in a dream and told me that He wanted me to stay where I am for a little longer to help this young boy and said it would be in March that I would start. In the dream, he told me the name and age of the young boy BUT get this: there was no boy at my job with this name or age. So, I'm thinking, "Okay heavenly father, who is this boy?" I ended up forgetting about that part of the dream and about three weeks later, the boy showed up. I had never met him before and even when he was there, it didn't really click that it was him. So, about a week later he was doing something and the holy spirit reminded me of the dream and I was like, "Ohhhhhhhhhh, this is the boy!" :lachen:

But anyhow, God told me to call one of the ladies I sent my resume to but she wasn't the person to hire BUT she sent it to the right person. I believe God used my relationship with her to get it to the Executive Director because if I had just sent it off rip, he wouldn't have been as receptive BUT since it came from her, he was. So, I called him and left a message. I waited a week but he didn't get back. So, God told me to call again. I did and prayed for God to move his heart and put favor on me with anyone who is in charge of me getting that job. I asked God to speak to their heart, mind, soul, spirit and whole being and hire me. I said, "God, let them say, 'Yes, we need this girl. We're going to hire her." So, I saw him at church and he was sitting at the table with my last name in charge of giving back yearly tithe and offering statement. They were seperated by names and he had two letters. Coincidence...I think not! So, I came up and talked to him and he said call him. So, I was like he shouldn't have said that, cause I'm going to hunt this man down. I guess God had put it in me to pursue him until I got an answer. I had even sent him an email by searching for his name on google.:lachen: And I called him and he was like, "Thanks for being so persistent and that "he liked that I was persistent." I remember the scripture, "the violent take it by force." Now, you want to know why I say this and I do because I told God that I wanted this job in pr to give Him glory. I said, "My main goal is to have souls saved through hearing about the wonderful blessings you are bestowing upon my church, that you are real and that everyone in the body of Jesus Christ is not selfish or uncaring like some of the media may try and portray." I didn't like this one-sided view and I asked God to use this as an avenue so that either someone could have a seed planted in their heart or changed their perception about Christianity, someone could say, "Let me go and see what this church is about" or "At least go to some church." If they come, then at service The Word will go forth and Jesus draws men towards Him so that is an opportunity for someone to be saved. So, this is the scripture Matthew 11:12. This isn't just some job for me, this is advancing the kingdom of heaven and souls are being touched and saved with God receiving the glory for having such mercy.

12And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

Here is some commentary:

February 10

In Matthew 11:12 Jesus said "the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force." What curious words in light of the religious violence spreading across the world today in the name of Islam. Islam spreads through the power of the sword. The word "islam" means "submit." That is done either wilingly or unwilling. They spread their message through terror and violence. But what does Jesus mean about the "kingdom of heaven?"

First of all the "kingdom of heaven" has always suffered at the hands of violent men. That is true from the very first murder. Cain slew Abel based upon religious jealousy.
The balance of the Old Testament is filled with wickedness and violence.

John the Baptist, the forerunner of Christ, was beheaded. Jesus was crucified. And all of the twelve Apostles were killed for their faith in Christ.

However, the text verse in Matthew also offers the understanding that the kingdom is "forcefully advancing." Scholars state that this is the most plausable meaning of the second portion of the verse. It takes determined, zealous people, filled with the Holy Spirit, to advance the "kingdom of heaven."

To be in the "kingdom of heaven" you cannot afford to be ruled by fear of either the enemies of the kingdom, or the fear of trying to advance His cause. It takes determination, power, consistancy, vision, and obedience to advance the kingdom. Pray and God will assist you.
Pastor Moraine

I was rushing and stuff because what actually happened was He was impressing upon me days before to send it off but I really wasn't paying any attention because it wasn't as strong as when I woke up. :look: Lesson learned: When you feel God telling you to do something and know you need to do something, don't put it off until later because He is just trying to prevent you from having to run around and get it done later. It was hard because people don't understand when God speaks to you about something because they haven't heard Him for themself so all you have is God's Word and your faith in Him in His word. No matter how crazy it might sound.

Thanks Chicacanella for your testimony :yep:

This above is so true. I always complain that I don't hear God's voice. But I will have an urging in me sometimes that prompts me to do things I don't feel like doing. It will be minor things like a feeling to step away from the computer after too much web browsing. When I don't heed to this I feel the effects later.

I am happy for you and your new job!
and you haven't even heard the really good part. The firm that is contracted out to do the work goes up for contract again this or next week, meanin my salary will have to be taken into consideration.

Thanks so much. I've been believing for so long that I don't even know if I am shock because when I heard the news, I didn't even shout or anything. I was happy but I have just been expecting so long and already claiming it so it was like, "Yeah, this is my job.":grin: But when it really hits me, I just start shouting.:grin::lachen:

And this is more than just a job...but is something you're passionate about? What a blessing! Congratulations.:dance7:
I always love your posts. Your blessings are just showering in left and right! Thanks for the scriptures you've included in this as well. I was definately needing to hear them and now I feel energized to finally finish the work God has commissioned me to do.
I always love your posts. Your blessings are just showering in left and right! Thanks for the scriptures you've included in this as well. I was definately needing to hear them and now I feel energized to finally finish the work God has commissioned me to do.

Yes, God is sooooo good. His glory is overwhelming in so many ways. But God is changing my cousin. This was the before cousing....the one who drinks alcohol to much, smokes weed and does other substances. Nothing "heavy" like cocaine but still it is against God's will. The one who wouldn't step foot in a church, curses out his mother, etc.

BUT GOD....Now, he and the relationship between his mother is changing and they are praying together. He is praying when he wouldn't even step foot in the church. I was praying hard for him, fervently and I prayed for my uncle and he said he felt good...really he felt the holy spirit flowing through me. I broke curses that may have been on my uncle and I also replaced them with blessings.

Then I was talking to this young guy at my job and he said he went to church. I'm always interested in the why so he said, "I don't know. I was walking down the steet getting ready to "slang" and then I turned around. Then I was like, "Let me go in this church." He said he wasn't planning to do that it just popped in his head so he went. Do you know that I have been praying fervently for God to pour out His spirit out on the men and women in my city and have been praying for the youth at my job. I asked God to dispense His holy and mighty angels down onto the campus and to have them minister to the youth that don't have the holy spirit to teach and guide them and even the ones that are saved. I said, "God, let your holy angels minister to them telling them, "Don't do this, or Don't do that or Go to church, etc." And now this young guy who sells drugs is going to church without even knowing why...he's just doing it yet he thinks he is just thinking it for no reason. But I know the reason...BUT GOD has yet again glorified Himself through his love...mercy, faithfulness, holiness, true to His word that His will is for every man to be saved. BUT GOD...:grin:
THis is amazing. I think God was trying to tell me something at Church 2 sundays ago and I just did not get it until I read this. Thank You so much for sharing. I am emailing my pastor tomorrow!
God is good. We in the Body of Christ should have no worries about unemployment rates and poor economy. Our God is above it all and can and will and has made a way for us, we have to continue our faithfulness to his promise as stated in jeremiah 29:11 and he will prosper us.
