Well-Known Member
I was reading this on the Elijah List, http://www.elijahlist.com and it really blessed me. I pray it blesses you, also! :grin:

God Has a Spouse For You!
Intro by Tawny Nelson:
I know only too well the longing I had (painful at times) of wanting to be married, yet not being able to find that special someone for me. Entering my 30's, I can remember all the questions I had within myself for God: Am I really supposed to be married? Would You give me or allow me to have the desire to be married and not fulfill it? Are my desires godly? Am I doing what I need to be doing?
Can you relate? Do you know intimately these questions within yourself? Do you want to be married?
Patricia King gives sound Biblical, practical and wise answers to each and every one of those questions. I believe that if you take the time to watch Patricia's 28-minute "Finding Your Mate" episode, you will walk away with a clear understanding of what God wants for you, you will be greatly encouraged, and you will have gained the faith to press forward in your journey with confidence!
Patricia prophesied that 2012 and 2013 would each be years when many marriages finally came together. That is when my long wait was over and my time came, when my husband Ben and I got married on April 14th, 2012, after meeting only a few months before. Patricia even testifies that many people who attended or purchased her "Finding Your Mate" Webinar found breakthrough and were married shortly after. I can attest to the fact that the eight main points she gives on this video on "how to prepare for your mate" are spot on and most were a part of my own journey.
I encourage you...WATCH – even if you're already married, watch for your single friends, and learn what God's hopeful answers are for you. You'll gain practical and simple wisdom and understanding on how to prepare for your mate, and continue confidently in your own God-given adventure of LIFE!
Tawny Nelson, Editor
The Elijah List

God Has a Spouse For You!
Do you want to be married? Are you looking for a mate? Do you know someone who is? Then this episode of Everlasting Love TV is for you. Patricia King shares a prophetic word about God bringing couples together, and how you can partner with the Lord to find your mate.
CLICK HERE to watch "Finding Your Mate" or go to: https://www.xpmedia.com/video/13227/finding-your-mate.
God loves relationship. He loves bringing a man and woman together in holy matrimony. And He has been doing it ever since Adam and Eve. Watch this episode of Everlasting Love TV to find out how you can partner with God to find your mate.
F8THINHIM thank you for sharing!

The website is loaded with so many videos on different topics. Thus far, I've watched Favor Factor; The Discipline of the Lord, and Breakthrough and have been blessed.

I've never heard of Patricia King until now and her messages are encouraging and inspirational.

I have a question for you... I see that you have been married for almost 3 years in your signature. I'm wondering what drew you to this article and video if you are already married and no longer waiting on a spouse?

I have a question for you... I see that you have been married for almost 3 years in your signature. I'm wondering what drew you to this article and video if you are already married and no longer waiting on a spouse?

Poohbear, I just saw this. I was drawn to this since I am always trying to share wisdom and encouragement. I was in my late 40s when I finally married, and so many single women I know (my age and younger) were so excited for me and expressed how much hope they have since they were able to witness my marriage.
I am still learning and growing in how to share the message about doing things God's way, so I am always on the lookout for different ways to express God's Message. I lost a lot of time as a young woman with a lot of foolishness in my past, so I love to share with women Truth from my experience or from things I come across, like this. :luv2::luv2:
Poohbear, I just saw this. I was drawn to this since I am always trying to share wisdom and encouragement. I was in my late 40s when I finally married, and so many single women I know (my age and younger) were so excited for me and expressed how much hope they have since they were able to witness my marriage.

I am still learning and growing in how to share the message about doing things God's way, so I am always on the lookout for different ways to express God's Message. I lost a lot of time as a young woman with a lot of foolishness in my past, so I love to share with women Truth from my experience or from things I come across, like this. :luv2::luv2:

F8THINHIM... Thank you for being a Minister of Marriage. The Holy Spirit is Leading you for you are a faithful 'Hand Maiden of the Lord'.

God's Word says, 'How will they know, unless they have a "Preacher" (Messenger)? (PPH Romans 10)

God is searching the earth looking for those who will encourage others in the pureness of Marriage. Your hearts says, "Lord, here I am, send me."

Thank you so much for expressing my heart so beautifully!

Who better to share and to teach --- than one who 'knows'... :yep:

F8THINHIM..... 'You' KNOW. And your heart is able and most of all, WILLING to share.

How often do we taste something so wonderful that we share it with others?

How often do we share what works for our "Hair" on this forum?

How much more to share the wonderful gift of Marriage... tried and tasted and proven to be true. If God did it for 'me', He'll surely do it for 'you'.

God's Word says, 'Taste and see that the Lord is Good'.

Jesus said, "Now 'go' and tell others..."

Your heart sings out... "Lord, send me, I will tell the whole world, the goodness of your love, for I have 'tasted' and have found you 'True and Good, and Faithful'.

Marriage is not 'lost', nor invincible, nor denied for the hearts who've cried as if their dreams have died. Nooooooo..... :nono: For them, God's answer is and has always been 'Yes'. And He is using your Loving Heart to tell them....

Marriage is still alive and well and still theirs to have and to hold from this day forward and forever. For it is the first Gift that God gave to Man.... "Marriage"... One Man, One Woman, under God.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.

I was avoiding this because I did not feel like giving yet another website my email but I thoroughly enjoyed this!!! Thank you I will pass this on..... This really rejuvenated me

I was avoiding this because I did not feel like giving yet another website my email but I thoroughly enjoyed this!!! Thank you I will pass this on..... This really rejuvenated me

I understand not wanting to subscribe your email to yet another website. I am so glad to know you took the time and it blessed you! :blowkiss:
People keep saying Im single or dating too much because I'm picky? I'm starting to lose faith God is going to send me my hearts desire....maybe what I want is not one He desires for me? Yet I can't let it go what I am attracted to and desiring spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally I think all those romance novels I've been reading since I was 11 have jaded me and things like this won't happen to me Are princes even out there anymore?

I'll watch the video but I am pretty content with the thought it's not going to happen to me I want a successful fine saved man too It does state aman finds a wife but he must not be looking for me
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I have been single a long time. I expect to be found. Lately, even more so, when I needed something, it was at hand. I turned left and the source appeared. I turned right and the need was met. He will meet the need of this as well!
People keep saying Im single or dating too much because I'm picky? I'm starting to lose faith God is going to send me my hearts desire....maybe what I want is not one He desires for me? Yet I can't let it go what I am attracted to and desiring spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally I think all those romance novels I've been reading since I was 11 have jaded me and things like this won't happen to me Are princes even out there anymore?

I'll watch the video but I am pretty content with the thought it's not going to happen to me I want a successful fine saved man too It does state aman finds a wife but he must not be looking for me


STOP! Stop confessing doubt and unbelief.

Okay? :yep:

Be not afraid, only believe...

In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I started to overlook this and I didn't want another pep talk but her video was right what I needed to hear and lined up with what I have been believing about manifestation and speaking words of faith. Too often self doubt and fear creep in my heart but I am encouraged to speak words of faith for this desire of my heart in Jesus name.
I totally understand where you are coming from. Many of my friends and family call me picky because I am looking for certain type of man.

You have to continue to trust and seek God for he WILL give you the desires of your heart. It's been hard for me watching most of my family and friends get into relationships who are not living for God nor have the desire to and it can be discouraging but I have to keep the faith.

This walk is not an easy one but so well worth it.

People keep saying Im single or dating too much because I'm picky? I'm starting to lose faith God is going to send me my hearts desire....maybe what I want is not one He desires for me? Yet I can't let it go what I am attracted to and desiring spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally I think all those romance novels I've been reading since I was 11 have jaded me and things like this won't happen to me Are princes even out there anymore?

I'll watch the video but I am pretty content with the thought it's not going to happen to me I want a successful fine saved man too It does state aman finds a wife but he must not be looking for me