God giving me a word...impermeable


Well-Known Member
Most of the time God speaks to me when I am sleeping or He will give me a quick word just as I am waking up. I woke up a few times in the middle of the night last night and each time I woke up the word He was speaking to me was “impermeable”. I’ve heard this word before, but only as it relates to science. So, I looked it up in the dictionary and it means “1 impossible to get through or into <the wall of security people surrounding the rock band was impermeable> -
2 not allowing penetration (as by gas, liquid, or light) <an impermeable seal on the ancient tomb had preserved the artifacts exceptionally well”

All morning I’ve been thinking about what this word “impermeable” and how it relates to me and my life. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Is this word in the Bible?
It's a beautiful word...indeed.

Mrselle, your precious heart is "impermeable”, for no other god can penetrate your heart, only our God...our Jesus.

God had a wall of defense about us, those whom are His. A wall of fire of protection which is "impermeable”, from satanic attacks.

In Genesis, God made Sarah "Iimpermeable”, from being touched by no other man than her husband Abraham. God was protecting His Covenant and His plan of Salvation with whom Abraham God has established. No other man nor his seed was allowed to penetrate Sarah's womb, for it was the pure path which began the Bloodline of Jesus.

In Jeremiah, it is a ''fenced brazen wall" protecting the saints and the ministers of God.

In Exodus, it was the pillar of cloud by day and the fire by night

In Exodus, again, it was the Red Sea that no other could cross over, other than those who were God's chosen.

In Job, his life was "impermeable”, though satan attacked his wealth, health and children, Job's life and his faith in God was "impermeable” -- 'though He slay, me blessed be the name of the Lord.'

Joshua, had faith and determination to serve God and only God which was "impermeable”. For that which he had chosen and declared, and challenged the others, "Choose you this day, whom you will serve, 'as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

"Iimpermeable”, Mary's womb. God allowed only His conception to take place for the birth of Jesus.

In Luke, it was 'Paradise', Abraham's bosom, where there was a great gulf fixed where hell could not enter in, nor those in Paradise could not go out.

"Iimpermeable”, when Jesus, Himself, walked on water...His faith would not sink.

"Iimpermeable”, the Word of God and all of it's Truth which is total Truth and all of its Holiness and its promises.

"Iimpermeable”, the foundation of our Salvation, there are no loopholes for hell to conquer. Those that belong to Jesus cannot be plucked out of His hand.

"Iimpermeable”, The Blood of Jesus. For no devil in hell can cross the Bloodline of Jesus. No devil in hell can get to us.

"Iimpermeable”, our Destinies with Jesus

"Iimpermeable”, our marriages covered in the Covenant Blood of Jesus...

"Iimpermeable”, The Love of God :heart2:
Wow, Shimmie! I think of the City of Petra when I hear the word impermeable.

Mocha, was I right in what you were sharing about the City of Petra, the ancient city?

Thanks angel...
Mocha, was I right in what you were sharing about the City of Petra, the ancient city?

Thanks angel...

Yep! What an amazing place. Wow! Thanks for the link. This is the Biblical perspective on it though. And in the Left Behind series by LaHaye and Jenkins the believers use it as a place of refuge because it's IMPERMEABLE. :grin: By the way MrsElle, Petra means rock. :yep:

Copied from http://nabataea.net/prophecy.html (pretty interesting reading especially pages 16 & 17)

Is Petra in Biblical Prophecy?

For many years now, there has been a popular theory among some Bible believing people that Petra holds a special place in Biblical prophecy. This idea has permeated many sectors of Christianity, and has left us puzzled as to it's origin. After some research we believe we have discovered the source of this interesting, if not somewhat controversial theory. It seems that it all began with a man in the USA, known as W. E. Blackstone. This man was so certain that Petra would be the secret hideout of Jews escaping from the Battle of Armageddon, that he invested $8000.00 (in the 1920's) to place boxes of Bibles in all of the caves in Petra, so that the Jews would have some interesting reading when they were hiding from the ravages of war. This idea was picked up by Joseph Hoffman Cohn of the American Board of Missions to the Jews and published in a small booklet titled: The Man from Petra. We have now obtained a copy of this book, and have reproduced it in full on Nabataea.net. The first part of the book deals with Cohn's theory of how the Battle of Armageddon will take place and how the Jews will use the ancient city of Petra as a hideout during the war. The most interesting part of the book comes on pages 16 and 17. I'm sure you will find it interesting reading. If you want to access all of this small booklet, please click here: The Man from Petra.
Yep! What an amazing place. Wow! Thanks for the link. This is the Biblical perspective on it though. And in the Left Behind series by LaHaye and Jenkins the believers use it as a place of refuge because it's IMPERMEABLE. :grin: By the way MrsElle, Petra means rock. :yep:

Copied from http://nabataea.net/prophecy.html (pretty interesting reading especially pages 16 & 17)

Is Petra in Biblical Prophecy?

For many years now, there has been a popular theory among some Bible believing people that Petra holds a special place in Biblical prophecy. This idea has permeated many sectors of Christianity, and has left us puzzled as to it's origin. After some research we believe we have discovered the source of this interesting, if not somewhat controversial theory. It seems that it all began with a man in the USA, known as W. E. Blackstone. This man was so certain that Petra would be the secret hideout of Jews escaping from the Battle of Armageddon, that he invested $8000.00 (in the 1920's) to place boxes of Bibles in all of the caves in Petra, so that the Jews would have some interesting reading when they were hiding from the ravages of war. This idea was picked up by Joseph Hoffman Cohn of the American Board of Missions to the Jews and published in a small booklet titled: The Man from Petra. We have now obtained a copy of this book, and have reproduced it in full on Nabataea.net. The first part of the book deals with Cohn's theory of how the Battle of Armageddon will take place and how the Jews will use the ancient city of Petra as a hideout during the war. The most interesting part of the book comes on pages 16 and 17. I'm sure you will find it interesting reading. If you want to access all of this small booklet, please click here: The Man from Petra.

Mocha...this is awesome! Can you imagine someone placing Bibles here and while in refuge, its the word of God which those in the protective 'ROCK' (Jesus) are able to be sustained by.
Mocha...this is awesome! Can you imagine someone placing Bibles here and while in refuge, its the word of God which those in the protective 'ROCK' (Jesus) are able to be sustained by.

I KNOW! Totally awesome! I wonder if they're still there. Probably not, huh?