GOD Cant Do That!


Well-Known Member
I just wondered how many of you all are AFRAID TO BELIEVE GOD? I know…we are RELIGIOUS…**Gasp followed by uptight voice** We are not supposed to FEAR anything. Well it’s a lot of stuff we ain’t SUPPOSED to do as Christians…BUT its still a reality in our life. Im not condoning it….Im just saying that we have to CALL THINGS OUT because pretending like it isn’t there DOES NOT bring deliverance. So once again IM CALLING MYSELF OUT…Ive been a scaredy cat when it comes to believing GOD to do BIG THINGS IN MY LIFE and by not walking in faith I have been saying "God cant do that" BUT OH HE CAN and HE WILL if we just believe.

I realized this week or rather today or rather right before I started typing this post that I have BEEN AFRAID TO BELIEVE GOD for things. I have not been really exercising my FAITH. I have been like God lead me, guide me, show me what you want me to do but I have been like GOD I WANT YOU TO DO THIS BIG FAT SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE THING IN MY LIFE AND IM GOING TO STAND ON YOUR WORD UNTIL IT MANIFESTS ITSELF IN ACCORDANCE WITH YOUR WILL! When I was younger, I grew up real real poor and I had to depend on God for everything and it really increased my faith. Fast forward, I have graduated from college gotten a decent job and now I realize that my faith has not been truly STRETCCCCHHHHHHEED in a while. I believe God to do things…like answer my prayers, give me direction, provide this that, open this door, or others…but I haven’t asked for anything recently that STRETCHES MY FAITH. So I felt led to start this thread….

LETS DO SOMETHING CRAZY! Lets believe God for something that seems impossible!!!! Exercise those faith muscles!! Don’t be spiritually lazy!! Get out your word of God and stand….GOD is GIMOUNGOUS and we are LIMITING HIM by not BELIEVING HIM FOR AMAZING THINGS! We are doing the world an injustice by not having the FAITH TO HAVE GOD DO BIG THINGS IN THE EARTH! THE OPPOSITE OF FEAR IS FAITH!! So lets get to it!

What do you feel lead to believe GOD for that will be an extreme STRETCH OF YOUR FAITH?! Feel free to pray about it first before you post.

But just know that if you POST IT and then STAND ON GOD’s word, it aint gonna be nothing but a testimony service up in this thread. Get ready…God is about to show out if we only have the FAITH!!

Ill post mine in the next post…its gonna be kinda long…God is working some things out in my heart.
I was scared that what I really wanted in my heart of hearts didn’t exist. I was scared that my expectations were too high and people would look at me crazy when I told them what I wanted. When I found the closest thing to it, I held on to it stubbornly for two years in spite of God telling me that it wasn’t it. It was easier for me to trust what I saw in the natural than to step out and believe God in the spiritual. I asked God to show me any areas that weren’t submitted and he ripped that situation from me. So now God is putting me out on a limb on a walk of faith…and now for the first time I gotta step out and trust him like never before…I have to walk on water….I have to defy odds, statistics, emotions, books, movies, and everything else and believe God for the what I deem the hardest thing that I have ever sought God for in my life. I am going to believe God for my husband and trust him that He will reveal him to me not a moment too late or not a moment too soon.

And I have sooooo many specifications….has a heart truly after God and ministry, physically attractive, equally educated, financially stable, African American, sexually compatible, who loooves me and will complement and support me in every way that I need and ways that I didn’t even think of. So…now Ive said it…that’s what I want God to do in my life. People try to act like He doesn’t exist…but I know He does…and I know that my faith will bring that manifestation in my life…I wont have to settle. Statistics lie, the Word of God is true!

Yea…so after that….the next one seems easy…okay maybe not really....I want a new car! I have had my car for three years and said that I was content to drive it to the wheels fall off... but now I want a new one and I am CHOOSING to stretch my faith in this area….and my fresh out of college behind who doesn’t have balla parents wants a 2006/07 Infiniti Q35 with no car note! Yes, that is what I am standing in faith for…that is the desire of my heart…I know that God can do it. God is my father and He can bring it about.

Please don’t get confused…I don’t serve God for material possessions but I do understand my RIGHTS as a CHILD OF GOD and I am not going to limit myself or my Daddy! So there…I said it….I want a FINE HUSBAND and a FLYY CAR!!

If we as believers cant believe God for something as simple as a car... how will I ever believe God that through our prayers and laying on of hands that people will be healed of AIDS, CANCER, DIABETES, etc. How will we ever have faith to cast out demons in his name. This is an EXCERCISE!! We gotta step up in FAITH as believers so Im challenging yall and myself as well....STREEETTCH YOUR FAITH!

Please don’t miss the significance of this....this is a SPIRITUAL ACT of TRUST and FAITH because I am asking for God to do things that are seemingly impossible to those in the natural BUT I AM STEPPING OUT ON FAITH and saying what I want Him to do in my life…its not about the things…that just represents it….If I said I want a 1995 Camry it’s a lot more plausible…and would require a lot less faith…so I am going for the gusto. Pick something OUTRAGEOUS and believe God for it...when it comes...it will not only increase YOUR faith but those around you...today a car, tommorrow a plane, the next day $3 million in relief for a starving nation....STRETCH YOUR FAITH!!

THIS (all the above that I said) is about FAITH and a TRUST that BUILDS INTIMACY and a GREATER LEVEL of DEPENDENCY with GOD. Its about doing what we were CALLED and CREATED to do as BELIEVERS!

Alright…Im done…so now I want to know…What are you going to believe God for? Your post is your first act of faith...MAKE IT BIGGER THAN YOU HAVE EVER BELIEVED GOD FOR BEFORE!

Also, feel free to contribute scriptures, experiences, etc. that are relevant to this topic as well.

Love yall :kiss:
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While I see where you're coming from in terms on relying on God 100 percent, and having faith that He can and will provide shouldn't we be careful about 'testing' Him?

What I mean by testing Him, is that sometimes as christians we act like children we make demands or ask for things that we know would be a stretch for our "parents" to give us, and when the parent does not deliver we're completely gutted and lose faith. However, a child does not have the insight that a parent may have for the decision that was made until later on. And I am sure many of us can relate to this.

So, the jist of what I am saying is God will sometimes withhold things because we are not ready or it's just not right for us. And I would really hate to see people getting their hopes up for impossible things they may never get because it's not something through which they would edify others.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
I was scared that what I really wanted in my heart of hearts didn’t exist. I was scared that my expectations were too high and people would look at me crazy when I told them what I wanted. When I found the closest thing to it, I held on to it stubbornly for two years in spite of God telling me that it wasn’t it. It was easier for me to trust what I saw in the natural than to step out and believe God in the spiritual. I asked God to show me any areas that weren’t submitted and he ripped that situation from me. So now God is putting me out on a limb on a walk of faith…and now for the first time I gotta step out and trust him like never before…I have to walk on water….I have to defy odds, statistics, emotions, books, movies, and everything else and believe God for the what I deem the hardest thing that I have ever sought God for in my life. I am going to believe God for my husband and trust him that He will reveal him to me not a moment too late or not a moment too soon.

And I have sooooo many specifications….has a heart truly after God and ministry, physically attractive, equally educated, financially stable, African American, sexually compatible, who loooves me and will complement and support me in every way that I need and ways that I didn’t even think of. So…now Ive said it…that’s what I want God to do in my life. People try to act like He doesn’t exist…but I know He does…and I know that my faith will bring that manifestation in my life…I wont have to settle. Statistics lie, the Word of God is true!

Yea…so after that….the next one seems easy…okay maybe not really....I want a new car! I have had my car for three years and said that I was content to drive it to the wheels fall off... but now I want a new one and I am CHOOSING to stretch my faith in this area….and my fresh out of college behind who doesn’t have balla parents wants a 2006/07 Infiniti Q35 with no car note! Yes, that is what I am standing in faith for…that is the desire of my heart…I know that God can do it. God is my father and He can bring it about.

Please don’t get confused…I don’t serve God for material possessions but I do understand my RIGHTS as a CHILD OF GOD and I am not going to limit myself or my Daddy! So there…I said it….I want a FINE HUSBAND and a FLYY CAR!!

If we as believers cant believe God for something as simple as a car... how will I ever believe God that through our prayers and laying on of hands that people will be healed of AIDS, CANCER, DIABETES, etc. How will we ever have faith to cast out demons in his name. This is an EXCERCISE!! We gotta step up in FAITH as believers so Im challenging yall and myself as well....STREEETTCH YOUR FAITH!

Please don’t miss the significance of this....this is a SPIRITUAL ACT of TRUST and FAITH because I am asking for God to do things that are seemingly impossible to those in the natural BUT I AM STEPPING OUT ON FAITH and saying what I want Him to do in my life…its not about the things…that just represents it….If I said I want a 1995 Camry it’s a lot more plausible…and would require a lot less faith…so I am going for the gusto. Pick something OUTRAGEOUS and believe God for it...when it comes...it will not only increase YOUR faith but those around you...today a car, tommorrow a plane, the next day $3 million in relief for a starving nation....STRETCH YOUR FAITH!!

THIS (all the above that I said) is about FAITH and a TRUST that BUILDS INTIMACY and a GREATER LEVEL of DEPENDENCY with GOD. Its about doing what we were CALLED and CREATED to do as BELIEVERS!

Alright…Im done…so now I want to know…What are you going to believe God for? Your post is your first act of faith...MAKE IT BIGGER THAN YOU HAVE EVER BELIEVED GOD FOR BEFORE!

Also, feel free to contribute scriptures, experiences, etc. that are relevant to this topic as well.

Love yall :kiss:

I stand in faith with you. :D

You just reminded me that I have a "dreamboard" at home. I put everything I am believing God for on it. Maybe post I'll about it in the near future. It needs a little bit of updating though...
Lusa....I agree with you...so let me explain further....

Psalms 37:4 says Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart; Commit they way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.

There is an order to FAITH....First, we must have our delight in him...that means our heart must be right before God THEN AND ONLY THEN will he give us our hearts desires. He then instructs us to commit our way to him...which means submitting our will to his...then we have to TRUST him...and then it will come to pass.

We can believe God for ANYTHING according to His will! However, as believers we place our expectations sooooooo low because we are soo scared our expectations may not be met or we may be dissappointed...which is essentially a lack of FAITH. There are many people who simply dont BELIEVE that God can and will do those things in their life...so they end up missing out.

This is what this post is about. Challenging yourself to trust and have faith in God. For me, I could care less about a car one way or another...it is just symbolic of a spiritual walk in my life where I am EXPECTING God to do major things...things that men say arent possible...God's word says that He will give us exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think...so anything we request is already too small for God.

There is NO limit to what we can believe GOD for when our hearts are right before him. IT IS important that we seek GOD about what we even ask and believe him for so that situations that you mentioned by wanting things we arent ready for, etc. dont happen. The things I had posted were things that were on my heart and I feld led to trust Him for in my spirit. That is why I encouraged people to pray before they post.

I just want people to THINK BIG as far as their faith...its not about testing God or being materialistic...its about MODERN DAY WALKING ON WATER...Believing God for the impossible.
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brownsugarflyygirl said:
Lusa....I agree with you...so let me explain further....

Psalms 37:4 says Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart; Commit they way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.

There is an order to FAITH....First, we must have our delight in him...that means our heart must be right before God THEN AND ONLY THEN will he give us our hearts desires. He then instructs us to commit our way to him...which means submitting our will to his...then we have to TRUST him...and then it will come to pass.

We can believe God for ANYTHING according to His will! However, as believers we place our expectations sooooooo low because we are soo scared our expectations may not be met or we may be dissappointed...which is essentially a lack of FAITH. There are many people who simply dont BELIEVE that God can and will do those things in their life...so they end up missing out.

This is what this post is about. Challenging yourself to trust and have faith in God. For me, I could care less about a car one way or another...it is just symbolic of a spiritual walk in my life where I am EXPECTING God to do major things...things that men say arent possible...God's word says that He will give us exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think...so anything we request is already too small for God.

There is NO limit to what we can believe GOD for when our hearts are right before him. IT IS important that we seek GOD about what we even ask and believe him for so that situations that you mentioned by wanting things we arent ready for, etc. dont happen. The things I had posted were things that were on my heart and I feld led to trust Him for in my spirit. That is why I encouraged people to pray before they post.

I just want people to THINK BIG as far as their faith...its not about testing God or being materialistic...its about MODERN DAY WALKING ON WATER...Believing God for the impossible.

Angel, you never stop being a blessing. I truly believe that you are one of gifts that God has promised me from my 'list.'

You have no problem with me believing God. I've seen too much. And I'm alive to tell it. God bless you Brownsugarflygirl. This is not just words, either...God bless you with the bless and Yes...He can and will do all that you are beliieving Him for. I am in agreement with you ... for you.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Lusa....I agree with you...so let me explain further....

Psalms 37:4 says Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart; Commit they way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.

There is an order to FAITH....First, we must have our delight in him...that means our heart must be right before God THEN AND ONLY THEN will he give us our hearts desires. He then instructs us to commit our way to him...which means submitting our will to his...then we have to TRUST him...and then it will come to pass.

We can believe God for ANYTHING according to His will! However, as believers we place our expectations sooooooo low because we are soo scared our expectations may not be met or we may be dissappointed...which is essentially a lack of FAITH. There are many people who simply dont BELIEVE that God can and will do those things in their life...so they end up missing out.

This is what this post is about. Challenging yourself to trust and have faith in God. For me, I could care less about a car one way or another...it is just symbolic of a spiritual walk in my life where I am EXPECTING God to do major things...things that men say arent possible...God's word says that He will give us exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think...so anything we request is already too small for God.

There is NO limit to what we can believe GOD for when our hearts are right before him. IT IS important that we seek GOD about what we even ask and believe him for so that situations that you mentioned by wanting things we arent ready for, etc. dont happen. The things I had posted were things that were on my heart and I feld led to trust Him for in my spirit. That is why I encouraged people to pray before they post.

I just want people to THINK BIG as far as their faith...its not about testing God or being materialistic...its about MODERN DAY WALKING ON WATER...Believing God for the impossible.

I completely agree with you. I was just having a conversation with a deacon at my church about how many Christians are struggling with the same issues as people outside the church, and not being healed/delivered, because they don't realize how BIG the GOD they serve is. It's sad when we as Christians allow our struggles to get the best of us, because we are no good to anyone else, especially those who need us most. If a Christian is in debt and can't get out, he/she can't help his non-Christian friend see the blessings and miracles of God. If we are sick/unhealthy, we can't show non-believers how to be healed, and that the Lord can do or undo everything.

Normally, I am a very private person. But your post has inspired me so much, I am going to share something that has been a dream for me.

I have already given to God that I will be a lawyer. I have no doubt that I will pass that bar! I am going to thank my Heavenly Father already, as I wait to hear back, because He loves me. I have given it to Him, and I now have peace.
cocoberry10 said:
Normally, I am a very private person. But your post has inspired me so much, I am going to share something that has been a dream for me.

I have already given to God that I will be a lawyer. I have no doubt that I will pass that bar! I am going to thank my Heavenly Father already, as I wait to hear back, because He loves me. I have given it to Him, and I now have peace.

Thank you for sharing...I am standing in faith with you :)
I too have a passion for law...
Thank you brownsugarflyygirl

You have been blessing me lately also -

I am also standing on God's word and believe him for all of his promises. And when he does it, I am going to let you all know :)
I believe him Nothing is impossible with God.

I believed Him for the desires of my heart Psalms 34:7 .

I took His word mixed it with my faith, and my offering sowed it in God ground and guess what ladies, now I am driving around in my dream car.

Now I am believing Him for Acts 16:31 it shall manifest.
My stretch of faith is that I will be able to study abroad in Brazil this summer for free. I have been speaking this reality into my life for 2 years. I have claimed it everyday and I know beyond a doubt that it is mine.

Another stretch of faith like BMFG is my future husband. After a terrible breakup last year I was so diligent in praying for myself. To understand that I am worthy of love and a committed relationship. I prayed for months about why I was worthy as a child of God to be restored in the relationship department as my previous relationship really hurt. Then something happened but it was not what I would have expected. A wonderful man walked into my life ready for partnership, relationship building, honesty, developing his walk with Christ and so many other things I prayed for in a mate. Except he didn't look anything like I thought ( he is not brown like me). I am taken back by this glorious man and I have been praying for him daily since he arrived in my life. Still this is stretching my faith because I know God is working here I just don't know how and I believe.
planodiva said:
My stretch of faith is that I will be able to study abroad in Brazil this summer for free. I have been speaking this reality into my life for 2 years. I have claimed it everyday and I know beyond a doubt that it is mine.

Another stretch of faith like BMFG is my future husband. After a terrible breakup last year I was so diligent in praying for myself. To understand that I am worthy of love and a committed relationship. I prayed for months about why I was worthy as a child of God to be restored in the relationship department as my previous relationship really hurt. Then something happened but it was not what I would have expected. A wonderful man walked into my life ready for partnership, relationship building, honesty, developing his walk with Christ and so many other things I prayed for in a mate. Except he didn't look anything like I thought ( he is not brown like me). I am taken back by this glorious man and I have been praying for him daily since he arrived in my life. Still this is stretching my faith because I know God is working here I just don't know how and I believe.

Love the bolded part. :yep:
Wow! I have no doubt in Gods power and have total faith in him. He saved me way too many time and outta some life altering situations. I know he is all powerful. He never promised we wouldn't have troubles but that he would alway be with us. He can make a way outta no way. He can change the most violent and ungrateful person into a pussycat. You just gotta stay firm in your belief in him and allow his will cuz whenever you try to do it alone or your way it goes astray.
brownsugarflyygirl said:
Lusa....I agree with you...so let me explain further....

Psalms 37:4 says Delight thyself also in the Lord and he shall give thee the desires of thy heart; Commit they way unto the Lord, trust also in him, and he shall bring it to pass.

There is an order to FAITH....First, we must have our delight in him...that means our heart must be right before God THEN AND ONLY THEN will he give us our hearts desires. He then instructs us to commit our way to him...which means submitting our will to his...then we have to TRUST him...and then it will come to pass.

We can believe God for ANYTHING according to His will! However, as believers we place our expectations sooooooo low because we are soo scared our expectations may not be met or we may be dissappointed...which is essentially a lack of FAITH. There are many people who simply dont BELIEVE that God can and will do those things in their life...so they end up missing out.

This is what this post is about. Challenging yourself to trust and have faith in God. For me, I could care less about a car one way or another...it is just symbolic of a spiritual walk in my life where I am EXPECTING God to do major things...things that men say arent possible...God's word says that He will give us exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think...so anything we request is already too small for God.

There is NO limit to what we can believe GOD for when our hearts are right before him. IT IS important that we seek GOD about what we even ask and believe him for so that situations that you mentioned by wanting things we arent ready for, etc. dont happen. The things I had posted were things that were on my heart and I feld led to trust Him for in my spirit. That is why I encouraged people to pray before they post.

I just want people to THINK BIG as far as their faith...its not about testing God or being materialistic...its about MODERN DAY WALKING ON WATER...Believing God for the impossible.

Whew! Girl, you better go on! We need a smilie that's jumping up and down and waving a holy hanky!! :lol: Your words are really blessing me. :up:
I am also stretching my faith that the Lord will bring the opportunity for me to travel around the entire world...in one trip. I love to travel, but I have had this longstanding desire to travel around the entire world in one trip, kinda like "around the world in 80 days :lol:. " I tried to push the desire away, because it's not the most feasible now with all of my other responsibilities. However, the Lord keeps bringing this up because He is telling me that it's okay to want for this. I want to do this for personal and spiritual reasons. So I am standing in faith that the Lord will provide a way for this to happen, and that all aspects of this trip (time, money, accommodations, international travel regulations, safety, and any things I could not think of on my own) will be taken care of. I have a goal of making this trip happen within one year.

I would also love to photograph/video this trip. I am standing in faith that my equipment would not be destroyed and that any plans of the devil will be destroyed by the Father!
Lord knows, brownsugarflyygirl you have truly blessed me. You had me over here praising God just reading your post. The thing people fail to remember about God is that he said he will give us what we need and what we want (desire). You are right, people can expect the small things out of God but what about the things that you know you can't get on your own. Pastor Jamal Bryant, all this year has been speaking this is your year for supernatural success; Getting for example jobs you don't qualify for, houses on your own you can't pay for, and yes cars paid for brand new and etc. I have two paid off cars (nice cars) and now I desire my house to paid off plus a new one, now thats faith. Faith where money, credit, situations or nothing matters just the belief that I have in God and what he is able to do. So from this day forward I will live by expecting the unbelieveable, the naturally unconceivable and the faith that God is just waiting to dispatch angels out on our request once we make the big step and believe. So thanks brownsugarflyygirl for taking me to another level. Also, ladies another big part is that our tithes; Malachi 3:10 [FONT=Arial, Geneva, Helvetica]Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the Lord Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.
Thats my daddy!:grin:

I am in agreement with you as well as per your desires
I am believing!

Proverbs 2:3-5

3 and if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,

4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,

5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God