God bringing folks into our lives according to His plan


New Member
Its amazing what God has planned, in our dire need, He brings people into our lives for a certain purpose. Its not by chance, its all part of His purpose for our lives. I can use my story as an example, one of my closest friends I actually met her online like 7 yrs ago( she signed my guestbook), we exchanged emails maybe a couple of times and thats it, nothing more. Fast forward 4.5yrs later, I'm on the web, and randomly came across her website, I recognized it(she hadnt updated it in yrs), and something told me to send her an email, and I did just to see how everything was going and how ironic that I had stumbled across her website again. To my surprise, the old email address was still valid, and she responded back. We started chatting on msn, then phone conversations, by the time we met in person at an annual convention that we both were at 5 months later, folks thought we had known each other for yrs, even thought we were related. I've always been a believer, but at that point in my life I was backsliding on a major tip, and she was a woman of God, yet someone that wasnt knocking me down, and someone I could be open with. We fellowshiped together, she would send tapes from her church, we would discuss scriptures together, discuss dating and how it related to Christianity, within a matter of months I was filled with His Word, my faith was growing. Prior to meeting her, I had a friend who wasnt saved, and whom I had been hanging tight with who was being a negative influence to me. I had prayed about it, cut her out of my life (I needed a friend who lifted me up, not bringing me down alongside her), and asked God for a friendship that would not only lift me up, but praise His name. He did it, albeit we met in an unusual manner, it also happened that I even just so happened to introduce her to the man that eventually became her husband, a Godly man that was right for her. :) (God is truly something else :) ) She had been praying for Him for a while even when her other relationships seemed ok yet went sour. Recently looking back at everything since our chanced 2nd meeting online, we realized how crazy it all was, how we met, how we became close, even the husband part, and it all shows that God had it all planned before either one of us knew it. He placed us in each other's paths for a reason. God is truly AWESOME!! I LOVE ThE MAN! :D
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Thank you so much for your testamony. I actually met my very best friend almost 12 years ago by simply walking through a door. We have been best friends ever since. Our friendship too was estabished upon the word of God. I think it is a great testement to say how God put people together, especially women because many women distrust one another (and they have good reason in many cases) but, God is still putting folk together for His glory and His divine purpose and it is truly a blessing and a joy.

Same thing happen to her too. I met her about a month or two before she met her husband. She worked at a university as a secretary. Her husband worked at the university as well. Catch this. They worked at the same university and worked in the same department. Not only did they work at the same place but, turned out they lived on the same street. Her kids (four daughters) passed his house everyday on their way to school. Last thing, which is soooooooo funny :lol: , they both had the same last name when they met! He is a wonderful, God-fearing, loving, honorable, and family-oriented man. He loves her very much. He also loves her daughters as his own. And I say all of this to someone out there who is sitting right there at their computer thinking, " No one wants to marry me with all my children." She has 4 girls from a previous marriage. When she met him, they were 14, 10, 8, 4. Her boyfriend prior to her husband got mad with her one time and told her, " No one would ever want you with 4 children." The devil is a liar! Tell me what God won't do and I will tell you what He will! So whoever you are keep your head up and stay aligned with the perfect will of the Father and see what God'll do if you would only allow yourself to be positioned to be blessed. There are no limits. You don't have to look and you won't have to chase your blessings but,they will pursue you ;) Ladies, enjoy your day!
Gurl, you singing to the choir here. I've had people enter my life for a season, right when I was going through something God would put soneone in place to send His word or give me the right guidence or advice. Folks say miracles dont happen anymore but I think of situation like these as miracles.
August 23, 2005

Naijaqueen :)

THANK YOU for your very inspiring story :clapping: I believe with ALL of my heart that GOD truly has a plan for everyone's life IF we choose to listen FOR it and SEEK it through HIM. I am going through something in my life right NOW that is truly 'otherworld' and would most definitely be called a 'miracle,' and although I don't attend a major church anymore, I am still just as spiritual, and pray upon arising and upon going to sleep. I even talk to God thorughout the day and ask my Angels and guides to ALWAYS guide me and help me :) .. Well anyway, this 'life changing' situation I am going through IS truly amazing, and sometimes I CAN'T believe it myself and although it has taken a long time to come to pass, it IS coming to pass RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES and it IS re-affirming the STRONG belief in GOD that I have had since childhood, and also re-affirming in MY mind at least that God DOES give us graces and tender mercies and MIRACLES--IF we truly 'believe' and hold on to our faith and onto HIM :) ..... The road IS indeed long and filled with much pain and anguish, and life is never easy and your life MAY slightly be altered and delayed along the way by GOD, but GOD'S 'DIVINE TIMING' truly does exist and I can vouge for that because NOTHING will happen until GOD want's it to happen, and sometimes all we CAN do is be 'still' and 'wait' on HIM, that's for sure, and what will be WILL be sayeth God. BUT until things DO come to pass, one must CONTINUE to keep on praying, believeing and always hold on STRONGLY to one's patience which IS difficult , but CAN be done and MUST be done. :lol: ......

"God is tryly AWESOME!! I LOVE THE MAN."

NO TRUER WORDS WERE EVER SPOKEN, because I am currently living through one of God's wonderful and awesome miracles myself and I still cannot believe it even thoght it IS happening to ME :yep: ......

Later :Rose:
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Lena_1961 said:
August 23, 2005

Naijaqueen :)

THANK YOU for your very inspiring story :clapping: I believe with ALL of my heart that GOD truly has a plan for everyone's life IF we choose to listen FOR it and SEEK it through HIM. I am going through something in my life right NOW that is truly 'otherworld' and would most definitely be called a 'miracle,' and although I don't attend a major church anymore, I am still just as spiritual, and pray upon arising and upon going to sleep. I even talk to God thorughout the day and ask my Angels and guides to ALWAYS guide me and help me :) .. Well anyway, this 'life changing' situation I am going through IS truly amazing, and sometimes I CAN'T believe it myself and although it has taken a long time to come to pass, it IS coming to pass RIGHT BEFORE MY EYES and it IS re-affirming the STRONG belief in GOD that I have had since childhood, and also re-affirming in MY mind at least that God DOES give us graces and tender mercies and MIRACLES--IF we truly 'believe' and hold on to our faith and onto HIM :) ..... The road IS indeed long and filled with much pain and anguish, and life is never easy and your life MAY slightly be altered and delayed along the way by GOD, but GOD'S 'DIVINE TIMING' truly does exist and I can vouge for that because NOTHING will happen until GOD want's it to happen, and sometimes all we CAN do is be 'still' and 'wait' on HIM, that's for sure, and what will be WILL be sayeth God. BUT until things DO come to pass, one must CONTINUE to keep on praying, believeing and always hold on STRONGLY to one's patience which IS difficult , but CAN be done and MUST be done. :lol: ......

NO TRUER WORDS WERE EVER SPOKEN, because I am currently living through one of God's wonderful and awesome miracles myself and I still cannot believe it even thoght it IS happening to ME :yep: ......

Later :Rose:

That was beautiful Lena, thanks for reminding me to just hold on and keep the faith