Goal for APL Dec '09....Not happening...:( Due to a friend doing my touch up


Well-Known Member
I have a major set back. i had a friend do my touch up since my new growth is getting so thick/outta hand and what a disaster!!

My hair dropped out on both sides and in the middle.:sad::sad: i can't even wear a ponytail. such a tragedy. i was hopping to hang up all my wigs for 2010 but that can't happen anymore.

Now I am debating if too:

Nurse it and wear wigs and continue with goals (using ORS Fertizler Serum for the sides/DC's and protein with every wash)


cut it short.

I am also thinking of stretching my touch ups to give the sides/middle a chance to grow back.

Any feedback would be appreciated. My sides look so bad. :nono:
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Wow...that seriously sucks. So sorry to hear about your setback.

If you've always wanted to try out a short cut, now would be the time. Since your hair fell out in spots it would take a long time for it to even out (which can be annoying). So, it might make more sense for you to cut it short and start anew. And you could still wear wigs too.

And you should definitely stretch your touch ups. Give your scalp time to heal and make sure there's no permanent damage before you introduce chemicals again. Do you know why you had a problem this time?
what exactly did he/she do that caused the setback? And what kind of relaxer did u use (have u used that brand before)?

I'm new at this, but perhaps you had a reaction to the particular brand of relaxer?
I'm so sorry! I would be pissed, too. Maybe it's not as bad as you think. :look::ohwell::perplexed Can you let us see some pictures? :sad:
Sucks big time!

I normally do my own touch ups for the last 5 years but as my hair started to get thicker & I wanted help putting the relaxer in so not to go over time.

She pulls the relaxer through which is something I don't do and I told her that and i believe we went over 20 mins which I always follow as well. :(

New relaxer (2nd time using) Mizani Butter Blend from Affirm Sensitive scalp. results the first time was beautiful I even wore my hair out a few times.

Cha! I will take some pics.

Reecie, I just finished braiding my hair and I am not sure maybe if I gave it some time I can hide it. I dunno.

I'm just so sad and unsure right now. I like to have the options in terms of wig no wig pony tail, fake no fake. Now i have no options.

Thanks for responding ladies.

When i show the pics you will get a better idea of the damage.
Sorry this happened to you.
Did you tell your friend that you did not want the relaxer pulled through your hair?
I am so sorry this happened to you. I agree with the first poster...Maybe you should cut your hair short and start all over. The hair will grow back, just focus on it growing back healthier.
Wow...that seriously sucks. So sorry to hear about your setback.

If you've always wanted to try out a short cut, now would be the time. Since your hair fell out in spots it would take a long time for it to even out (which can be annoying). So, it might make more sense for you to cut it short and start anew. And you could still wear wigs too.

And you should definitely stretch your touch ups. Give your scalp time to heal and make sure there's no permanent damage before you introduce chemicals again. Do you know why you had a problem this time?

I agree. I had the same thing happen to me. The stylists didnt wash out the relaxer properly and it broke off on the sides and nape. And it did take a while for it to even out.

What I did was try to wear protective styles but even that got to be a chore because the sides were so short I had to use so many pins just to make a decent updo. It was getting harder to hide the damged to so I cut it off and started wearing wigs. It's growing back too. Slowly, but I do see progress. Oh and I didnt relax those areas until it had at least 2 inches of ng.

This is the pic of when it broke off http://public.fotki.com/locabouthair/1/my-problem-areas/picture070.html

Sorry to hear this happened to you.
I'm so sorry this happened to you. I had it happened twice. The first time it was so bad that I called my mother litterally crying my eyes out. Like snot running down my nose crying. I immediately went to Floriday (I'm from Atlanta) and had my mother weave my hair. In some parts of my head my hair was an inch long and the ends were so severely damaged. My hair went from collarbone length to right below my ear. The shortest I've every been. I weaved my hair for a year and a half and my hair grew back long and the rest of the hair caught up. I did not, i repeat, I did not cut my hair until it grew back and all I did was trim to even it out.

Then less then 6 months later it happened again but this time it was my nape and edges and it was so bad that I am still trying to grow it out. It's been nine months and it still hasn't gotten better. But thank god for this forum because I believe I can get it to grow back now.

I would do the wigs and let your hair get back to its health. I wouldn't cut IMO. HTH!
Thanks ladies.

pulling relaxer through my hair:
u know when your sitting there getting ur hair done u ain't always paying attn. When I felt her pulling the perm all the way i told her I don't do that with my hair. I just do new growth. she had already had "combed" it through on the other side.

Ugh and to think for 5 yrs I've been doing my own hair...to it from disaster to healthy hair and now this? what a set back.

i don't think I am going to cut it because it's going to look so retarded. I mean it looks dumb now as it is.

Regardless I can not go out without a wig or weave so I will leave as is and nurse it and pray for it to grow back FAST! and hopefully thicker. i thought about braids but that can't work because its too short.

As someone said previously i will not relax it for a while.

Such a shame really.

  • Continue to do my own hair. Only you will take the utmost care of it.
  • pay more attention if someone else is doing it.
I, personally will not have anyone put a relaxer in my hair again.
Some feel the Butter Blends is mild, but the NO-Lye version straightened the heck out of my hair. Maybe you should wear wigs instead of weaves which may result in more stress to your scalp.

Sorry this happened to you. LHCF girls will bounce back.
I'm not a great advice giver but I just wanted to give support. I had a friend do my relaxer for me in June since I did not have the money to go to my regular stylist. Girl it is going into October and I am still paying for it. Chin up - it will get better.
Aw I am sorry mama. This happened to me as well in may 2008. My hair fell out in the nape & the sides. The good news is, is that it WILL grow back & when it does it will feel great. Here was my progress after 10 months after my hair fell out:


So girl like mine, your hair will be growing back in no time. Try not to get so upset about it. I was so depressed over it other areas of my head started fallin out. :/ Baby it, protective style & you will be on your way in no time. Be sure to postpone relaxing that area for a couple of months.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I had this happen to me a long time ago. You will recover.

I got my hair cut in a cute style and nursed it back to health. My hair was DAMAGED and I didn't want to hold onto it and the split ends that kept popping up because of over processing. I say get it cut, baby it (moisturize and treat your scalp), and protect it (wigs, twisty sets, etc.) It gets better. Really it does. :yep:
I did this to myself years ago. I know how hard it can be. I decided to chuck it all and got my hair cut way short (like Halle way back when). In the end I loved it even more and it grew back stronger.

The decision has to be yours. I say hide it with wigs or something for a few days to decide what will be best for you.
I am so sorry this happened to you! Pandora gave some excellent advice-cover up with wigs for a few days and think about it-that way you don't do anything rash.
So sorry this happened. I had a similar situation about 10 years ago - my aunt did my touch up for me and I was rinsing out my relaxer, I saw A LOT of hair in the bathtub. I lost the hair on my left and right edges and right in the middle of my head :Nono:

I put in braids a few days later so that my edges could grow back out (I didn't know better then). I had to wear a hat or cap whenever I was out cos it was really bad (I had no hair in those areas) but after 2 sets of braids, I was able to cut my hair shorter to match up with my grown out areas. If you use wigs, make sure they don't cause more damage to your edges.

Good luck!
I'm sorry that this has happened...I had a similar problem in 3/08 and 8/08. Th first time I just cut my hair to chin length, and the second time (right when I joined LHCF), it was my nape area, so I opted to keep my hair braided and to get my touchups done by a beautician that I trusted. I keep my hair braided in individuals for 2 outta every 3 months, using the third month as a resting period following my relaxer. So that means that I stretch my relaxers out to every 12-14 weeks. I favor individual braids for the styling options and for the ease of care (washing/conditioning, use of growth aids if applicable). I use the crown and glory method, and when I relax, I do not relax my nape/damaged area or I put relaxer on that area last. My nape has grown back and I really think is it because I stopped relaxing it. I just texlaxed it at the end of July for the the first tie this year. And I will be texlaxing my hair from now on.

Do what you feel is best for you. Find a protective style that suits you and stick with it religiously. Give it a year and you will see results. BTW, if you do cut your hair short, now would be the perfect time to go natural for a while (your hair will grow back better that way, IMO).
Sweetg thanks so much for this post. I think this happened with to my nape
with last my texlax done by a beautician. Next texlax, I'll be doing my own.