GNC Ultra NourishHair


New Member
Three days of ingesting the GNC Ultra NourishHair dietary supplement, 2 caplets a day. My energy level is skyrocketing, walked the doggie for a straight hour at an enjoyable, rapid pace. I can hardly wait to see if it affects my hair growth the same way!
Anyone had this effect?:creatures
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LOL, for real.
Deter, I hardly noticed. I drink a minimum of two liters of water every day but I find even with my One A Day multi I get a yellow stream when I'm water deficient.
BrooklynSouth said:
LOL, for real.
Deter, I hardly noticed. I drink a minimum of two liters of water every day but I find even with my One A Day multi I get a yellow stream when I'm water deficient.

Hey, me too! When I used to take this a few years back, I always had that neon yellow urine but I hardly ever drank water. These days I drink alot to help me with my weight loss and this thread just made me realize that I don't have that neon anymore. I guess this water thing really does work:look:
To be honest I used to take it when I drank like one cup of water a week. So maybe I should get back on it???? I have to finish some of these bills i have now before i run out and get that (I pop at least 5 pills a day- that are like horse pills). I heard that Nourishhair is one of the best vitamins a person can take- so you have to keep me informed on your progress!!!
The neon yellow color is just from the B-vitamins in the pills. I used to take Ultra NourishHair and now I take Nature Made Super B-Complex and the same thing happens to me. It's nothing to be worried about. I didn't really notice the difference the GNC pills made in my hair, but when I was taking it along with MSM, my skin looked really nice.
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I use the GNC Futurebiotics. Has anyone here tried this and, if so, do you have a preference? My Futurebiotics is running low, so i'll be picking up a new bottle soon. But wondering if maybe i should considering switching to Ultra NourishHair. It seems to be more popular across the board overall.
I take GNC UltraNourishHair. I honestly can't tell if it's made a difference on my hair but it's an excellent multivitamin.