GMMP shame on you!!!!


New Member
gmmp shame on you!!!

you posted new pics of you and that gorgeous lil girl of yours and didnt tell anyone!!!! :D

i am in LOVE with your hair and hers!

i have a 5 yr. old that i'm trying to keep on a good routine

please tell me

whats her hair type?

whats your regime for her?

how do you usually style her hair?


tell me any and everything you can, till you cant type no mo :grin:

crml_buttafly said:
gmmp shame on you!!!

you posted new pics of you and that gorgeous lil girl of yours and didnt tell anyone!!!! :D

i am in LOVE with your hair and hers!

i have a 5 yr. old that i'm trying to keep on a good routine

please tell me

whats her hair type?

whats your regime for her?

how do you usually style her hair?


tell me any and everything you can, till you cant type no mo :grin:


The pictures of my hair were posted in October. (Due for an update). But I did add the one in my avatar of my daughter. Let me see if I can answer your questions.

I am absolutely clueless as to what her hair type is. It's frizzy and fine. I conditioner wash her hair. I will deep condition it with either cholesterol or a coconut oil/olive oil/honey mixture. Then, I put it in a poof.

On a daily basis, I will spritz her hair with a conditioner/water mix, apply coconut oil and put it back in the poof. Most times, I will flat-twist the temple area because of breakage from her changing clothes a million times per day and pulling down.

Mid-February, I did a twist-out for her for graduation pictures and then a couple of days later, I redid the twists but left the twists in the front (ear to ear part) and put barrettes across the top (looks like a headband) and untwisted the back. She took pictures in that style too. I have those here at work. Give me about an hour (to see if I can work this scanner at work) and I'll post those. Since those photos were done, she's been wearing a top bun and a bottom bun. Each night I take down whatever she's wearing and braid it or twist it and put a satin cap on her head. Generally, the cap will stay on.

Someone turned me on to Organic Root Simulator's Lock and Twist Gel and that stuff is phenomenal in helping maintain her twists without frizz. Once I stopped being stingy with it, it really made a difference.

The obstacles: I'm style-challenged so I steal ideas from people on here. LOL! And she has a tender head in one spot on her head. Actual tenderness to the touch. And I keep forgetting it's there, poor baby! Since I started spritzing every day with the conditioner/water mix, I haven't had the initial obstacle of dryness and brittleness that I first had. Her hair stays soft. Now that I think about it, I spritz it day and night. Hmmm, interesting. Now, if only I can do the same for mine. I take better care of her hair than I do mine.
lol i thought those were new ,lol :lachen:

thanks, i think i'm going to start a thread for mothers with daughters bc i'm always looking to improve the way i take care of my daughters hair.

i just bought the lock and twist gel the other day bc of the same reason you stated.

i'm glad to see i'm on the right path